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American Rover

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Death to tedious, Pearl Jam lite Christian Rock. Please God let Nickelback quit as they realise their crapness, followed by Evanessence, Coldplay, Moron 5, Blink 182, Madonna and Good Charlotte for similar reasons.

They had the American Idol judges, including Simon, on the Radio (Howard Stern). They had several aspiring singers come in and sing a song, and the judges would tell them what they thought. They had the singer from Nickleback come in and perform one of his songs and Simon said he was not good enough to make it (not knowing who he was, of course).

"Good Charlotte? More like mediocre Green Day." - Chris Rock at the MTV VMAs

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****MUSE selling head on****

Lot more powerful songs, some very catchy tunes (Hysteria is fuppin amazing track). Some very apocalyptic songs (Sing For Absolution, Apocalypse Please). All in all another good album from the best british band around, they just get better and better. Cant wait to see them on stage at Glastonbury.

Just done a big Aussie/US tour and very well liked over there

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! laugh.gif. That's the best thing that arrogant turd has ever done in his life. Nickelback are the most middle of the road rock band around right now. And Metallica should quit as well and count their money.

I'd add Papa Roach to that list, but they have fallen off the radar. Maybe all their fake angst-ridden fans accidently succeeded in their half baked suicide attempts.

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Just Champagned Mozzer's album sorry BOUGHT IT AT ASDA. Had it on in the car, haven't made my mind up yet.

There are four tracks on the album Nick that personally I've grown to like a lot - namely: "I'm Not Sorry", "I Have Forgiven Jesus", "How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel?" and "America Is Not The World".

The rest of the album is a bit mixed, but I've got no regrets about paying a tenner for it - because those four songs mentioned are very good IMO.

I guess Nick, that you didn't like the track where Mozzer laments policemen.... wink.gif

That particular song, entitled "The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores" is a fairly average track, but there's a nice line about "Lock-jawed pop stars, Nothing to convey, They're so scared to show intelligence. It might smear their lovely career."

One such lock jawed pop star (that most people have probably long forgotten about) is the ex-Brother Beyond singer Nathan Moore.

Brother Beyond were a cheesy pop band in the late 80's, briefly competing with Bros for the affections of teenage girls. Their best-selling hit "The Harder I Try" reached number 2 in 1989.

user posted image

Nathan's been a busy lad recently. He's been caught scouring the back streets of Kings Cross for lewd acts with prostitutes. Shocking. ohmy.gif

He's been fined £250 with £50 costs.

Further details below:


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I guess Nick, that you didn't like the track where Mozzer laments policemen.... wink.gif

Uniformed whores, Work within the law biggrin.gif

Spot on Smiffy - try telling Abbey !

The troops on the ground don't make the laws they just enforce them. I agree with the rest of the country when it comes to inappropriate speed restrictions, a government cash machine that has alienated the Police from many people who were previously happy to assist the boys in blue.

Is there a gatso outside my daughter's school when cars are ripping up and down at 8.30 in the morning ? Too easy to spot, low conviction target, too expensive.... you guessed it - no camera.

Safety cameras my @rse. If they were genuinely placed to increase the safety of the public they would be in areas where that would be effective. I drive a lot for a living, what danger am I travelling at 85mph on the M6 ? None, until I spy a guy on a motorway bridge pointing a speed gun at the traffic creating danger as motorists swerve and brake irrationally to avoid him.

As for that cr@p "it's simple, just don't speed", stop making home made jam, button up your cardigans and come out into the real world.

It's about time restrictions were enforced in appropriate areas. Schools, accident blackspots, areas where the motoring public would actually give their support.

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Good news this week: Creed are gone and, hopefully, never coming back. smile.gif

Bad news this week: Evenessence have a new single out already. Cue much slavering over the faux-goth pop act from 'disillusioned' teens (read, spoilt little west-end goblins in a strop cause they were told to wash the dishes). mad.gif

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Just got back from download festival, a great weekend. Saw Iggy and the Stooges on Saturday, as well as Sum 41 (who are great live) and Linkin Park (same as S41). The best band on the day were The Hives, bang on form, very very entertaining.

Sunday however was the main day, opened up with Rick Warwick, the lead singer of Almighty, who should of been given longer, then to the main stage to see a bit of Soulfly. Hooberstank came next, who put on a good show, followed by a couple of songs by Drowning Pool, whose new singer has a great stage prescence.

I then camped out on the main stage, Machine Head were the next band on, followed by slipknot, both really good. Next were the two bands I had come to see, Korn first were superb, playing a good selection from their albums.

The last band on were Metallica, on 2 hours late due to Lars being in hospital, they were joined on drums firstly by Dave Lombardo of Slayer for Battery and The Four Horsemen. The 3 band members were then joined by slipknot drummer Joey Jordison for all but 1 of the rest of the set ( Fade to Black performed by Ulrich's drum tech Flemming Larsen ) .

They were fantastic well worth the wait and the rain. I don't think anything comes close to Nothing Else Matters live.

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I then camped out on the main stage, Machine Head were the next band on, followed by slipknot, both really good. Next were the two bands I had come to see, Korn first were superb, playing a good selection from their albums.


I saw those nasty clown people at the Carling festivel a few years back. The lead singer has got a good voice if he would just stop screaming half way through a song.

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Korn suck. Every song is the same !. That same bass sound, the same drums, and then Jonathan Davis whines on about how he 'can't take any more', and how he was bullied at school etc. Half way through, there is an instrumental bit, in which Jonathan may start going 'Rum-tiddly-um-pum-pum'.

That new Hoobastank song is a bit like Lagacy by Mansun, but sh_t. Metallica should go away and count their money, Drowning Pool are another non-entity band, the jokes worn off with Sum 41, Linkin Park are just poo, and Soulfly just aren't as good as Sepultura were.

I like Slipknot though, as I can laugh at the whole comic act they put on. It's a modern Alice Cooper really, whilst the Hives are great and I like Iggy Pop.

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How were Slayer and Cradle of Filth Cornwall? (If you saw them). And what's up with Lars - not that I've got any real sympathy for him.

EDIT> Lots of credit to Lombardo and Jordison, two of my favourite metal drummers (even if Slipknot are pretty cack), and neither get any real recognition for their skills - both of them are better than Ulrich in any case.

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I didn't see Slayer, they moved them round a coule of times cause some of their crew were late getting there, they ended up clashing with Korn, so I chose them

I didn't see Cradle either, not one of my fav bands, went to the skater bowl and watched them for a while, got a nice place in the sun and relaxed.

Not sure what happened to Lars, just that he was in hospital.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you missed it - try again around 2.00am. Nearly 40 years on and Pet Sounds could have been written yesterday "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times," it's impossible to imagine what Brian Wilson could have achieved if he hadn't suffered 30 years of mental ill health.

Outstanding, utterly outstanding sounds.

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The Red Hot Chili Peppers were as excellent as usual tonight, although they did get a bit up themselves because the support act Chicks on Speed were not that well recieved.

For anybody who has missed out, their concert on Sunday will be live on Radio 1.

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Back from the Sweden Rock Festival, it was a great few days of rock/metal. On the first day Judas Priest were superb reunited with Rob Halford and the setlist included none of the dreadful songs they recorded with Tim Owens. The current Helloween line up did a great job of being a tribute band performing all the original band's songs. smile.gif Friday had less of the good bands but there were a few pleasant surprises, such as Danger Danger. What I saw of Monster Magnet before I abandoned them to go watch the excellent Brainstorm was pretty impressive. Exodus were pretty good too. The final day was the day though - Lost Horizon were band of the festival despite only having a 40 minute set (plus we met Stefan Elmgren and Oscar Dronjak from Hammerfall in the crowd) and Children of Bodom were pretty great too. The second last band I saw (In Flames were on afterwards, but who wants to see a bunch of overweight sell outs?) were Nightwish who were really good even if I didn't know half of the songs (although the bass player did see fit to puke some "George Bush isn't a nice man" nonsense over us after they covered Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction).

This last part I'm going to type with certain trepidation around these parts, but the headliners Europe were a big surprise - they were actually good! It turns out all their songs aren't synthy Final Countdown-style nonsense. It was a great atmosphere in a huge crowd of Swedes going crazy over the local heroes. Now to make good my escape before fleming savages me. laugh.gif

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If you missed it - try again around 2.00am. Nearly 40 years on and Pet Sounds could have been written yesterday "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times," it's impossible to imagine what Brian Wilson could have achieved if he hadn't suffered 30 years of mental ill health.

Outstanding, utterly outstanding sounds.

...and we've still got 'Smile' to look forward to !

Xfm Article - 'Smile' release date

Has anyone seen him 'live' recently ? The reviews he gets are really good.

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Listening to a band called Seether, I think that they might be Christian rockers like Creed and Evanescence, but they are pretty good. My brother got the album of Melissa Auf Der Maur, who was the base player in Hole and it is brilliant, as well as the Soundgarden A sides which is top class.

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