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Very surprised by the lack of signings at Everton who haven't signed what they were missing for a couple of seasons, some good strikers. West Ham haven't spent money yet, Wolves seem to be in a mess and Palace haven't signed what they need either. Going to be interest last 4 weeks of the window. 

City to win the league with Arsenal, Spurs and Liverpool finishing in 2nd to 4th place. 

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6 hours ago, chaddyrovers said:


No surprise tbh as Moyes and new Technical director can't agree on signings and Moyes wants PL experience players but they cost more. Can't believe they haven't spend any money yet. 

This situation with Moyes and transfers has been rumbling on since the end of June. Very odd situation there. With all of this being played out in public it makes the situation a win-win for Moyes regardless. If West Ham do better than expected he'll appear to have worked wonders despite all of the behind the scenes tension, if they do badly he's already got plenty of excuses to point to if he does get the sack at some point. 

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5 minutes ago, DE. said:

This situation with Moyes and transfers has been rumbling on since the end of June. Very odd situation there. With all of this being played out in public it makes the situation a win-win for Moyes regardless. If West Ham do better than expected he'll appear to have worked wonders despite all of the behind the scenes tension, if they do badly he's already got plenty of excuses to point to if he does get the sack at some point. 

Moyes wants PL experience but the costs increases and their technical director wants players from Europe who are cheaper but similar quality. 

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Yeah Upside Down, that Mendes character is in partnership with some rich Chinese guy, hence all the Portuguese and Spanish based players playing for them in recent years. Sort of like a competent version of when Shebby Singh got us a knackered Nuno Gomes and several random young Portuguese men from a nightclub in Lisbon.

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48 minutes ago, Rogerb said:

With the transfer of Sanchez from Brighton to Chelsea having been displaced by Jason Steele as number 1 for Brighton how much is Steele worth now. Funny old game.

I have my doubts that Steele will be number 1 for Brighton long !

They will sign a proper keeper...

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If Kane did sign a new contract, he'd be the biggest idiot in the premier league. Spurs are going nowhere, win nothing, and can only aim for scraping into the last Champions League spot. The new manager might do OK, but he'll either be sacked, or leave after a few seasons for a big club with pedigree. Ash Phillips also took a risk in moving there.

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9 minutes ago, Norbert Rassragr said:

If Kane did sign a new contract, he'd be the biggest idiot in the premier league. Spurs are going nowhere, win nothing, and can only aim for scraping into the last Champions League spot. The new manager might do OK, but he'll either be sacked, or leave after a few seasons for a big club with pedigree. Ash Phillips also took a risk in moving there.

He would be beyond stupid to sign a new Spurs contract. If he doesn't get to move to Bayern this summer, he'll have a whole host of options next summer, despite his age.

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34 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

They have already signed their keeper Bart Verbruggen. Signed him over a month ago

Verbruggen is highly rated and cost over £10M ,but is still only 20 (21 later this month) which is very young for a keeper, it will be interesting to see how long he takes to displace Steele, surely it is only a matter of time.  Can see Steele starting as #1 (purely through experience) but Verbruggen displacing him over the next year after getting some starts in the cups

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On 04/08/2023 at 19:54, chaddyrovers said:

Moyes wants PL experience but the costs increases and their technical director wants players from Europe who are cheaper but similar quality. 

If Moyes leaves, Jdt will be on the Hammers shortlist.

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1 hour ago, Gavlar Somerset Rover! said:

Burnley signing Berge from Sheff Utd. No idea what the latter are doing; their two best players out of the door before a ball is kicked. Reckon Luton may even finish above them.

He is out of contract in the summer and there is a report of no extra year option.

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16 minutes ago, Gavlar Somerset Rover! said:

Either way, they're looking goosed before a ball is even kicked.

I agree. With their transfer business so far it's almost like they are planning for relegation.

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I think Sheffield United are in dire straits financially. They were supposed to be getting a takeover from some Nigerian businessman but that has gone quiet and looks to have collapsed. Their existing Saudi owner has been looking to get out for a while.

Beyond risky if they sell one of their best players to the likes of Burnley. You'd think they'd just take the risk to try and stay up and above the dingles.

My worry is that with Sheff Utd in a mess, Luton looking weak and Bournemouth likely to struggle there are already three clubs who Burnley can be relatively confident about finishing above.

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