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[Archived] Paul Dickov Signs - Good Deal Or Not ?

Is buying Dickov a good move for Rovers ?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. Is buying Dickov a good move for Rovers ?

    • Fantastic. A proven Premiership goal scorer is just what we need.
    • Good buy for the money, but not the most important signing we'll make.
    • Average Player, Average Deal.
    • Squad player at best, can't see the point, we already have much better.
    • Insane purchase, the club is going backwards.
    • He'll never be as good as Lee Grooby.

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I would venture to suggest that the drop in sason ticket sales over the last couple of years has more to do with the fact that 3pm kick offs on Saturday are as common as hens teeth.

In the good old days, you knew that every other saturday you would have a home match that kicks off at 3pm. These days there is no rhyme or reason to the fixture list and you have no clue when the next game is. It's impossible to plan, and with monday, tuesday and wednesday night games, I for one just can't make it to every home game. Therefore I no longer buy a season ticket.

I can't believe that I am the only one in that position.

That's probably the main reason Chesh. In our case we're affected to a greater degree by being in a small town. No - one in their right minds wants to pay for 19 games when they can only make it to 16. However at most places you've no choice otherwise you aren't going to be able to get in. At Ewood you can.

I would wager that the natural drop off rate and turnover of season tickets is no better or worse here than anywhere else. The difference is that elsewhere there's far more bodies to replace them. Poor home form and sales of high profile players will also be secondary factors in our case.

Again it shouldn't be a criticism of the support or a reason to go jumping off Ewood aqueduct, it's just a fact of life.

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Some strange comments from Souness in yesterday's LET indicating yet again that Cole will not be at Ewood next season. Either that or he's being incredibly peevish.

"At this time I couldn't be bringing in a better striker to the club than Paul Dickov for Johnathan Stead and young Gallagher to look at and think "that's how I want to be when I'm 30."

Errr...... earth calling Graeme, HELLO - what about the 2nd highest ever goal scorer in the Premiership? mad.gif

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Perhaps Graeme would be better off pointing Stead and Gallagher in the direction of Andy Cole then? "There you are lads see how he stands about with his hands on his hips like he's totally ****** off" - "there you go lads see how Andy is now reporting me to the PFA" - "there you go lads see how Andy wants more time off from training even though we're in a relegation battle".

It's all been said before Rev but at the end of the day I'd imagine that Souness and Cole will get on because they have to - for the good of the club. I doubt they're ever going to be the best of buddies so it's hardly surprising that Souness hasn't mentioned Andy as a role model.

As for the Cole leaving Ewood story - you did well to conclude that from yesterday's LET. Williams has already said that he'll be here next season. Stranger things have happened of course - but if someone comes in with £3million (when he'll walk away at the end of next season for nothing) what would you do?

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To my mind the correct definition is that (thanks to Jack Walker) we are a big club competing in the most attractive League in the world situated in a small town.

Yes but the town and surrounding areas isn't given enough credit for its support of the club. Jack Walker invested in Rovers because he knew it was a hugely important part of the town. To pay back the place he grew up in he invested in the club as he knew that would make the whole town and its surrounding areas happy, if he'd been born in Manchester or Birmingham he'd probably have built a museum or library or something. As wonderful as Jack Walker was for Rovers he wasn't the first benefactor (nowhere near the first in fact) the club has had. There is something about the place that has always worshipped the club. As he was Blackburn born and bred he knew it was the club that the townspeople cared for most. As for bought the title - Jack gave the club a big helping hand with money but so what? It's only a big deal to those jealous of the success with how we spent it.

The declining season ticket sales are worrying but nobody seems to know the exact reasons and it could only be a temporary decline. Even with that decline we get better support from the surrounding area than nearly anyother club. So don't let anyone tell you Blackburn isn't a football town just because of a bit of a slump over a couple of years. Blackburn is still THE football town.

Rovers fans do themselves down too often. When I said we were "punching above our weight", I meant that we are doing so compared to Man Utd/Liverpool/Arsenal. The likes of Southampton, Birmingham or Charlton need to start winning some cups and leagues before we think of them as "bigger" than us. Those clubs may be able to point to a few empty seats at Ewood to show how they are a bigger club than us. We can point to our trophy cabinet to show what a real success of a club has to show for itself.

Great post FLB.

I'll take the prem and the Worthy cup wins to my grave, dunno what the fans of the other teams will take but it's a pretty sound bet it wont compare.

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Mr bob

1) Generally Cole works his socks off on the pitch.

2) The notion of Dickov being a role model either on or off the pitch is a curious one although I will refrain from saying anymore on that as he is one of our players now.

3) JW has said he wants Cole to stay - that'll be much the same as Duff then.

Don't think I'm reading too much into it. The article also says "The Blackburn Rovers boss is relishing the prospect of adding the ingredient of Dickov's experienxce to the raw talent of Paul Gallagher and Jonathan Stead next season." How much clearer could that be?

P.S. The article also quotes GS as saying "I'm a great believer in having senior pros because they show the way for the young players and ones who are not so young." Blimey Graeme you're not wrong on that one are you, we had noticed.

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That interview was on roversworld, whereby he was trying to say that Dickov would be a good role model for his younger players. He did include Cole shortly after.

Well if that's the case, no worries but it's a glaring omission from the journalist.

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The "good influence" bit, was relating to Dickov's training as though it were his last training session ever, and the way he closes defenders down during the game. Gives 'em no time to play the intelligent ball out of defence.

I reckon Cole will be here next season, Rev. Souey could have helped a bit more in dispelling these rumours, though.

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Mr Blue! In brief response: -

1. That's arguable IMO. Some games yes, some games no. Some games the last 10-15 minutes. (Not that anyone remembers those last 10-15 more than the rest of the game or anything).

2. He was innocent! blink.gif

3. I doubt anyone will offer £2million for Cole let alone £17million. If someone came in with the right money for the club (again) he'd be off. It's slightly different to our wanting to sell him.

I agree that it was a poor omission by the LET in not including Cole in their article. It only adds fuel to the fire for those that want to say he'll be sold.

Edited by bob fleming
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Rev, Andy Cole himself, the great maestro, was quoted in the LET towards the end of last season something along the lines of -

i'm here to play football not set an example to young players who would do better to look elsewhere rather than to me

I've tried the LET archive search but it's not very good

PS what's Dickov done wrong off the pitch ? Do you have information the Spanish judge didn't have ?

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PPS why the hell are you bringing the Duff thing up again ? Can't you get over the fact that HE wanted to LEAVE, WILLIAMS and SOUNESS wanted hin to STAY, HE ran out of Manchester airport, HE invoked HIS release clause, and he's happy now kissing his Chelsea shirt. For ****'s sake it's 11 months ago, give it a rest !!!

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Perhaps Graeme would be better off pointing Stead and Gallagher in the direction of Andy Cole then? "There you are lads see how he stands about with his hands on his hips like he's totally ****** off" - "there you go lads see how Andy is now reporting me to the PFA" - "there you go lads see how Andy wants more time off from training even though we're in a relegation battle".

It's all been said before Rev but at the end of the day I'd imagine that Souness and Cole will get on because they have to - for the good of the club. I doubt they're ever going to be the best of buddies so it's hardly surprising that Souness hasn't mentioned Andy as a role model.

As for the Cole leaving Ewood story - you did well to conclude that from yesterday's LET. Williams has already said that he'll be here next season. Stranger things have happened of course - but if someone comes in with £3million (when he'll walk away at the end of next season for nothing) what would you do?

How dare you make a perfectly reasonable point in response to Simon's slagging of Souness, I mean how dare you Bob?!

A throwaway remark about a new signing that doesn't mention the Premiership's second highest goalscorer and foremost hands-on-hipster is a clear snub that says: "Andy, there's the door. See if you can hit from from 2 yards. Now try again. Now try opening it." wink.gif

I knwo you normally live on the ragged edge of existence, doing the undoable, and generally being a maverick in the style of Magnum PI, but Bob, you've gone too far this time!

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How should Souness have welcomed Dickov then?

"He'll be a good role model for G & S, but not as good as Andy. He should get a few goals, but of course, not as good as Andy, who'll score more. He's got a good attitude on him, but not as good as Andy of course, whom I've always admired and who I desperately want to stay."

I mean it's laughable.

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the Premiership's second highest goalscorer and foremost hands-on-hipster


I'll be using that from here on in if I may "foremost hands-on-hipster " biggrin.gif

It'll never catch on though.

Tom - your face isn't grumpy enough, you're clearly not shaking your head or looking for Dwight Yorke / Gordon Taylor.

Edited by bob fleming
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Poor Andy, I can imagine he's feeling a bit low now!

"Sheryl, Orrible Souness didn't mention me when he welcomed Dickov to Ewood! Not fair, not fair!"

"Don't worry love. You look after the kids while I go shopping on your gold card. I'll be back in 6 hours. By the way, you look so cute stomping up and down with your hands on your hips. See ya!"

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adj. pet·ti·er, pet·ti·est

Of small importance; trivial: a petty grievance.

Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.

Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.

Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate. See Synonyms at trivial.

Law. Variant of petit.

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