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3 hours ago, speeeeeeedie said:

I said the other week that there is something wrong at Sheffield Utd. Last night was another example. 5 down before halftime is disgraceful. Neither the manager or players are performing. 

Selling their 2 best players and losing a couple of good loan players hasn't helped, but from the outside it looks like the whole lot of them have given up. Is their owner trying to sell up?

Both Sheff Utd and Burnley utilised the loan market in the Championship and deployed completely different strategies once promoted. Luton had no loans and only brought in a couple of new players and are in trouble but faring better than the other two. 

I think Luton have overachieved and the other two newly promoted teams have underachieved. Especially Burnley given the money they’ve spent. I didn’t expect them to be in the top half of the league but I didn’t expect them to spend the whole season in the drop zone or lose so many home games. That would have never happened under Dyche.

The “ Southern Softies “ like Palace, Watford, Bournemouth, Brentford, Brighton etc were usually beaten before they got off the coach. Especially on a wet Monday night.

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11 hours ago, K-Hod said:

Makes a bit of a mockery of it being called the best league in the world, when the gulf in class between the top 3 and everyone else is so huge. 
How many massive away wins have there been this season? They’ve been talking up a three horse race being the most exciting in years, but I’d say, if anything, the gap between the have and have nots is bigger than ever.

As Paddy Power humorously posted last night: ‘just how bad must that Derby 07-08 team have been, to be worse than Sheffield United?’.

They were a poor team in a very strong league. They also had a whole host of off field issues thanks to their "fit and proper" owners.

Luton, Sheffield United and the Dingles are three shit teams in a very poor league. The fact Everton, the turd that just wouldn't flush, got a ten points deduction and were never ever in any danger of ever going down just shows how bad that league is.

I'm sure next season all these three teams will totally dominate this division though.

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Arsenal and Spurs have announced 10 and 6% price hikes in season tickets for 24-25. However Spurs are doing away with their senior season tickets for any fans reaching 65 after that. There is a great quote in the article that says 'Football has a spending oroblem, not an income problem'.


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2 hours ago, arbitro said:

Arsenal and Spurs have announced 10 and 6% price hikes in season tickets for 24-25. However Spurs are doing away with their senior season tickets for any fans reaching 65 after that. There is a great quote in the article that says 'Football has a spending oroblem, not an income problem'.



Why have old people when we can sell that seat to younger people for more money.

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On 05/03/2024 at 16:28, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

I think Luton have overachieved and the other two newly promoted teams have underachieved. Especially Burnley given the money they’ve spent. I didn’t expect them to be in the top half of the league but I didn’t expect them to spend the whole season in the drop zone or lose so many home games. That would have never happened under Dyche.

The “ Southern Softies “ like Palace, Watford, Bournemouth, Brentford, Brighton etc were usually beaten before they got off the coach. Especially on a wet Monday night.

Burnley spent alot of money but how much of that money were spent on players with PL experience. They instead sign players with huge potential and mainly from overseas clubs. 

Sheffield United were always up against it from minute 1 given they sold their best 2 players the summer in Berge and Ndiaye. 

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On 08/03/2024 at 17:38, arbitro said:

Arsenal and Spurs have announced 10 and 6% price hikes in season tickets for 24-25. However Spurs are doing away with their senior season tickets for any fans reaching 65 after that. There is a great quote in the article that says 'Football has a spending oroblem, not an income problem'.


I thought successful online fan channels would really challenge the authority of owners of some of these big clubs. To some extent, they have but I get the impression that commercial models, censorship fears and some co-option have meant they have not become the open fora that they seemed to promise. 


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1 hour ago, riverholmes said:

I thought successful online fan channels would really challenge the authority of owners of some of these big clubs. To some extent, they have but I get the impression that commercial models, censorship fears and some co-option have meant they have not become the open fora that they seemed to promise. 


The problem is they put themselves in the same position as the LET.

Access Journalism requires access. If you don't play the game and do as you're told you lose your access.

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6 hours ago, Upside Down said:

The problem is they put themselves in the same position as the LET.

Access Journalism requires access. If you don't play the game and do as you're told you lose your access.

The guy who used to do Rugby League in my local paper got banned from the ground by the local club’s board years ago. He started going through the turnstiles in a disguise !

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Is there any point in sports broadcasters employing referees as pundits? 95% of the time they agree with what ever decision is made no matter how bizzare it is. 

Mike Dean yesterday after that high boot 

"He's got to go to the monitor here, thats a penalty"

"Check complete"

"Yeah, not a pen for me" 

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10 hours ago, Upside Down said:

The problem is they put themselves in the same position as the LET.

Access Journalism requires access. If you don't play the game and do as you're told you lose your access.

As far as I know, these popular fan channels don't rely greatly on club access. They're not like so-called legacy media that appear in all the press conferences and official media events. Though, clubs are bringing them in gradually.

My guess is that it's more to do with dependency on commercial sponsors of content and platforms like Youtube favouring a certain type of vacuous content. As well as old-fashioned co-option through access, incentives and social connections. I could be wrong though.

It seems as if the elite game is being taken away from ordinary football fans - nothing new - but the voice of fans isn't really getting elevated here because the economics and politics of football are barely covered. 


Edited by riverholmes
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6 hours ago, OldEwoodBlue said:

Watched Liverpool City yesterday.

What a brilliant game.

Harvey Elliott had a fantastic game. 


I actually thought it was a really disappointing game given the quality of the two sides. City weren't at it at all I didn't think


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2 hours ago, riverholmes said:

As far as I know, these popular fan channels don't rely greatly on club access. They're not like so-called legacy media that appear in all the press conferences and official media events. Though, clubs are bringing them in gradually.

My guess is that it's more to do with dependency on commercial sponsors of content and platforms like Youtube favouring a certain type of vacuous content. As well as old-fashioned co-option through access, incentives and social connections. I could be wrong though.

It seems as if the elite game is being taken away from ordinary football fans - nothing new - but the voice of fans isn't really getting elevated here because the economics and politics of football are barely covered. 


Please translate into layman's terms 🤔

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2 hours ago, RevidgeBlue said:

I actually thought it was a really disappointing game given the quality of the two sides. City weren't at it at all I didn't think


Depends. I think if you were rooting for city it was probably a damp squib. If you were rooting for Liverpool it was quite exciting - some big let offs at one end and some great chances at the other. 

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4 hours ago, riverholmes said:

As far as I know, these popular fan channels don't rely greatly on club access. They're not like so-called legacy media that appear in all the press conferences and official media events. Though, clubs are bringing them in gradually.

My guess is that it's more to do with dependency on commercial sponsors of content and platforms like Youtube favouring a certain type of vacuous content. As well as old-fashioned co-option through access, incentives and social connections. I could be wrong though.

It seems as if the elite game is being taken away from ordinary football fans - nothing new - but the voice of fans isn't really getting elevated here because the economics and politics of football are barely covered. 


100% agree.

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35 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

Anybody still think we did the right thing in getting rid of Raya ?

World class saves in that penalty shoot out. He looks as though he's thriving and developing further under big game pressure. Fair to say there's an argument for him being in the top 5 keepers in the world.

Nice one Tony.

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Obviously was a short sighted move to sell him for a knock down fee, but I suspect he wouldnt be close to the keeper he now is had he not moved on to Brentford who unlike us had a proper structure in place to go up and where he benefitted from playing at the top level under well regarded coaches.

For us, Kaminski was much more reliable and better for us, after a sad year of Walton. Now both of those keepers are playing in the Premier League and consistent with the rest of the squad under these owners, we have been left with inferior rubbish.

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On 11/03/2024 at 16:03, DeeCee said:

Please translate into layman's terms 🤔

My guess is that platforms like YouTube and, also, corporate sponsors favour a certain type of content. Though, there definitely have been some successful non-sports content creators who have done well despite challenging conventions. So, perhaps, other reasons are at play.

The big online fan channels aren’t confronting the important fan issues in football, such as the ever expanding and changing fixture list, devaluation of domestic game and expansion of Champions’ League, surging inequality, rigging of the game by wealth, fleecing of fans, corrupt ownership regime and so on.

There’s some discussion about owners when teams are struggling. And the Super League was an issue. But, it seems, these kind of discussions are not considered profitable or at least deemed to carry financial risk. 

Edited by riverholmes
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18 hours ago, ben_the_beast said:

World class saves in that penalty shoot out. He looks as though he's thriving and developing further under big game pressure. Fair to say there's an argument for him being in the top 5 keepers in the world.

Nice one Tony.

Agree with most of what u say but top 5 keepers? No chance 

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