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The Summer Transfer Window (Press Submit)

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1 hour ago, tomphil said:

Easily because up until now they've funded losses using as far as we can see company profit and not debt against the club.

That's all Fit & Proper are bothered about.

From the EFL website (and backing up what you say)…

In any potential ‘takeover’ or acquisition of control as it is formally known, it is the responsibility of the Club in question to inform the EFL of a proposed change. 

Once the League has been made aware, the process of making the necessary checks against the requirements of EFL Regulations will then begin. The Regulations ultimately set the criteria regarding who is permitted to own a Club - or exercise control over it - and whether they meet the requirements to do so.

Every acquisition process is different (more on this below) but there are three key parts in each case.

First, there is the Owners’ and Directors’ Test, an objective test where prospective owners and directors have to evidence the fact they are not subject to any disqualifying events. The disqualifying events are clear and set out in the Regulations.

Second, the Club and prospective owners must submit Future Financial Information (FFI)to demonstrate how the Club will operate over the period ahead, from which any additional cash requirements to support the running of the Club can be identified.

Finally, any potential owner must demonstrate to the EFL the ultimate Source and Sufficiency of Funding which will underpin the purchase and future operations. Or in simple terms, how much money they have and where it has come from.

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47 minutes ago, tomphil said:

I actually think the club is more saleable now than it has been for a good while, for a sensible price of course.

Wage bill and running costs (supposedly) reduced, most real high earners off the payroll.

A few saleable assets still remain without money owed on transfers for them, a few decent young players on modest contracts.

Academy still providing a few potential championship standard kids,

Owing to sales club standing on its own feet temporarily without big outside borrowing, as far as we know yet,

Training ground off the books to reduce price but still own our own ground and academy site,

Still have championship income and solid crowd ave of 14/15k plus new tv deal.

Absolutely perfect time to sell right now and priced right a terrific buy for the right people, bags of potential and no massive debts to pay off.

I keep on thinking about our attractiveness to would-be buyers.

If you are an investor looking to get into English football and a quick route to the PL then Rovers should be towards the top of the list of options. 

Smart management and decision making and sensible investment for a few years with this academy could easily see us promoted. Might be laughed at for saying that but we've spent much of the last 3 seasons in the top 6 positions and ought to have finished in there at least once had it not been for our owners doing their bit to undermine it.

Yes you would need capital and substantial capital at that to fund the club potentially for several years at a loss. But it can be done for a lot less than the famous £20 million a year figure we hear about under these owners. Compare to having to shell out £200-300 million to buy a ready made established PL club (if there are even any available).

Businessmen out there who would fancy a crack at it. Yes they could fail and get us nowhere and lose money on it, but most people would work their backsides off to avoid that and fancy their chances of being a success. And if they failed, move on, let someone else have a crack at it. Admit defeat if you run out of money, ideas or interest. That's what sensible, mature, reasonable people would do but instead this lot would rather hide away and let the club crumble into dust through their chaos.

Edited by JHRover
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Just now, JHRover said:

I keep on thinking about our attractiveness to would-be buyers.

If you are an investor looking to get into English football and a quick route to the PL then Rovers should be towards the top of the list of options. 

Smart management and decision making and sensible investment for a few years with this academy could easily see us promoted. Might be laughed at for saying that but we've spent much of the last 3 seasons in the top 6 positions and ought to have finished in there at least once had it not been for our owners doing their bit to undermine it.

Yes you would need capital and substantial capital at that to fund the club potentially for several years at a loss. But it can be done for a lot less than the famous £20 million a year figure we hear about under these owners. Compare to having to shell out £200-300 million to buy a ready made established PL club (if there are even any available).

Businessmen out there who would fancy a crack at it. Yes they could fail and get us nowhere and lose money on it, but most people would work their backsides off to avoid that and fancy their chances of being a success. And if they failed, move on, let someone else have a crack at it. Admit defeat if you run out of money, ideas or interest. That's what sensible, mature, reasonable people would do but instead this lot would rather hide away and let the club crumble into dust through their chaos.

Just look at the lesser club down the M65 - it's eminently doable with a bit of backing.

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The Rao’s are well past their sell by date and need to leave.

They are in between a rock and hard place. They have failed massively and no matter what they do now, it won’t be enough.

They have upset too many and there is no way they can more forward, as owners or with the fans.

Leaving would be the best for them and us fans. 


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2 hours ago, Mercer said:

Your statement lacks clarity.

If they 'pull the plug', and by that I assume they stop funding, then yes, administration will be virtually inevitable.

If they hope to sell then administration would only happen if the new owner was not adequately funded (insufficient working capital).

IMO, the club is not saleable.  The best the V's could hope to achieve is to hand the club over to new owners for nothing other than  perhaps a deferred purchase consideration (contingent upon say Rovers reaching the PL within a specified time frame) and to walk away with no further liability.

I would think any new buyer taking on Rovers as I've outlined would need some £60million of working capital.  Turning the club around will be an enormous challenge and would take quite some time.

Sorry bro , on this i disagree .... The club is extremely saleable. State and sovereign funds are in market for clubs not for profit but branding and  PR image enhancements. We fit the bill with our history and good fanbase. In my opinion the Vs are stuck as if and when a potential buyer come , opening of books become mandatory and this is where , i believe there's skeletons in our closet. So i believe the layers between Vs and the club are shielding the Vs from any offer(for own gains )  and Vs are kicking the can down the road systematically stripping us waiting on administration or dissolution. 


this is completely my opinion based on my view ..

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13 minutes ago, miqaayil said:

Sorry bro , on this i disagree .... The club is extremely saleable. State and sovereign funds are in market for clubs not for profit but branding and  PR image enhancements. We fit the bill with our history and good fanbase. In my opinion the Vs are stuck as if and when a potential buyer come , opening of books become mandatory and this is where , i believe there's skeletons in our closet. So i believe the layers between Vs and the club are shielding the Vs from any offer(for own gains )  and Vs are kicking the can down the road systematically stripping us waiting on administration or dissolution. 


this is completely my opinion based on my view ..

No thanks.

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37 minutes ago, miqaayil said:

Sorry bro , on this i disagree .... The club is extremely saleable. State and sovereign funds are in market for clubs not for profit but branding and  PR image enhancements. We fit the bill with our history and good fanbase. In my opinion the Vs are stuck as if and when a potential buyer come , opening of books become mandatory and this is where , i believe there's skeletons in our closet. So i believe the layers between Vs and the club are shielding the Vs from any offer(for own gains )  and Vs are kicking the can down the road systematically stripping us waiting on administration or dissolution. 


this is completely my opinion based on my view ..

I reckon you lost the vast majority of us with “bro”

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3 minutes ago, K-Hod said:

Just a reminder- insults are usually met with a ban.
We’ve let a couple slide, but any more and you’ll be getting bans. 
Please don’t say you weren’t warned.

Venkys are an insult too BRFC

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