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The Summer Transfer Window (Press Submit)

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I was thinking they have probably got a couple of million from our season ticket sales so that keeps us afloat for a bit longer till the court case.
It must be close though as Venkys send us £20m each year and we have gone through 6 months with no funding. £10m shortfall and only Wharton money to cover it so far with whatever Palace paid to date.
if you think we are going on a shopping spree until this court case is heard then you’re in fantasy land.

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3 hours ago, Forever Blue said:

Fake news. The court hearing, according to the club, relates to technical issues that have nothing to do with their ability to fund Rovers. 

Fake news. That’s not even what the club said.

If you’re going to accuse others, get it right yourself.

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What does Eustace mean exactly when he says this: 

"If we can add four or five quality players to the group, we will be a competitive team in the Championship."

Competitive is not a word I want to hear because it implies to me that his aim is mid table rather than the top end of the league. Competitive is the very least of my expectations. I could get eleven supporters from NO1 who would be competitive but lose every game. 

It appears he has started early with his banal interviews.


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2 minutes ago, arbitro said:

What does Eustace mean exactly when he says this: 

"If we can add four or five quality players to the group, we will be a competitive team in the Championship."

Competitive is not a word I want to hear because it implies to me that his aim is mid table rather than the top end of the league. Competitive is the very least of my expectations. I could get eleven supporters from NO1 who would be competitive but lose every game. 

It appears he has started early with his banal interviews.


I think in his heart of hearts, Eustace knows only too well, that we are in big trouble this coming season.

As we know from his statements made so far, he is happy to trot out the kind of stuff that keeps the Rovers officials happy and a certain number of fans too. I also, think he knows deep down that we will not be signing four of five quality players either.

What he apparently stated last night at the Trust meeting about improving on last years finishing position says a lot and I guess reflects the approach we saw to games last year.

He is on a hiding to nothing and with the propaganda  still coming out of the club, sadly, he is only adding to it. 

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And I'm afraid 4 or 5 is well short of what is really needed after last season's debacle, even if we pull off a 100% success rate and they all turn out to be good. 

But rather than get talk of an overhaul or total rebuild we get 4 or 5 to be competitive. Music to Waggott's ears when 2-3 of them will be loans.

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1 hour ago, OldEwoodBlue said:

Clearly you are nodding away at the club's propoganda words without the ability to think about it yourself.

Go on then, we are going to be spending millions because Steve said.

Lets watch this uninhibited funding unfold together.

No excuses mind, like "we didn't need any money sending because the Wharton income was paying the bills. They could have if they needed to".

Actions not words Sleepy Joe.

Sleepy Joe made me chuckle 👍

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46 minutes ago, Mike E said:

Fake news. That’s not even what the club said.

If you’re going to accuse others, get it right yourself.

Hi Mike,

I have no intention of being obnoxious here, I genuinely want to get this right, so would you mind posting what the club did actually state on this matter? 

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8 minutes ago, JHRover said:

And I'm afraid 4 or 5 is well short of what is really needed after last season's debacle, even if we pull off a 100% success rate and they all turn out to be good. 

But rather than get talk of an overhaul or total rebuild we get 4 or 5 to be competitive. Music to Waggott's ears when 2-3 of them will be loans.

and the other 2 will be McFadzean and Fleck (if they sign after Sunday they will be free agents and technically new signings)

I am only half joking

Edited by KentExile
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There is no way this lot will get in 4 or 5 of the required quality to move us up the table while keeping everyone we already have, as others have said 4 or 5 isn't really enough anyway.

I don't know whether to shake my head at or admire anyone who after the last 14 years still thinks that something like that is possible.


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10 hours ago, Trinidad Rover said:

In that interview he says the objective is to finish higher than last year, you know. Which equally means not get relegated, you know. 

Lofty ambitions again this season after Waggott’s stay in the league last.

Survival would be an achievement with the backing our last two managers have received.

The club is in serious, serious trouble.

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Have to say I'd be delighted if we brought in "four or five quality players" but on past form how likely is that to happen? Where's the money? We all know where this is heading - one paid-for signing (£1m max, maybe) and the rest will be loans (kids). 

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On 26/06/2024 at 23:02, Forever Blue said:

What an insightful comment. Thanks for sharing. 

The art of affective communication is simplicity.

If you do not think Rovers are feeding their supporters feckin bullsh1t by the barrow load then that is your perogative.

Certain I know what I think!

Edited by Mercer
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27 minutes ago, B16Rover said:

Is the 4 or 5 in addition to current squad or in replacement.  Can't see Sigurdson fancying another relegation scrap with champions league experience and a name in Scandinavia.  Would he make us 5-6? 

Based on his early interviews, Sigurdsson originally seemed to have moved to Rovers with the intention of proving himself in England and earning a Prem move. 

He may fancy himself with a full pre season to do enough this season for a newly promoted team to take a chance on him on a free next summer?  He did look pretty good in his first few games for us, so especially if Szmodics is sold, and the team is more built around supplying chances to Sigurdsson, he may flourish  this season.

I am not saying this will happen, just that Sigurdsson may fancy his chances of earning a mega money move next summer in the same way that we might buy a lottery ticket in the hope of winning it big

Edited by KentExile
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1 hour ago, lraC said:

Hi Mike,

I have no intention of being obnoxious here, I genuinely want to get this right, so would you mind posting what the club did actually state on this matter? 

I agreed with your assessment of what was said, and therefore disagreed with @Forever Blue’s assessment.

However, I must now point out we’re both wrong and @Forever Blue was right re: what the club ACTUALLY said (even if we believe they are incorrect).

“The owners would like to assure all Blackburn Rovers supporters that the club will continue to have their full support in the short, medium and long term.

“The ongoing court case in India is now related only to technical and procedural issues involving Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt Ltd (VHPL) and should have no future impact on the owners being able to continue to fund the club.

“Even through the extremely challenging times of the Covid pandemic and during difficulties encountered last year, the owners have always supported the club, which will continue as and when they are required to do so.

Finally, the owners would like to take this opportunity to thank all associated with the club for their support and have full belief under our new head coach John Eustace we can have a strong end to the current season.”

I was wrong on what the club said. However, I believe they are incorrect. The court case directly influences funding Venkys are allowed to put into the club because it is a request to be allowed to further fund the club.

Edited by Mike E
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1 hour ago, Forever Blue said:

That’s exactly what they said. I suggest you do some research before falsely accusing me  of falsely accusing others of fake news👍

Hands up, got ‘what they said’ wrong. As above 👆 

But I still believe their assertion is incorrect, ie: Fake News.

Edited by Mike E
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It's just more cleverly worded spin, 'should' instead of 'will' and we know they can and have the ability to fund the club that's never been in question.

What is the question is what possible technical or procedural issues could there be in court regarding this other than yes you can resume sending money as before or no you can't.

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