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American Rover

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Just got the new Razorlight album.  After a quick listen I really like it.  Goldentouch is a top tune  thumbs-up.gif

"Golden Touch" and "Stumble and Fall" are tremendous songs. Best new band I've heard for a long while. Really like the album and I'm playing it inbetween listening to Motorhead's new album, Inferno, which is the best thing they've done in years.

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I read somewhere that Stevie Vai appears on the new Motorhead album. huh.gif

Yeah he does - bit of fast twiddling and srceeching on a couple of tracks. Gets him out of the house for a bit. Which is nice.

American - you'll have to ask them about that. Although, believe it or not, I don't think they're that sort of band. Anyway I'm sure Lemmy has Pepsi with his JD.

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Bob, Back in school (this is about 15 years ago) I had a teacher who wrote/edited for a weekly rock paper in the NYC area. He spent a day telling us about some of the people that he interviewed. He said the nicest person was Rob Halford, the second nicest Dee Snider. He also said that he interviewed Lemmy at about 9 in the morning and Lemmy had a big pile of cocaine he was snorting during the interview, hence the snide comment by me.

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He also said that he interviewed Lemmy at about 9 in the morning and Lemmy had a big pile of cocaine he was snorting during the interview, hence the snide comment by me.

Well it was early. Oh well - silly Lemmy.

He should just stick to speed and JD - it's served him well to date (59 this year). I think that Lemmy has a big problem with anyone taking heroin to be honest - after it accounted for the death of several friends and a girlfriend ("the one" apparently) of his in the 70's - hence songs such as "White Line Fever" and "Stay Clean".

Why don't you go the whole hog and tell me that Simon Garner use to smoke and drink when he was a player. Ruin everything I ever thought about my heroes. wink.giflaugh.gif

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Dee Snider...grumble....false metal....grumble....sell out dry.gif



i was an official SMFfriend of twisted sister!!!!!!


AND as the curtain shuts or worms bite ....it be PARANOID....and as everyone turns to go i want HIGHWAY TO HELL to blast and everyone to sing rovers and bronco songs

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One for the non practicing metal heads (why are so many Rovers fans so beloved of the metal? Almost worthy of it's own thread...) but I have been listening to Susumu Yokota's back catalogue recently and it's the business. If you like your electronica a cut above check him out.

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So, finally bought my first couple albums off of iTunes, Kate Bush - Sensual World and The Cure - The Cure. A nice easy process that took very little time once I was set up.

As for the new Cure album, if you liked Disintigration, you'll like this one.

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the hives are overated, they've had like 3 good songs period

listen to N*E*R*D, sheer class, and i normaly dont like that type of music

The Hives = Overrated

N*E*R*D = Class


Something's not right there. The Hives have had two brilliant albums in my opinion...well, 3 if you include the compilation...but that might be considered cheating.

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So, finally bought my first couple albums off of iTunes, Kate Bush - Sensual World and The Cure - The Cure. A nice easy process that took very little time once I was set up.

As for the new Cure album, if you liked Disintigration, you'll like this one.

Is it even possible to like The Cure and not like Disintegration? blink.gif

Their best album.

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......grgh.....control yourself Radagast.....just let it go....... (deep cleansing breath, deep cleansing breath)


Got my tickets on Saturday to see Mortiis (everyone's favourite Norwegian Goblin) and Dragonforce at the end of September. Now I just need to somehow scrape together £30+ sharpish to see Dio and Velvet Revolver (and possibly Magnum).

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