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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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4 minutes ago, Mellor Rover said:

Wonder why Farke and Carvalhal rejected us.

I know why Farke did. He’s heard I put £30 on him at 9/1 after Glen was told he was coming and he did it just to spite me. 

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1 hour ago, SuperBrfc said:

Somebody jokingly said on here that JDT had been reading brfcs, after one of his recent interviews. Just a hunch, but it might not be a joke after all.

He knows how the fans are feeling anyway, and it seems like he shares some of our frustrations too.

It's strange how JDT understands why fans might be "going crazy", yet a supporter, who usually backs what the hierarchy says, is calling for calm and patience.

It's clear what JDT is trying to say @chaddyrovers

The way it's looking, I can see him walking soon. There is no way the Academy man delivers 6 quality players. No chance. He's out of his depth, IMO.

I'm sure JDT doesn't need to read fans message boards or other sites to know what fans must be thinking. he ain't a daft person and very clever footballing man. 

Also from that link you quoted from he says "It is not panic but the alarm clock is ringing, we can hear them". 

So lets not panic and its down Gregg Broughton to bring in the players that we need. Pressure on him now. Its on him to deliver him. Plenty of on his plate including transfer ins and transfer out, bringing in recruitment staff, etc Busy next 10 days for him. 

52 minutes ago, J*B said:

It depends who’s interested. There’s no way Ben is going to turn down all of Everton/Southampton/West Ham/Brighton/Leeds/Nice/Sevilla/Villarreal. 
Get on the phone Gregg, offer him around…

That is what Gregg Broughton should be doing today and tomorrow offering him to clubs for 12 mil plus 3 mil in add-on's 


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27 minutes ago, unleaded said:

Blame Venkys for taking no interest & not to hold people to account …. The people behind the scenes are shocking all talk & in it to build there profiles & references ……

it’s shocking leaving the head coach all alone to face the same questions & then themselves say they will talk about it for 30 mins on first week of September…. JDT said we are one when he first walked into the club ….

Waggot got GB to cover his ass & this new guy has shut up shop … I don’t mind being told there is no money but at least say it …..shocking window 

There is not one player who can unlock the opposition defence ….never mind the defence problem we have …..



Is this a frustrated rant based on what you think is happening (understandable if so) or is it based in reality???

Edited by Sweaty Gussets
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23 minutes ago, J*B said:

I’d take 10M for him now if we could spend the proceeds. Better than nothing this time next year and nothing to replace him with. Your approach has Dolan replacing him this time next year and Sparks having a rage induced heart attack, is that what you want?!

I couldn’t give a toss what the owners want, I’d walk the second they interfered. 

Yes, but by all accounts the owners have done their bit and  there is a £10m transfer budget, or at least the balance of it, waiting to be spent irrespective of any BBD sale.

We can't get anyone in as it is, how do we become any more attractive to potential targets on the same wages and MINUS BBD?

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23 minutes ago, Mashed Potatoes said:

People getting worked up about Broughton not giving interviews for some reason but I don't see Directors of Football at other clubs doing so ; it's not part of the job spec and potential transfer and loan deals should be kept confidential if you want them to go through.

We don't expect him to go into intimate detail regarding each individual target but surely an occasional update on his thoughts as to how things are going in general might reasonably be considered part of the job description?

He's going to look a complete tit and and absolute fraud if he comes up completely empty handed after weeks of maintaining radio silence.

How did we manage to end up with Waggott and Broughton in the same building? Could anyone be that unlucky twice?

Edited by RevidgeBlue
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1 minute ago, RevidgeBlue said:

Yes, but by all accounts the owners have done their bit and  there is a £10m transfer budget, or at least the balance of it, waiting to be spent irrespective of any BBD sale.

We can't get anyone in as it is, how do we become any more attractive to potential targets on the same wages and MINUS BBD?

Where has this 10M budget come from? Any budget discussion is pure speculation. 

Im not sure what your last paragraph means unfortunately. 

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1 hour ago, Wing Wizard Windy Miller said:

The Szmodic signing looks more bizarre by the day.  It was pretty much the one position we have cover for. 


Really agree with this... we have so many number 10s. Why did we sign someone who may be a decent prospect, or someone we can develop, but we have already at least three other players in the same bracket (Buckley, Dolan, Markanday) as well as an experienced proven player (Dack).

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2 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

We don't expect him to go into intimate detail regarding each individual target but surely an occasional update on his thoughts as to how things are going in general might reasonably be considered part of the job description?

Yes - just to support JDT as much as anything else. It's not fair leaving him hanging out to dry. 

To be fair to Gregg I wouldn't be suprised if he's finding players and then they don't get signed off by Venkys... But he needs to give an update.

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The sky sports piece I saw on BBD earlier literally screamed "come and get me". 100% his agent putting it out there to alert any interested parties that a deal wouldn't be difficult at all. Can't think BBD is blameless in it all either which is very disappointing.

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29 minutes ago, Mashed Potatoes said:

People getting worked up about Broughton not giving interviews for some reason but I don't see Directors of Football at other clubs doing so ; it's not part of the job spec and potential transfer and loan deals should be kept confidential if you want them to go through.

It's been very quiet and very confidential...and nothing has gone through!

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3 minutes ago, J*B said:

Im not sure what your last paragraph means unfortunately. 

I thought what I was writing was fairly straightforward. To elabourate: We can't get players in seemingly.

That can surely only be down to the fact that either

a) The players don't fancy Waggott/ Broughton 


b) The wages on offer aren't competitive 

or a combination of both.

That situation isnt isn't going to be altered by selling BBD - we'll just be one further player down.

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1 hour ago, RevidgeBlue said:

What bit don't you understand?

We CAN'T sell him if he doesn't want to leave!!!!

I'm confused why this keeps popping up today. I'm sure he's perfectly willing to leave. Has there been some statement today that he doesn't want to leave? All I've heard is he won't even talk about signing a new deal. Sounds like he wants out to me.

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  • J*B changed the title to Transfer Window - Man The Lifeboats!
5 minutes ago, Sweaty Gussets said:

Interesting that he basically says he has no input into the signings. He doesn't even choose them according to that. 

I've wondered for a while about the Szmodics signing. Hard to believe that he would have been top of JDT's wish list when he arrived here having previously managed in foreign climes.

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7 minutes ago, joey_big_nose said:

Really agree with this... we have so many number 10s. Why did we sign someone who may be a decent prospect, or someone we can develop, but we have already at least three other players in the same bracket (Buckley, Dolan, Markanday) as well as an experienced proven player (Dack).

szmodics can also play on the left apparently,a cheap signing with a bit of flexibility,on evidence of his performance so far,he can`t tackle and looks as if he`s finding the step up a bit difficult

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7 minutes ago, Sweaty Gussets said:

Interesting that he basically says he has no input into the signings. He doesn't even choose them according to that. 

He say he was a striker with pressing qualities for example then its down to GB and the recruitment to compile a shortlist depending on budget then JDT and GB pick their first choice to go after signing them

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Alternative view … what if this latest story about BBD “determined to leave” is actually come from the club 
? … I’ve just seen the SSN 10 second article on it and it’s virtually a for sale sign .. 1 year left £10m rejected its almost saying to other clubs come and get him 

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6 minutes ago, BigBar said:

The sky sports piece I saw on BBD earlier literally screamed "come and get me". 100% his agent putting it out there to alert any interested parties that a deal wouldn't be difficult at all. Can't think BBD is blameless in it all either which is very disappointing.

One season in 5 and he comes good expecting the world at his feet! Young BBD has a few lessons to learn in the life of a footballer


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Ten days to bring in a plethora of new, quality players and to sell Brereton. My belief is that Brereton will go first because we need the money from his fee and freeing up wages.

Broughton is really going to have to earn his corn. 

Dysfunctional doesn't do it justice.

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1 minute ago, bluebruce said:

I'm confused why this keeps popping up today. I'm sure he's perfectly willing to leave. Has there been some statement today that he doesn't want to leave? All I've heard is he won't even talk about signing a new deal. Sounds like he wants out to me.

The reason he probably doesn't want to leave now  is that if he waits until summer his new Club will be able to pay him a lot more by way of wage and/or signing on fee because they don't have to pay a fee for him.

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