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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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1 hour ago, mark Hayhurst said:

Does anyone else think that our entire transfer budget rests on an offer for BBD?

Otgoings before incomings etc.

Who else is risk of being sold Kaminski/Travis/Dolan? potentially but less likely Buckley would be serious concerns?



No disrespect but i'm not sure why i keep seeing this pop up it's irrelevant right now.

There'll be a small budget in place but they can't seem to find anybody they want that fits into it.

If BBD is sold at any point from now on only his wages will be made available which probaly aren't that much.  Any money for him will probably just go into balancing next seasons books. Whatever gets paid up front will disappear instantly into running costs as usual as will future payments.

We might then get a few million available from it in next seasons budget but if the owners cut their input by the same amount there will be no headroom.

That's how it works here now when they are using the FFP excuses...sorry guidelines.  

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2 minutes ago, BigUts said:

Why does it have to be either/or? I want us to have signed 6 quality players 3 weeks ago. We are too easy to accept a shit-show and just shrug our shoulders.

We haven’t got the cash to do that? We don’t have parachute payments to be able to get quality in quickly, it takes time. 

it’s not accepting a shit-show it’s understanding how a transfer window works.

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50 minutes ago, callumrovers said:

The hysteria on here is mental. 

Im coming from the view point that we are actually after quality players, which takes time (unless you have buckets of money.) Players prices drop towards the end of the window, more players become available. I’d rather hang tight then be snapping up bang average players because we have lost a few 1st teamers. 

We have enough in the squad currently to get some good results before the transfer window closes. 
Yes I’d love us to sign players early, have a full pre season, integrate them into the squad but it’s not viable when every penny counts. 

Relax, enjoy the sunshine 😘

Weren’t we going through this 2-3 months ago when people were going into meltdown over the time taken to appoint Mowbray successor? That doesn’t seem to have worked out too badly and I think the same will be said when the transfer window closes.

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3 hours ago, yeti-dog said:

It's a good point. 

I clearly remember the doom laden posts on here last pre- season. Basically we were a shoe-in to go down. Didn't happen and never looked like happening.

The lack of signings so far is definitely disappointing and I'd like to see some activity ASAP but I'm not going to start self- flagellating yet, I'll leave that to the usual suspects.

Not exactly seeing any progress are we?......

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1 hour ago, Mattyblue said:

I’m confused, as our ever growing group of brfcs/CEO conduits keep telling us that the hierarchy are delighted as things are *much improved* at the club?

Like i said before one whiff of Swaggos special coffee and even those trained to interrogate fall under his spell.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost7 said:


But you do admit you're settling for a less than ideal situation? Which many supporters feel is avoidable through better planning and execution.

Ultimately you're choosing to make assumptions that mean if Rovers had targets, they have missed out on every single one but that is a good thing because it means the targets are better quality. This is an assumption I'd rather not make and if all targets are being missed out on, your management team is failing to identify the right targets.

More often than not in a transfer window this leads to panic buying closer to the deadline and a team full of Daniel Ayala's.

Let's hope your assumption is right but either way the supporters that want players to be signed and given the best opportunity to succeed from day 1 of a campaign are most definitely right to have those expectations and are rightly disappointed so far.

In an ideal world we’d have the quality through the door before pre season. With our limited resources it’s impossible. I don’t believe the management team has failed to identify the right targets. I believe the players we are after are good players that teams at this present time are reluctant to let go of. We have got to play the waiting game. 

it’s an impossible scenario for the club. 

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1 minute ago, Mattyblue said:

I’ll flip it round, why so much confidence, in contrast to ‘hysterical’ other posters, that it will be all hunky dory by the window closing?

When did we last bring in a ‘quality’ outfield permanent signing?


I’m going on the assumption that JDT has been made promises and these will be fulfilled. Why would you take a job at the start of your managerial career when you know you  will have both your hands tied behind your back? Wouldn’t make sense.  Now if Venkys don’t deliver on said promises, I guarantee JDT will be short lived.

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  • Moderation Lead

Can we have a bit less of people telling people to calm down, or to enjoy the sunshine? We don’t need any more of people telling other people how to feel, thanks.

Anyhow, aren’t we the only team in the league not to have made a signing? Season only starts in a week and a half and we’ve lost three contracted players that played pretty much every week and loanees that played regularly….

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Just now, callumrovers said:

I’m going on the assumption that JDT has been made promises and these will be fulfilled. Why would you take a job at the start of your managerial career when you know you  will have both your hands tied behind your back? Wouldn’t make sense.  Now if Venkys don’t deliver on said promises, I guarantee JDT will be short lived.

You’ve answered your question with your last sentence. Lambert mk II.

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Not going to lie, the lack of serious transfer activity is now borderline pathetic. 

If it carrries on this way it will yet again be 2 steps forward 4 steps back for Rovers in the venky era. 


The salary structure needs modifying, we'll never make any quality permanent senior transfers again until it is.




P.s. The fkin pop up ads thid site use for mobile browsers is infuriating. 

Edited by Armchair supporter supremo
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5 minutes ago, callumrovers said:

Only time will tell. 

It will, and as other posters have seen it all before, so need to be convinced that anything has remotely changed at the only executive level that *actually* matters at this club, maybe time will tell that they weren’t ‘hysterical’ at all…

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8 minutes ago, callumrovers said:

I’m going on the assumption that JDT has been made promises and these will be fulfilled. Why would you take a job at the start of your managerial career when you know you  will have both your hands tied behind your back? Wouldn’t make sense.  Now if Venkys don’t deliver on said promises, I guarantee JDT will be short lived.

Venkys fulfilling a promise 😁

I do have to ask if you have been following us at all for the past 11 years.

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18 minutes ago, Tugayisgod said:

Weren’t we going through this 2-3 months ago when people were going into meltdown over the time taken to appoint Mowbray successor? That doesn’t seem to have worked out too badly and I think the same will be said when the transfer window closes.

The proof of the pudding will be in the eating re - JDT, but it took too long to appoint him, (and Broughton), and we are now suffering the consequences.

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4 hours ago, arbitro said:

But we got £15m for Armstrong John, none of which was reinvested in players. We let three players with an estimated value of £8-10m walk for nothing and we are likely to spend money replacing them. Factor in their wages and it makes no sense whatsoever.

Sorry, I'm catching up with this debate and am wondering did we really get £15m for Armstrong??

Writing from memory, I thought the figure used in the media at the time was £10m. Of which 40% had to be repaid to Newcastle United for selling him to us so cheaply.

So that £15m could well have been as much as 2 1/2 times what we actually received for Arma.

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20 minutes ago, K-Hod said:

Can we have a bit less of people telling people to calm down, or to enjoy the sunshine? We don’t need any more of people telling other people how to feel, thanks.

Anyhow, aren’t we the only team in the league not to have made a signing? Season only starts in a week and a half and we’ve lost three contracted players that played pretty much every week and loanees that played regularly….

Tbf. Just for balance.... The main irritation(for me anyway!) is that it's mostly the same few posters repeatedly making the same miserable types of comments over and over... And it's not just in regards to transfers! they look for the worst in every little thing rovers related, if you saw those same comments in the LT comments section you'd simply just assume that they where dingle supporters reveling in it all. 

Edited by Armchair supporter supremo
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4 minutes ago, R0verb0y said:

Sorry, I'm catching up with this debate and am wondering did we really get £15m for Armstrong??

Writing from memory, I thought the figure used in the media at the time was £10m. Of which 40% had to be repaid to Newcastle United for selling him to us so cheaply.

So that £15m could well have been as much as 2 1/2 times what we actually received for Arma.

My understanding from the time was £15m with a percentage to Newcastle. But my wider point was that we got a fee for him. The Waggott Three walked away for nothing.

Edited by arbitro
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29 minutes ago, callumrovers said:

We haven’t got the cash to do that? We don’t have parachute payments to be able to get quality in quickly, it takes time. 

it’s not accepting a shit-show it’s understanding how a transfer window works.

Mowbray said the exact same thing. About waiting until near the end of the window when prices will drop, and clubs will be pushed into making a decision. It didn't exactly work out like that though. We were, in the main, still scrambling around for any last minute Premier League crumbs. Kids on loan.

It will be no different this time, in my view. I don't think this is a case of waiting for quality. What we are seeing is a shambles of an operation, with operators who can't get deals over the line, who can't recognise quality and who have buttons to play with in any case. This is the 'make do with' set of jokers in action. JDT and Broughton may well want quality players, however, those above them look like they won't and can't deliver them. That inability doesn't change in five weeks time, in my opinion, even though prices might drop.

Like you, I also thought that JDT, having probably had some assurances to come here, would surely be backed. The signs are awful right now though, there's no denying that.

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Taylor Richards, if its a cheap perm move then it's a decent signing, he played really well for donny in a league lower, if he plays well for us and given his age his valuation could quadruple.

If its a loan then its just like meh, I'd rather we buy these young lads like him and the Derby midfielder Max Bird we were linked with 

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