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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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3 hours ago, chaddyrovers said:

So, one 5 months loan spell at Rotherham which none of us know how he played or how Rotherham used him people dismiss! I'm quite astonish by so many people commenting on him based on this. 

Also Jordan Rhodes hadn't proved himself before he came here and score goals. Maybe Hirst need to play for a team that plays to strengths in order to score goals. 

What we need is players that fit Rovers's footballing strategy, JDT tactics and style of play

well I would say maybe that your choice of film you like perhaps 🤔

Not a chance Ross Barkley is coming here

Where is it likely we only sign 1 more? who knows what is going on Brockhall and Ewood Park right now. None of us knew we tried to sign Hyam in July, did we? 

We shouldn't be relying on loans every season like we did with Mowbray far too much, but this summer we have made 3 permanent signings for transfers fees which few fans thought we would never do.  

great to see your positively here Rev this morning. 

We like many clubs in this league have relied more than we would like on the loan market due to financial issues.

Obviously ideally we will sign more permanent signings, but my point was that if the budget has run out and with the squad so thin, I would rather add a couple of loanees than go in so short.

1 more is my interpretation only, based on the fact that Tomasson said up to 3, to which the LT said would be 2 centre backs and an attacker on loan, and Hyam has since joined but the Van Den Berg deal collapsed.

Also, hadn't Rhodes scored 40 goals the season before joining?

2 hours ago, roverstdt said:

I actually Rate Dykes but I don't see the point if we have Gallagher who i rate higher. Would rather we stick Gallagher in that position and sign a Left back and Midfielder. 

Under no circumstances can we go into this season with only the bang average Gallagher as a central striker. Are you happy with Vale who looks a million miles away as our second choice? Gallagher isn't good enough to be first choice but even if he was, we have no serious alternative, so that position has to be number 1 priority.

1 hour ago, Jimmy612 said:

Am I the only one who looks at our squad and worries that we have a huge lack of pace?  I barely see anyone run in behind the defence, when Brereton does he's usually offside.  We've never replaced Armstrong's pace.  Defences look really comfortable playing against us. 

Apparently Sammie is quick but I'm struggling to see what he brings to the table at all, frankly, pace or otherwise. 

I feel like we're so one-dimensional.... in fact, I'm starting to worry we might be 'none-dimensional'. 

100%. Szmodics doesn't seem very fast, Dolan isn't the quickest, Gallagher is fairly quick but not lightning and it takes him a while to get going, Hedges and Markanday aren't that quick either.

Mowbray mentioned last season that we had no runners in behind once Brereton got injured and it is something that we need to address.

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2 minutes ago, Andy said:

That ^ is exactly how John Williams explained it to me, along with his major worry that we would never be self sustainable under the then (Walker Trust) regime.

The Trust then stopped the £3m annual payments - against Jack’s instruction/wishes and we all know what happened next.

The Trust really get a big pass in all of what’s happened in the last 10/11 years but they played a huge part in our downfall.

To be fair, I think the Trust continued with the annual payments until the Global Financial crisis of 2007-2008 and then were left with needing to support other businesses like airlines which desperately needed cash to stay afloat.

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22 minutes ago, ItsRoverZ said:

Dykes or Hirst..Jesus wept 

Yeah BBD off you go mate we shall replace your 20 plus goals with a lad that hasn't scored in the championship before or another lad that can hold the ball up a tiny bit ..if we are really lucky maybe both 

In his first two seasons BBD scored a massive 2 goals in 40 games, season after 7 in 40.

so we replaced Armstrongs 20 goals with some one with 9 goals in 80 games. Point being that who knows what this kid can produce at this level but he had a really good run in league 1 and was scoring a goal a game after Christmas so maybe decent after all

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Of course some players defy historical form and suddenly spark into life at a certain club, you could say that about anyone.

But equally, using that as logic to back up the suggestion of a signing is setting yourself up for a fall.

It is preferable to sign someone with a decent track record rather than using isolated examples of when players have come here having rarely scored in the past and done well.

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13 minutes ago, J*B said:

I reckon Jordan would score a bucket load in this team.

You have to get over the half way line to score goals, not been our strong point so far this season. 

But Rhodes was superb here, an absolute goal machine.

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10 minutes ago, Ricky said:

I’m struggling with the Jordan Rhodes hadn’t proved himself either. He’d been scoring for fun for a couple of seasons before we signed him.

I was about to pile in on this one, but to be fair Rhodes' 35 goal season the year before at Hudds was at League One rather than Championship level, which I had forgotten.

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22 minutes ago, J*B said:

59 hours to go and its total silence...

Broughton and team seem to have kept a low profile so far with the signings who've come in until right before announcing, so it's not necessarily all doom and gloom

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15 minutes ago, Gavlar Somerset Rover! said:

Really?! We're creating nothing.

We created plenty of chances second half vs. Stoke. We had the ball in the net twice only for the ref to pull us back and award us a freekick... which was surreal. Jordan would have scored vs. Stoke IMO, I don't doubt it for a second. 

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I recall lots wanting Rhodes gone as they felt he "only scores goals" and we need more than that.

I'd take him back in at heartbeat, its not been great for him since he left, but was never blessed with pace so age of no concern. He had a knack of being right place, right time and put enough purchase on the ball to find the net.

Give me him all day other our current lack of options

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1 minute ago, glen9mullan said:

I recall lots wanting Rhodes gone as they felt he "only scores goals" and we need more than that.

I'd take him back in at heartbeat, its not been great for him since he left, but was never blessed with pace so age of no concern. He had a knack of being right place, right time and put enough purchase on the ball to find the net.

Give me him all day other our current lack of options

He was a busted flush when he was with us....surely he's not improved 

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2 hours ago, rebelmswar said:

 My point is you cant judge a player based on a small cutscene of 5 minutes, or less, spanning a career of nine plus years. 

I didn't just 1 video of his time at Portsmouth, but I watched few video clips of him during the last few years, but don't forget I am not a professional scout that has access to different number of clips, scouting tools or even go and watch the player live by being at the stadium scouting them  

2 hours ago, Bbrovers2288 said:

Dykes no no no no no no

Dykes would be decent signing and would give us a focal point. 22 goals for QPR in 86 games. So basically 1 in 4 striker. 

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