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v Fulham (a) - 5/3/22

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Should have had a pen, we don’t, Dolan gets booked, then Pickering decided to have a wander away from his man, then that little prick Wilson bags.

What a piss take.

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3 minutes ago, Exiled_Rover said:

It doesn't matter if you're dominant if you don't create clear cut chances - we know that well enough.

Well we just conceded our second in less than 35 minutes so I think they're doing OK.

As I said, need to try and keep the score down here and not end up getting destroyed again.

Edited by DE.
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4 minutes ago, Tom said:

That’s never been a dive it’s a foul probably just outside the box you could tell by how Pickering stumbled that he tripped him 


edit unless you meant the Mitro one just then as that is a dive


There's been about 20.

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