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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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34 minutes ago, phili said:

Venky's want Premier League football. Several Indian consortiums have looked at clubs in the past year including Chelsea and Leeds. The amount of abuse, mocking etc if that happens in Indian media for them will be huge. Only way to stop that is if we go up or look like we will.

Also in the past 2 seasons we've spent close to £10m on loans so not a trivial amount as you seem to think.


I can't possibly see a) how any supporter would know that and more importantly b) that being close to being true.

22 minutes ago, Dreams of 1995 said:

Dunno why you care what they think Rev

You are replying to a guy who puts “seemingly” in front of everything he posts. Presumably (😃) to give himself plausible deniability when it doesn’t happen or isn’t true 

Keep posting, the more rumours the better, it’s not like the press bother much with us! 

Because my posts are opinions, I am not saying seemingly to cover up ITK information that I am posting but covering my back.

I never said that he should not post rumours, nor was I one of the people who shouted him down, I was just pointing out that people became aggy because he didn't initially say what the rumour was or who he was talking about.

Had he said straight away, "I have heard that Van Hecke is going to Sunderland" then the reaction would not have been as it was.

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4 hours ago, RevidgeBlue said:

Come on, we saw from January onwards there's barely a goal in the side if anything happens to BBD.

I know the new joke chant from the stands is "He scores when he wants" about Lewis Travis but we can't rely on him coming up with a howitzer every week.

I agree with you, but in the last few months we've signed Sammie, Hedges and Markanday on top of BBD, Dack, Dolan and Gally already here. So if we're signing a forward at least one is going imo.

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29 minutes ago, whalleyrover said:

If they want PL football, why did they not strengthen in January, remove TM during the death spiralas would have happened anywhere else or hired a proven manager this season.

The owners don’t identify players and negotiate with them - they basically approve and sign things off.

The manager at the time is the sole person responsible for not utilising the funds made available to him.

And in terms of what’s happening this window, the only thing that seems certain is that nobody really knows. Club is doing a good job of keeping things under wraps.

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52 minutes ago, Sweaty Gussets said:

He posted what he heard. You didn't. 

Final word on this - I've no idea why you are so het up about it. If you'd followed the forum over a period of time you'd realise I'm not particularly in the habit of posting transfer rumours and only post anything very sporadically if I have any info I feel is pertinent and worth sharing.

The bottom line is, it would appear the info is either correct or at least has legs. Does it therefore matter that I didn't spell it out in words of one syllable and left people to work it out for themselves? If there was anything in it the news was bound to break sooner rather than later anyway.

As a neutral onlooker I'd be more critical if someone was constantly posting stuff which never came to fruition than an occasional titbit which did.

For the record - if he does move to Sunderland - something dramatic must have happened to change his mind, I'd heard he was very keen to come here and we've made what I would consider to be a fair bid considering he has 12 months left on his contract.

Edit: I always thought the most likely scenario would be him staying at Brighton given the disparity between what we'd offered and the extremely large fee they wanted for him. I didn't think he would end up moving to another Championship side.

Edited by RevidgeBlue
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8 hours ago, Miller11 said:

You’ve confidently stated this since we bought him, and I really hope you are right.

Any more performances like the one on Wednesday and this statement is going to look very premature though.

I am extremely confident that Brittain is a better all round player and upgrade on Nyambe and One of the key reasons why I spent months saying this guy was the right signing for us at right back and why I was happy to see Nyambe leave plus I don't rate him as highly as you, for me he is average right back at this level and the fact he gone to Wigan shows this. 

5 hours ago, roversfan99 said:

People IMO are judging Phillips as a 17 year old rookie rather than just as another player, which I somewhat understand. He was out of his depth unfortunately.

We should judge him as 17 year old player who is a rare talent that needs develop and playing here with the team. 

5 hours ago, roversfan99 said:

I can only guess that this illogical rumour that Mowbray declined to spend significant funds put forward is a way of trying to gain some hope that big money must be spent this summer as a result.

why it is? several different people and I have seen other similar comments/people taking me he had more money in January to spend and didn't. He should have spend it for sure. 

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15 minutes ago, Tugayisgod said:


Any new contract should be heavily linked to appearances.

Give the lad a new contract without appearance caveats and I think sod's law suggests we will see a repetition of seasons 1 and 2!

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1 hour ago, roversfan99 said:

Fair enough. If you choose to believe and judge baseless rumours, adding on speculated rumoured bids for players we didn't sign etc, then you seemingly will be with the majority on here, but I will continue to judge the owners on what is spent, not on what apparently could have been but wasn't.

I believe the last bit about loans, no idea on whether they were "very good," I presume you know the names? Connolly and Forss were linked, neither of which could be described as such.

Baseless ? Mowbray himself has stated that is the case! If it’s not true why would he say it? The main name we were offered was from Man City and was a free of charge loan! The issues between Venus and TM kaiboshed that!

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22 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

Final word on this - I've no idea why you are so het up about it. If you'd followed the forum over a period of time you'd realise I'm not particularly in the habit of posting transfer rumours and only post anything very sporadically if I have any info I feel is pertinent and worth sharing.

The bottom line is, it would appear the info is either correct or at least has legs. Does it therefore matter that I didn't spell it out in words of one syllable and left people to work it out for themselves? If there was anything in it the news was bound to break sooner rather than later anyway.

As a neutral onlooker I'd be more critical if someone was constantly posting stuff which never came to fruition than an occasional titbit which did.

For the record - if he does move to Sunderland - something dramatic must have happened to change his mind, I'd heard he was very keen to come here and we've made what I would consider to be a fair bid considering he has 12 months left on his contract.

Edit: I always thought the most likely scenario would be him staying at Brighton given the disparity between what we'd offered and the extremely large fee they wanted for him. I didn't think he would end up moving to another Championship side.

I agree. But, again, you didn't post anything. 

I'm off to do some acid so I can feel normal again. 

Anyway, have a good evening, I didn't mean to sound as 'het up' as you have imagined. I'm chill 🙂

Edited by Sweaty Gussets
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1 minute ago, 1864roverite said:

Baseless ? Mowbray himself has stated that is the case! If it’s not true why would he say it? The main name we were offered was from Man City and was a free of charge loan! The issues between Venus and TM kaiboshed that!

He didn't say that he had turned down funds (that I have seen) or certainly that he had turned down significant funds or £5m as has been quoted. The last sentence that "issues" between the manager and his assistant prevented any deals is certainly nothing in the public domain and simply your interpretation/rumours.

He did say that he had turned down strikers on loan, that is in the public domain. I presume from your cryptic post that you mean Liam Delap, that is the first time that I have seen that rumour which again is very much only a rumour. 

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  • Moderation Lead

Just to be clear- people are allowed to post that they’ve heard things, they may turn out to be true, they may not- that’s all rumours are. They should be able to do that without being accused of attention seeking. For what it’s worth, I don’t like people dangling carrots either, but if it’s only something they’ve heard, then they should be allowed to share it…

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2 hours ago, glen9mullan said:

I expect £10 mill to be spent (heard this is the healthy budget), which will include loan fees. If BBD is sold I suspect that half of that will also be reinvested.

The stumbling block is and will remain the wage budget, under no circumstances will the wage budget be increased. This certainly makes the pool smaller, given kids in the prem are on £20k plus PW.

Which has us shopping championship, League 1, Europe or Prem loans.

That is very good budget  considering we don't have parachute payments. If we spent lets see 4 million for argument sake that 6 million left for 4 to 5 more signings. Maybe more if BBD leaves which imo seems in the balance. 

I hope we can get Van Hecke in but maybe we should look at his team mate Matt Clarke if he available and fits within the budget here given his good loan spells at WBA and Derby plus he adds balance to the team being a left foot. 

Lets hope we can make the quality signings we want. 


2 hours ago, glen9mullan said:

£10 million does not include the "special request" for the special player. 

This request was granted for the lad who went sheff utd, but the wages blew that deal straight away.

The request button is for a player though, and not a transfer budget top up!

That is very correct and accurate. 

1 hour ago, roversfan99 said:

Fair enough. If you choose to believe and judge baseless rumours, adding on speculated rumoured bids for players we didn't sign etc, then you seemingly will be with the majority on here, but I will continue to judge the owners on what is spent, not on what apparently could have been but wasn't.

I believe the last bit about loans, no idea on whether they were "very good," I presume you know the names? Connolly and Forss were linked, neither of which could be described as such.

The owners don't spend the budget or sign the players, that down to Mowbray and his recruitment team in previous season. Now we have new management team with GB, JDT and the new recruitment team in place to spend the budget given/set by them. 


Edited by chaddyrovers
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2 minutes ago, K-Hod said:

Just to be clear- people are allowed to post that they’ve heard things, they may turn out to be true, they may not- that’s all rumours are. They should be able to do that without being accused of attention seeking. For what it’s worth, I don’t like people dangling carrots either, but if it’s only something they’ve heard, then they should be allowed to share it…

Not to labour a point, but he didn't post anything. So how do we know if something he hasn't said is going to be true or not? Or do I have to take more acid and read more Kafka before can I get my head round it? 🙂 

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8 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

He did say that he had turned down strikers on loan, that is in the public domain. I presume from your cryptic post that you mean Liam Delap, that is the first time that I have seen that rumour which again is very much only a rumour. 

Well Delap has now pitched up at Stoke on loan so presumably despite the fact many people scoffed at  tha possibility at the time, that option would have been there for Mowbray in January had he wanted it.

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You have to hope the Van Hecke rumours are not true. It would be deeply disappointing if he picked the likes of Sunderland over us. The lad made a huge impression at Ewood last season and seemed open to a return. I wonder if he was at Reading on Wednesday night? That performance would have put off any prospective signing

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14 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

I am extremely confident that Brittain is a better all round player and upgrade on Nyambe and One of the key reasons why I spent months saying this guy was the right signing for us at right back and why I was happy to see Nyambe leave plus I don't rate him as highly as you, for me he is average right back at this level and the fact he gone to Wigan shows this. 

I know this Chaddy, and like I said, I hope you are right and he is an upgrade. I’m waiting a while before I make a judgement though. A lot of people should be reassessing their early ravings on Pickering last season, and Van Hecke really proved me very wrong as I thought he was rubbish based off his early appearances.

I think we will have more idea 10-15 games into the season and I’ll have an informed opinion then. I think it’s wise to hold off on judgements til then, just as you advocated with Szmodics the other day. I obviously think more of Nyambe’s contributions than you do too - he didn’t turn in many performances as poor as Brittain did against Reading. He was excellent for us in my opinion, so Brittain will be held to a higher standard in my eyes then yours when comparing the two.

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7 minutes ago, Sweaty Gussets said:

Not to labour a point, but he didn't post anything. So how do we know if something he hasn't said is going to be true or not? Or do I have to take more acid and read more Kafka before can I get my head round it? 🙂 

You ok sweaty lad? All sorts of hot and bothered aren't you?🤣

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