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The Summer Transfer Window (Press Submit)

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6 hours ago, lraC said:

Wasn’t Marshall Burke with us first and signed for them, when he was passed his best?

Started off at Burnley then moved to Leeds where Kendall picked him up on a free for Rovers.

Never a world beater but gutsy with an eye for goal - think he averaged about 1 in 5 which aint bad for a midfielder.

Always remember the sitter he missed at the Town End, Preston, as the season drew to a close, in Kendall's second season with us - we drew that match and if Burke had notched, as he should, we would have been promoted to Division 1 (and done an Ipswich) instead of missing out on goal difference - it was heart breaking.

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1 hour ago, Hasta said:

Who was the last player we signed who had previously played a decent number of games for Burnley? (Say 20+)

 I’m probably missing someone obvious but can’t think of any. I can think of quite a few going  the other way.

Dave Jones? Or was he with us first?

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32 minutes ago, bluebruce said:

Booing opposition players often has the opposite effect though. Depends on their personality, something our fans are not qualified to assess.

I'd say booing off at half time 0-0 is the real issue for concern with some of our lot.

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23 minutes ago, Mike E said:

Dave Jones? Or was he with us first?

He was on loan here under Appleton and Bowyer, Then Bowyer didn't sign him but sign Evans and Cairney instead then Dyche signed Jones

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4 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

He was on loan here under Appleton and Bowyer, Then Bowyer didn't sign him but sign Evans and Cairney instead then Dyche signed Jones

Ah thank you, I wasn’t sure which way round it was

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2 hours ago, Mattyblue said:

If you say so, booing a bloke relentlessly for 90 minutes because he played down the road on loan for about 5 games a decade ago is all a bit small time to me… just like they always used to be.

I'm 57 and was brought up to hate the Burnley scum 

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2 hours ago, Mike E said:

Dave Jones? Or was he with us first?

I remember him taking a corner for us at the BBE/Riverside, ball cleared and a quick breakaway. Jones ran the full diagonal mopped it up or cleared it for a throw in.

Great attitude, work rate and a steady eddie. 

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7 minutes ago, funny-old-game said:

I remember him taking a corner for us at the BBE/Riverside, ball cleared and a quick breakaway. Jones ran the full diagonal mopped it up or cleared it for a throw in.

Great attitude, work rate and a steady eddie. 

Always felt we made a mistake not signing him.

1 minute ago, Mike E said:

Anyone fancy 42yo Pedersen? As a player, I mean.

Not in the slightest. When he left, it was time, if not a bit past time. I doubt he's improved 11 years later.

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2 hours ago, funny-old-game said:

I remember him taking a corner for us at the BBE/Riverside, ball cleared and a quick breakaway. Jones ran the full diagonal mopped it up or cleared it for a throw in.

Great attitude, work rate and a steady eddie. 

he was seriously one footed if i recall,always had to get it onto his left peg

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32 minutes ago, ABBEY said:

Do a better job than gally ... being serious  too

You can be as serious as you like, you'll still be wrong. In his season with us in the Championship, Pedersen scored 1 goal in 28 games, with 0 in 5 in the cup, at the age of about 31. For all his faults, the lowest Gally has ever returned is 5 goals in 27 games.

As I said before, Pedersen is hardly going to have improved now he's 42. Most recently, he managed 2 goals in 19 games in the Norweigan second tier. If you're serious about being serious, you really are clueless, but I suspect you're not actually being serious.

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It's just Gallagher getting his usual stick.

But as one of our highest paid players, that's employed to score goals (and for the most part doesn't), he's always going to get that. People are understandably frustrated.

Ultimately we are going to need him or Leonard to have the season of their life though as it stands, I'd be amazed if we get a decent striker in. I'd have more hope of Leonard achieving it than Gallagher too, although it's still a huge ask.

I'm not even including Telalovic in the equation as he's seemingly been wrote off already by 2 consecutive managers.

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2 hours ago, Ossydave said:

It's just Gallagher getting his usual stick.

But as one of our highest paid players, that's employed to score goals (and for the most part doesn't), he's always going to get that. People are understandably frustrated.

Ultimately we are going to need him or Leonard to have the season of their life though as it stands, I'd be amazed if we get a decent striker in. I'd have more hope of Leonard achieving it than Gallagher too, although it's still a huge ask.

I'm not even including Telalovic in the equation as he's seemingly been wrote off already by 2 consecutive managers.

I'd have more hope of Leonard making it alongside Gallagher. 

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Leonard isn't going to make it at this level let alone in a struggling side but he'll always be a handy cheap squad man chipping in with the odd goal here and there.

We need SIGN a good striker, preferably two, non of this make do with what we have fantasy stuff no matter who in the squad is paired up once Szmods is gone.

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1 hour ago, tomphil said:

Leonard isn't going to make it at this level let alone in a struggling side but he'll always be a handy cheap squad man chipping in with the odd goal here and there.

We need SIGN a good striker, preferably two, non of this make do with what we have fantasy stuff no matter who in the squad is paired up once Szmods is gone.

I'm not counting him out yet, but needs to take grab any chance he gets this coming season. Wouldn't mind loaning him out to a promotion candidate in League One.

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Leonard’s movement was excellent under JDT, it got him in some really good positions. Problem was he kept missing. I think there’s a player in there, hopefully next season he can push on, either here or out on loan in League 1. 

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Posted (edited)

Leonard scored the same amount as Gallagher in the league this season in less than half the amount of minutes (836 vs 1,719)

I thought he looked really good at times under JDT. Whether that materialises under Eustace-ball who knows. 

Regardless, we need a number 9 and he certainly isn't highest paid in the squad Sam Gallagher.

Edited by superniko
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18 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

Leonard’s movement was excellent under JDT, it got him in some really good positions. Problem was he kept missing. I think there’s a player in there, hopefully next season he can push on, either here or out on loan in League 1. 

deffo rate Leonard and he is only 20 years old and he will continue to get better here

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All very quiet on the transfer front, not surprised given its holiday time for the players/staff. We obviously didn't have anything lined up though as guessing it would be rumoured or announced like a few others clubs have done.

All signs point to the barren summer until the court case is heard in August.

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