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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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Just now, Tugay Et Labore said:

Unfortunately, unless he’s said differently(?), I can’t imagine JPvH would want to sign for us permanently. It’d be a drop in level and wages from what he’s capable of.

I think he loved it here and probably has the belief he can bring us up. If not then time is still on his side and he can make it at PL level in a season or three. 

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30 minutes ago, Sparks Rover said:

Not really...5m a year....he would cost 20m to purchase at least plus wages. If they go down then they have no liability to him. Good deal all round

Not really apart from a 6 month spell at West ham (who were playing exceptional at the time)he hasnt done much in the last 3 year. 

The likelihood is Forest will have a lot of games with their backs to the wall and will be one of the teams toward the bottom like most promoted sides.

Does Lingard have the stomach for a struggle near the bottom?Not so sure myselt.Time will tell I suppose

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21 minutes ago, Tugay Et Labore said:

Unfortunately, unless he’s said differently(?), I can’t imagine JPvH would want to sign for us permanently. It’d be a drop in level and wages from what he’s capable of.

He hasnt played a premier league game yet so can't really say that's his level.And he is on a low wage 4.5 k per week

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19 minutes ago, Dan said:

What if they offered us Van Hecke as part of deal with Brereton going the other way? 

I know BBDs value is high at the moment and BB could be back anytime, but I worry that’s if a massive gamble replacing his 20+ goals. Without his goals last season, we’d have been in a serious relegation battle. 


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35 minutes ago, imy9 said:

Is playing 90 minutes at the San Siro last season classed as a proper game?

He clearly has talent and would be an upgrade on anyone we clearly have at the club.

Bit early to say he would be an upgrade on anyone we have at the club. 

He did play well in some of his appearances for Liverpool but surrounded by 10 world class players .

Clarkson played 90 minutes in the Champions League for them and Klopp was talking him up last summer too.

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5 minutes ago, islander200 said:

He hasnt played a premier league game yet so can't really say that's his level.And he is on a low wage 4.5 k per week

Absolutely - I think we are over rating how much he is valued by Brighton. Their manager has indicated that if he gets any game time for Brighton it will be minimal and he is open to loaning him out. It's not looking good for him.

As said I can't see much top league interest in him around Europe in terms of transfer rumours. If he was valued - especially as he is in last year in his contract - clubs would be going after him. 

I think we have a good chance to get him.

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58 minutes ago, islander200 said:

How can you be so sure?1 year left on his deal.Webber and Dunk have 2 of the 3 spots at the back.They were in for Bassey who went to Ajax for £22 million so are in the market for a centre half and have Veltman and Duffy there aswell.

Another one of their young centre backs who had been around the block on loan was sold to Napoli for £4.2 million this summer as he asked to leave due to a lack of chances in the first team. 

Van Hecke will want to be playing every week not a bit part role,his wages are apparently 4k per week.

It's a long shot but I wouldn't say no chance of it happening,he loved his time here and no prem club is buying him and starting him at this point 

Did Bassey not play at left back? I’m sure he did? 

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5 minutes ago, Butty said:

Did Bassey not play at left back? I’m sure he did? 

LCB he was playing.He may have played some games as lb im not sure on that but he isn't a wing back for sure and Brighton play with 3 centre backs.And Veltman did well at the back end of last season playing as one of the 3. 

If Potter was sold on Van Hecke and opportunities were on the horizon you would expect them to have offered a new contract already with him only having 12 months left 

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3 minutes ago, islander200 said:


If Potter was sold on Van Hecke and opportunities were on the horizon you would expect them to have offered a new contract already with him only having 12 months left 

Maybe they have? Or maybe they have an option.

Edited by bluebruce
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Always makes me laugh (sometimes out loud) when posters come on here like “I’m sorry to tell you, but there’s NO chance of us signing him, we don’t have the money”

Me in my head - “Thanks Barry, from Darwen, but I doubt very much that having just finished your shift at Frank Barnes this evening, there’s a cat in fuckin hells chance that you know that!” 🤣🤣

Edited by Paul Mani
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Van Hecke won't come back here, I'm pretty sure of that. Far too good for this level. He'll end up in one of the top flight European leagues if Brighton decide not to keep him. No point him playing championship football again, he's already proved he's better than that. 

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4 minutes ago, rovers11 said:

Van Hecke won't come back here, I'm pretty sure of that. Far too good for this level. He'll end up in one of the top flight European leagues if Brighton decide not to keep him. No point him playing championship football again, he's already proved he's better than that. 

I thought he fitted in perfectly to the British game with his passion and I'm sure he said how much he liked it . 


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Not sure what to make of the Tyler Morton link, certainly underwhelming to the names being thrown in yesterday. 

I don't have any issues with the flawed theory that he will block the path of our youngsters, the aim has to be getting a better team and I assume that Morton would be a step up as I doubt that Garrett and Wharton would be trusted by Klopp against Arsenal and AC Milan. Plus it is not an and/or situation, if they are ready they can also play minutes.

The key is whether he would be the only midfielder that we sign, if so then for me we would be short and I would be underwhelmed, one loanee wouldn't cut it. Morton AND a permanent midfielder with one of the young lads going out on loan would be something I could get on board with.

I also find the delay a big problem, if he is coming we could do with him ASAP, straight into the squad next week.

Bowler would be a major signal of intent but I personally can't see it and the source of Lancs Live isn't reliable. Not only do I think he would likely be out of reach but we already have two left footers that play from the right.

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Now that the Morton deal has been put on hold I can see Rovers maybe coming back to it later in the window if we don't sign other targets. 

Lets hope this Styles transfer is close to signing here as he would be class signing here. 

On Bowler, He would be very good signing here. 

I would say it's going to be very interesting and surprising next 5 and half weeks for Rovers fans here

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Having a guess at the current XI and formation isn't easy, but it sure sounds like a back 5 (wing backs). If Brittain can actually play competently, maybe we'll have a more narrow midfield/attack to suit Dack.

Best XI today?

Kaminski, Brittain, Carter, Ayala, Wharton, Pickering, Travis, Buckley, Dack, Brereton-Diaz, Gallagher.

On papar that isn't a troubling XI. Clearly need that extra starting CB, and maybe (likely) a quality midfielder. Add Van Hecke and Styles to that team and you're much happier. Though I don't want to pigeon hole Styles as LWB.

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1 hour ago, Tormund said:

I’d definitely do cartwheels around the office if Van Hecke re-joined. 

He was great for us in a back three, but struggled when playing on a back four. He is great in the air and tackles hard and performs with great composure, but he is slow and this showed up more when playing in a back four. Wharton is also very slow so the two of them playing in a back four against quick attackers scares me, they are too easily torn apart by clever quick passing. 
I think that the way JDT wants to play requires quick CBs, so as much as I loved Van Heckes commitment I don’t think he’s what JDT is after. 

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