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Jon Dahl Tomasson - Officially No Longer Our Head Coach

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I'm not sure what the problem is with going to a respected ex-player for a character reference on the bloke they are just about to hire as manager, who was recommended by a new DoF  that they don't know that well as he's just walked through the door.

They've been stung in the past. Seems a bit silly not to do some homework. Still, any stick to beat them with.... 😉

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53 minutes ago, Hasta said:

Ok. And so they thought that asking a guy who lived in Norway would have a detailed  opinion on a Dane managing in Sweden?

Fucking idiots.

MGP probably told then he’d once had a falling out with Warnock on a touchline and didn’t like him.

I think you've missed the point of my post entirely.

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1 hour ago, Mike E said:

Agreed. Rather than genuinely asking advice, I reckon it would've been more a case of 'we're getting this guy from your part of the world, pretty good huh?'

It sounds like it was more than that, Mike. During that interview with Rovers Chat, which has since been taken down, MGP revealed that he had been speaking with the owners throughout the manager search.

I found that surprising at the time.

Based on how MGP was talking, it came across as though he was being kept updated during the whole process as well as being asked for his opinion/advice.

I think it goes back to them still being unsure as to who they can trust.

Aside from being a former player and a fan favourite, MGP is also a genuine Rovers supporter. Surely, they will realise that too. He cares just like we do on here and he seems just as pissed off about the last 12 years as we are.

It was that care and anger from MGP which led to the interview having to be taken down, as he name dropped a particular bastard as being the cause of the downfall.

If they are seeking his opinion or advice from time to time, I've no problem with it. He has the club's best interests at heart. Rather that than have them listen to a tosser of an agent or two.

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8 minutes ago, SuperBrfc said:

It sounds like it was more than that, Mike. During that interview with Rovers Chat, which has since been taken down, MGP revealed that he had been speaking with the owners throughout the manager search.

I found that surprising at the time.

Based on how MGP was talking, it came across as though he was being kept updated during the whole process as well as being asked for his opinion/advice.

I think it goes back to them still being unsure as to who they can trust.

Aside from being a former player and a fan favourite, MGP is also a genuine Rovers supporter. Surely, they will realise that too. He cares just like we do on here and he seems just as pissed off about the last 12 years as we are.

It was that care and anger from MGP which led to the interview having to be taken down, as he name dropped a particular bastard as being the cause of the downfall.

If they are seeking his opinion or advice from time to time, I've no problem with it. He has the club's best interests at heart. Rather that than have them listen to a tosser of an agent or two.

Ah that adds a bit more context I'd been missing?

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2 hours ago, roversfan99 said:

But what if a stand out candidate didn't want to pass it out from the back, would you ignore him because of that? Surely you find the best manager and let him play how he wants, not have people who aren't managers telling a manager how to play.

Like I said once to you already that's might your method/way but my thinking is you appoint the head coach who suit your players and your style of play. 

2 hours ago, Exiled_Rover said:

Pretty much - it's his first Director of Football job (you have to start somewhere) and his first January transfer window. He tried to loan Undav and Kone in to solve the CF option and both fell through for different reasons (one player turned us down, the other had his club pull the plug at the last minute). Let's hope he's learned from the experience and doesn't make the same mistake again. 

In his interview last week he says he has learned and willing to adapt to different circumstances 

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1 hour ago, Sweaty Gussets said:

I'm not sure what the problem is with going to a respected ex-player for a character reference on the bloke they are just about to hire as manager, who was recommended by a new DoF  that they don't know that well as he's just walked through the door.

They've been stung in the past. Seems a bit silly not to do some homework. Still, any stick to beat them with.... 😉

Oh, come on. It sounds so shallow and a symptom of a highly unsophisticated recruitment process-the sort that brought us Steve Kean, Owen Coyle, Henning Berg, Michael Appleton etc

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4 minutes ago, roverandout said:

Didn't mean in this mortal coil. He meant at rovers 

Yes he did. He's dead. He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! 'He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed him to the perch he'd be pushing up the daisies! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PUNDIT!!

Edited by Mike E
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Just now, Mike E said:

Yes he did. He's dead. He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! 'He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed him to the perch he'd be pushing up the daisies! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PUNDIT!!

Oh ok my bad

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2 hours ago, Mercer said:

Feel sure many Saints' fans will be underwhelmed by  Martin's appointment.  Just what has he achieved as a football manager?  Did he take MKD up - no.  He joined Swansea for the 2021/22 season after the club had just finished 4th in the Championship and he followed that up with 2 lower end league/midtable finishes.  What he has done to earn a crack at Southampton is beyond me - just thankful if JDT does leave we wont have Martin as a replacement.  I would be very surprised if Martin lasts the season at Saints.


2 hours ago, Mercer said:

As for Jones as Rovers' head coach - done superbly at Luton in two spells but poor at Stoke and he was, IMO, a tad unlucky at Southampton (wrong appointment at the wrong time).

I wouldn't want Jones anywhere near Rovers head job. simple as

2 hours ago, Mercer said:

Folk including you Chaddy, get obsessed with possession based football.  It means feck all unless you do something positive with the ball when you have it like score some goals, win football matches from both losing and winning positions and get promoted!

fully understand how Football works Mercer but I like my teams to play possession based football and high press if you have the players to do this. I think we do, now we need to sign a quality striker and couple of wide players this season plus keep JDT and I think we will have a good season this coming season

2 hours ago, Mercer said:

Burnley, Sheff U (auto promoted) and Coventry and Luton (play off finalists) all have a physicality, an aggression, a fighting spirit and a will to win to supplement when they have possession of the ball.  It's no coincidence the possession based teams like Rovers, Sunderland and M'boro have been blown away. 

I wouldn't say either Sunderland or Boro got blown away. Sunderland bossed the first leg but second leg couldn't match Luton at all. Guess the lack of defenders was a problem also. I thought Boro and Coventry games were boring and nothing in it. 

2 hours ago, Mercer said:

You need a particular type of manager to get out of the Championship - Jones ticks the boxes, Martin doesn't and very possibly JDT doesn't. 

Mercer, we all have different thoughts on Football and we are going in right direction under JDT and if we had sign Undav we would have made top 6 for sure and that's my opinion 

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MGP will obviously be aware of the 'bad eggs' we had involved in running the club. That he is willing to engage with the owners, seemingly on an ongoing  basis last summer, would suggest he doesn't see them as being the cause of the club's decline. 

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17 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

Like I said once to you already that's might your method/way but my thinking is you appoint the head coach who suit your players and your style of play. 

In his interview last week he says he has learned and willing to adapt to different circumstances 

As long as that manager isn't expected to play passing football. If he is the best candidate, then he would surely then pick the tactic he feels suits the squad we have plus a few additions. If he didn't think that was possession focused, for example if he thought that the current defenders aren't good enough on the ball to do that, then fine, that's the managers prerogative. 

Long way away as we don't know if Feyenoord will go for Tomasson or even if their manager will be poached, but if so, just go for the best choice and let him decide. A new manager may think we are better suited playing counter attacking football for example, whatever gets us the most points will do me.

Nathan Jones is an interesting name, possibly as good as we would likely be able to get, even if I hate him as a person, I would stomach it if he did well.

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3 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

As long as that manager isn't expected to play passing football. If he is the best candidate, then he would surely then pick the tactic he feels suits the squad we have plus a few additions. If he didn't think that was possession focused, for example if he thought that the current defenders aren't good enough on the ball to do that, then fine, that's the managers prerogative. 

Long way away as we don't know if Feyenoord will go for Tomasson or even if their manager will be poached, but if so, just go for the best choice and let him decide. A new manager may think we are better suited playing counter attacking football for example, whatever gets us the most points will do me.

Nathan Jones is an interesting name, possibly as good as we would likely be able to get, even if I hate him as a person, I would stomach it if he did well.

More than anything, I want JDT to stay and be backed. If he goes, if Nathan Jones could recreate what he did at Luton, then I would happily take him.

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4 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

As long as that manager isn't expected to play passing football. If he is the best candidate, then he would surely then pick the tactic he feels suits the squad we have plus a few additions. If he didn't think that was possession focused, for example if he thought that the current defenders aren't good enough on the ball to do that, then fine, that's the managers prerogative. 

Long way away as we don't know if Feyenoord will go for Tomasson or even if their manager will be poached, but if so, just go for the best choice and let him decide. A new manager may think we are better suited playing counter attacking football for example, whatever gets us the most points will do me.

Nathan Jones is an interesting name, possibly as good as we would likely be able to get, even if I hate him as a person, I would stomach it if he did well.

It’d be Stoke City all over again. Jones wants players who are prepared to graft 120% . We don’t have anything like enough players who fit that bill. They’d just play to get him sacked asap same as the under achievers at Stoke. Look elsewhere. To be honest I think the manager who could have real success at Ewood doesn’t exist. The task is too great.

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3 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

It’d be Stoke City all over again. Jones wants players who are prepared to graft 120% . We don’t have anything like enough players who fit that bill. They’d just play to get him sacked asap same as the under achievers at Stoke. Look elsewhere. To be honest I think the manager who could have real success at Ewood doesn’t exist. The task is too great.

I think with Stoke, it was a managerial graveyard at the time, Gary Rowett also failed. The squad there at the time included Jack Butland, Peter Etebo, Tom Ince, Ashley Williams, Joe Allen, Benik Afobe, James McLean, Sam Vokes, Ryan Shawcross, Bruno Martins Indi and Saido Berahino, lots of unshiftable big earners who had come down from the Prem.

Our squad is full of low earning, younger players so I don't think those same type of players are here. That being said, I do hope it doesn't come to a managerial change and if it does, I would ideally like a better and less deplorable option than him!

Hard to disagree with the last 2 sentences.

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29 minutes ago, RoversClitheroe said:

Knutsen please if JDT goes.

When his name came up a year ago I’m sure a Norwegian journalist pretty much said he wasn’t on good terms with Broughton at Bodo Glimt and they rarely spoke.

I suspect Knutson has little time for bullshitters.

Edited by martonrover
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27 minutes ago, alex l said:

MGP will obviously be aware of the 'bad eggs' we had involved in running the club. That he is willing to engage with the owners, seemingly on an ongoing  basis last summer, would suggest he doesn't see them as being the cause of the club's decline. 

I do

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If we're at the 'hunt for new manager by asking ex players' stage already we might as well give Benni 12 months.  Only round the corner at the minute, probably still a better finisher than any striker in the club and has already achieved more at player and management level than any other suitors with a champions league medal and a CAF champions league qualification


Would just need a few fitness coaches brought in in case 


*I am kidding

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