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The Summer Transfer Window (Press Submit)

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22 minutes ago, roverblue said:

All very quiet on the transfer front, not surprised given its holiday time for the players/staff. We obviously didn't have anything lined up though as guessing it would be rumoured or announced like a few others clubs have done.

All signs point to the barren summer until the court case is heard in August.

The case is due to be heard 10 days before the window closes.

Anyone feel confident we could complete a deal (let alone multiple ones) in that timeframe?


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24 minutes ago, wilsdenrover said:

The case is due to be heard 10 days before the window closes.

Anyone feel confident we could complete a deal (let alone multiple ones) in that timeframe?


The issue, in so far as it affects Venkyā€™s ability to fund Rovers, is resolved according to the club statement issued via WATR.Ā 

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24 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

The issue, in so far as it affects Venkyā€™s ability to fund Rovers, is resolved according to the club statement issued via WATR.Ā 

We discussed this at great length in the Rovers Trust thread ( page 29 ).Ā 

Waggott issued a carefully worded statement regarding the owners 'ability to continue to fund the club' butĀ  the issues being discussed in the court case in India are a long way from being resolved.Ā 

Funding at the moment is coming from player sales and loans secured against the training ground.

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1 hour ago, superniko said:

Leonard scored the same amount as Gallagher in the league this season in less than half the amount of minutes (836 vs 1,719)

I thought he looked really good at times under JDT. Whether that materialises under Eustace-ball who knows.Ā 

Regardless, we need a number 9 and he certainly isn't highest paid in the squad Sam Gallagher.

It's not all about output though. I think Gallagher is hit and miss, but a lot of the time with Leonard in the team we were on the back-foot as his hold-up play is still very much in development. He had a great understanding with A. Wharton, so I will be curious to see if he manages to get to as many clear-cut chances without his longtime teammate.

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For what its worth I think if Leonard is going to have any chance of being a success he needs 12 months at the top of L2, then 12 months at the top of L1 or the SPL. He's currently not strong enough, not effective enough and not used to the pressure he's being (wrongfully) put under here at Ewood.Ā 

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4 minutes ago, J*B said:

For what its worth I think if Leonard is going to have any chance of being a success he needs 12 months at the top of L2, then 12 months at the top of L1 or the SPL. He's currently not strong enough, not effective enough and not used to the pressure he's being (wrongfully) put under here at Ewood.Ā 

Thatā€™s if he gets over his injury. He was out a long while last season.

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39 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

The issue, in so far as it affects Venkyā€™s ability to fund Rovers, is resolved according to the club statement issued via WATR.Ā 

Iā€™ll believe the club when they provide some evidence to back this up.

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42 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

The issue, in so far as it affects Venkyā€™s ability to fund Rovers, is resolved according to the club statement issued via WATR.Ā 

A load of nonsense, if it wasn't for the panic sales of Wharton, cancelling any paid for signings and a bridging loan against the training ground we would already be in administration.

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1 minute ago, Crimpshrine said:

We discussed this at great length in the Rovers Trust thread ( page 29 ).Ā 

Waggott issued a carefully worded statement regarding the owners 'ability to continue to fund the club' butĀ  the issues being discussed in the court case in India are a long way from being resolved.Ā 

Funding at the moment is coming from player sales and loans secured against the training ground.

We did discuss it and the above is your interpretation. I was merely adding a bit of balance by stating what the official line from the club is, which contradicts your interpretation of the current state of play. They clearly state there are no future impediments by the Indian Authorities to Venkyā€™s funding the club as long as they match future funding with a bond.Ā 

if the club are being disingenuous weā€™ll find out soon enough, but there isnā€™t anything clever about their stated position, itā€™s very clear as @Miller11Ā confirmed in the Trust thread.


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2 minutes ago, roverblue said:

A load of nonsense, if it wasn't for the panic sales of Wharton, cancelling any paid for signings and a bridging loan against the training ground we would already be in administration.

Which has nothing to do with Venkyā€™s ability to fund the club going forward.Ā 

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6 minutes ago, wilsdenrover said:

Iā€™ll believe the club when they provide some evidence to back this up.

Fair enough, and Iā€™ll believe Venkyā€™s ability to fund the club is as stated by the club unless you can provide evidence to the contrary.Ā 

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3 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

We did discuss it and the above is your interpretation. I was merely adding a bit of balance by stating what the official line from the club is, which contradicts your interpretation of the current state of play. They clearly state there are no future impediments by the Indian Authorities to Venkyā€™s funding the club as long as they match future funding with a bond.Ā 

if the club are being disingenuous weā€™ll find out soon enough, but there isnā€™t anything clever about their stated position, itā€™s very clear as @Miller11Ā confirmed in the Trust thread.


They didnā€™t say thereā€™s no future impediments, they said there shouldnā€™t be any Ā - a subtle but important difference.

Hereā€™s the link:


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1 minute ago, Forever Blue said:

We did discuss it and the above is your interpretation. I was merely adding a bit of balance by stating what the official line from the club is, which contradicts your interpretation of the current state of play. They clearly state there are no future impediments by the Indian Authorities to Venkyā€™s funding the club as long as they match future funding with a bond.Ā 

if the club are being disingenuous weā€™ll find out soon enough, but there isnā€™t anything clever about their stated position, itā€™s very clear as @Miller11Ā confirmed in the Trust thread.


If you could point me to the statement that clarifies the bit in bold I would be very grateful. They have not said this.Ā 

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14 minutes ago, J*B said:

For what its worth I think if Leonard is going to have any chance of being a success he needs 12 months at the top of L2, then 12 months at the top of L1 or the SPL. He's currently not strong enough, not effective enough and not used to the pressure he's being (wrongfully) put under here at Ewood.Ā 

I personally think he's a wide player in a front 3. He's too small and not quite quick enough to consistently trouble defenders as the lone striker. However his vision and first touch is good enough to act as a pivot out wide - and he'd be a nightmare to defend against drifting in to the back post, ala Pederson.

He could probably play as a 10 too, his link up play is quite good, but there's a long queue for that position.Ā 

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1 minute ago, wilsdenrover said:

They didnā€™t say thereā€™s no future impediments, they said there shouldnā€™t be any Ā - a subtle but important difference.

Hereā€™s the link:


And it also doesn't say that they can send money. They can fund the club in other ways - as previously discussed

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1 minute ago, Crimpshrine said:

If you could point me to the statement that clarifies the bit in bold I would be very grateful. They have not said this.Ā 

WATR newsletter April. The discussion regarding it is in the last few pages of the Trust thread.Ā 

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2 minutes ago, wilsdenrover said:

They didnā€™t say thereā€™s no future impediments, they said there shouldnā€™t be any Ā - a subtle but important difference.

Hereā€™s the link:


WATR newsletter April 24 for the impediments remark

As for Realpolitik official statements, they arent going make themselves a hostage to fortune by stating categorically that nothing else will happen in the coming months that will affect funding again.Ā 

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Just now, Forever Blue said:

WATR newsletter April 24 for the impediments remark

As for Realpolitik official statements, they arent going make themselves a hostage to fortune by stating categorically that nothing else will happen in the coming months that will affect funding again.Ā 

But theyā€™re willing to do so in a meeting with a fanā€™s group?

As you said earlier, weā€™ll find out soon enough whether they can or they canā€™t send further funds.

I actually hope you are right.

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It does seem to me like the club tell WATR and the likes a nicer version to butter them up. We heard before January and the Wharton sale/no funds being made available something along the same lines. Obviously the case is affecting how much they can or more likely are willing to invest (or not) and it may even be that anyone bar the owners doesnt even know.

29 minutes ago, J*B said:

For what its worth I think if Leonard is going to have any chance of being a success he needs 12 months at the top of L2, then 12 months at the top of L1 or the SPL. He's currently not strong enough, not effective enough and not used to the pressure he's being (wrongfully) put under here at Ewood.Ā 

There would be little use hin going as low as League 2. League 1 isnt a very good league, he should be able to score goals there.

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2 minutes ago, wilsdenrover said:

But theyā€™re willing to do so in a meeting with a fanā€™s group?

As you said earlier, weā€™ll find out soon enough whether they can or they canā€™t send further funds.

I actually hope you are right.

Iā€™m Ā just offering balance because it is being taken as fact that they canā€™t send funds until the court case is resolved.

FWIW I trust very little that comes out of the club, especially from Waggott.Ā 

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37 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

Iā€™m Ā just offering balance because it is being taken as fact that they canā€™t send funds until the court case is resolved.

FWIW I trust very little that comes out of the club, especially from Waggott.Ā 

To send funds requires court approval. With a detailed breakdown of what those funds are for. As no other court application has been made to date it is reasonable to believe no funds from India will be sent. The court case on August 20 may involve an application to send funds but is also to with Alexander House and the funding of the purchase of this.

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1 hour ago, Forever Blue said:

The issue, in so far as it affects Venkyā€™s ability to fund Rovers, is resolved according to the club statement issued via WATR.Ā 

The Venky's ability to fund the Rovers has been resolved. They are not allowed to, and they weren't going to anyway.

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Where Leonard differs from strikers like Vale, or even Gallagher, is that he got in goal scoring positions consistently. His finishing was then impressive at times but by the fact you've got in that position to begin with shows a natural ability.

Gallagher can go entire games without ever looking like scoring. That never really happened for Leonard

I think there's a player in there and a loan to a L1 team might do him some good. I don't think we can afford to do that though. He is required here as back up

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34 minutes ago, Rogerb said:

To send funds requires court approval. With a detailed breakdown of what those funds are for. As no other court application has been made to date it is reasonable to believe no funds from India will be sent. The court case on August 20 may involve an application to send funds but is also to with Alexander House and the funding of the purchase of this.

They donā€™t need to request funds at the moment because theyā€™ve got the Wharton money. The issue is whether day-to-day funding going forward will Ā come from Wharton/Raya/szmodics money until it runs out, or whether some of that will be spent on transfers with additional external funding coming from Venkys.Ā 

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2 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

They donā€™t need to request funds at the moment because theyā€™ve got the Wharton money. The issue is whether day-to-day funding going forward will Ā come from Wharton/Raya/szmodics money until it runs out, or whether some of that will be spent on transfers with additional external funding coming from Venkys.Ā 

I think we all know the answer is until it runs out, meanwhile we watch a team of frees, loans and u23s get relegated.

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