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The Summer Transfer Window (Press Submit)

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1 hour ago, simongarnerisgod said:

if we have 15% sell on for raya thats approx 4.1 million,add the wharton cash and the new sky deal then there is no excuse for not spending a bob or two

Yes there is - we're on our own now. Our owners haven't put any money in since November and probably won't be able to until August at the earliest.

Waggott will be battening down the hatches, to hell with the squad quality. All of those transfer funds will be used to keep the lights on for as long as possible. 

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1 hour ago, simongarnerisgod said:

asmir begovic to leave qpr when his contract expires,if we had any sense or slight ambition we`de be on the phone to his agent,that would be our goalkeeping problem fixed,he won`t be without a club for long

Sadly this club has neither sense, nor ambition.

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9 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

 Brittain in LT yesterday saying we’ve ‘got a few new lads in’ so he’s looking forward to bonding on the trip to Austria. 

Maybe they just can’t be arsed telling us about all the new signings we e already made?

Sounds like he means players promoted from the U21s to me

“We have our trip to Austria which will be nice, it is bonding time as well. We have got a few new lads in and a lot of young boys, everyone needs to step up and we will work hard together to gel as a team.”

Eustace has also name checked Gent and Vale in separate comments

Doherty (the young Irish lad from Linfield), Gent and Vale, makes "a few" additions.

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2 minutes ago, KentExile said:

Sounds like he means players promoted from the U21s to me

“We have our trip to Austria which will be nice, it is bonding time as well. We have got a few new lads in and a lot of young boys, everyone needs to step up and we will work hard together to gel as a team.”

Eustace has also name checked Gent and Vale in separate comments

Few new lads AND a lot of young boys. 

Sounds like a mass unveiling of top talent for big money is imminent!

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5 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

Gent and Vale aren’t new. 

I don’t really think they’re hiding players, it’s just a strange turn of phrase when we’ve only signed 1 new player. 

New to Eustace's group.

I agree with you, I would not count them as new, but I think that is the line that we are being spun, I suppose on that basis, they may count Travis as new too, lol

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48 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

Looking forward to seeing Gent though, he looked like an old fashioned winger when I saw him for Motherwell. 

Not sure Vale is Championship standard, but you never know. 

I agree on Gent, seemed his loan went well. Not sure if he's up to championship standard but hopefully he gets a chance in pre season.

Vale really doesn't seem up to it and gets injured an awful lot.

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Regardless of him being up to it or not, I can see Gallagher being sold for circa £1M and replaced in the squad by Vale as a cheap stop gap, whilst Leonard and Tijon are brought through

As an aside, the Motherwell fans did seem to rate Vale for his pressing and work rate, so maybe the penny dropped with him in Scotland.  

Edit - Also assuming Telalovic will leave either on loan or permanent

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Vale will definitely be moved on.

He's had opportunities, but failed to impress. He's clearly League One level at best.

With Leonard and Telalovic around, and a huge prospect in Tyjon coming through - there simply isn't room for him in the squad anymore... and this is before you consider Gallagher (or his replacement if he's sold), who's actually the first choice before all of the above.

Edited by TheRevAshton
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Music to my ears, found the last few years at Ewood some of the most boring in my 25 years of going. The obsession with 'no 10s' has led to dull walking football with 6 yard one touch passes into the corner and all the way back out to the centre backs again.

Getting some power, pace and directness in the wide areas would be fantastic and might give our strikers a chance to score some goals.

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3 minutes ago, roverstdt said:

To me Markanday, Vale, Fleck, Gallagher, Dolan, Leo all needs to go. Don't even rate Hedges that highly either. 

Fleck hasn't signed a contract. 

Agree on them all apart from Dolan

Big fan of Hedges 

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