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I gave a few quid while I was over there in April, but the exchange rate was killing us (about 2-1). Thinking about that made me wonder this: would there be any legal/technical problems in having it hosted out of the States? You might be able to get a better deal over here if you factor in the exchange rate.

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Maybe all of the original 27 want to post their names and we'll achieve what some have been calling for, ie recognition of donations. I also contributed, if Paul ever got the money I posted that is, which is a major pet hate of mine, postal services are terrible for losing the most important things you send, rarely seem to lose bills and the like though. Normally I wouldn't say that I had given money, but I've got to ask how many of those asking that they be named as site sponsors actually contributed the first time!? If you didn't I think you need to take a long hard look at yourselves, because I think you're pathetic. I totally disagree with the idea of giving people something in their profile for their 'donation', it's laughable, how does that effect the contribution the site makes to your life? All it gives you is a tool to try and pretend how superior you are to others. To be honest, admin, I say we promise to give people this recognition, and when they actually contribute put 'I paid when I was getting this line of writing for my money, but wouldn't for the endless hours of enjoyment this website brings to my life' under their avatars. Of course anyone who didn't contribute the first time, but is willing to do so this time without getting some special status, ignore me and my ranting and please go ahead, you're all top people. Likewise anyone who isn't able to afford to contribute, or even just doesn't want to, that's no problem at all, that's how this website was envisioned, don't feel under any pressure to do otherwise, the site will go on.

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Maybe all of the original 27 want to post their names and we'll achieve what some have been calling for, ie recognition of donations. I also contributed, if Paul ever got the money I posted that is, which is a major pet hate of mine, postal services are terrible for losing the most important things you send, rarely seem to lose bills and the like though. Normally I wouldn't say that I had given money, but I've got to ask how many of those asking that they be named as site sponsors actually contributed the first time!? If you didn't I think you need to take a long hard look at yourselves, because I think you're pathetic. I totally disagree with the idea of giving people something in their profile for their 'donation', it's laughable, how does that effect the contribution the site makes to your life? All it gives you is a tool to try and pretend how superior you are to others. To be honest, admin, I say we promise to give people this recognition, and when they actually contribute put 'I paid when I was getting this line of writing for my money, but wouldn't for the endless hours of enjoyment this website brings to my life' under their avatars. Of course anyone who didn't contribute the first time, but is willing to do so this time without getting some special status, ignore me and my ranting and please go ahead, you're all top people. Likewise anyone who isn't able to afford to contribute, or even just doesn't want to, that's no problem at all, that's how this website was envisioned, don't feel under any pressure to do otherwise, the site will go on.

Touchy aren't we ?

It was only a suggestion, the purpose of which was to raise funds quickly. Seems daft to me to stand on the deck of a sinking ship and argue about the water, but you know best.

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You've completely missed the point. The issue of having a message for contributors wasn't because they wanted recognition for it far from it. It was to encourage others and make them aware of the need for it. As I and others have said we were not aware there was a great need to contribute as such. I don't feel I have been shamed into contributing as I said earlier I am happy to do so it's just that the idea to do so didn't occur. If that makes me naive then fair enough but it doesn't justify a response like that.

I wasn't part of the original 27 or should that be the Magnificent 27 as I wasn't on the site then. I couldn't care less about having recognition all I, and i'm sure the others who suggested it, want is to keep the site up and running and if possible free from the disruption that is happening, by any means necessary. I don't think many people would disagree that the cost of a pint a month is to much to ask and even expect.

If people don't want or can't afford to contribute that's up to them but I for one wouldn't think less of them. If they are so self conscious that they are worried then it is for them to deal with. If that makes me pathetic then really I couldn't care less.

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You've completely missed the point.  The issue of having a message for contributors wasn't because they wanted recognition for it far from it.  It was to encourage others and make them aware of the need for it.

My point exactly

If that makes me pathetic then really I couldn't care less.

More mature than pathetic. A simple idea that would have generated contributions quickly will now be cast aside because some of the 'original 27' are kicking their teddies up the street.

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I find it ludicrous that now, when there is a message pinned that the site is in monetary trouble again, you could profess to have forgotten and claim that you need a reminder under your avatar(does anyone even look at their own avatar that much?) instead of just donating now, isn't the reminder obvious enough? Of course, then again, I didn't name anyone, certainly not either of you, I only expressed my opinion of anyone who wanted recognition for a donation, touchy aren't we? Nice that you saw the need to unneccesarily quote my entire post btw AS, especially when there is a notice asking for no unneeded posting due to the current difficulties. Funny also how annoyed yourself and MB got at 3 of the 'original 27' being revealed, precisely the action you are suggesting being taken no? Thankfully people are very predictable, I think my point has been proved better than any amount of argument ever could.

The site didn't, not anymore than normal anyway, need contributions over the past year, which is why it hasn't been plastered all over the place, of course there are obvious notices about contributing to the site upkeep. Personally I have no problem with northernrover's suggestion of constantly asking people to donate, might start to annoy some members, but it could be neccessary. If the day arrives that this site needs to sell its soul and employ tactics of elite members, pop-up adverts etc, that will be the day it ceases to exist.

Ship is becalmed not sinking.

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Ship is becalmed not sinking.

The ship's been supping South Australian wine all night by the sounds of things and is heading towards the harbour wall, not altogether in a straight line.

You want to be careful out there, the area is well known for causing involuntary bouts of questionable posting on here and on msn.

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Disappointing to hear about the board's financial difficulties. Where's philip when you need him to sort out the accounts?

I'm happy to sign up with a standing order. One question: is there a reduced rate for us cash-strapped OAPs?

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The MB is not in financial trouble but we will need financial help to maintain the status quo. We, admin in particular, and the mods have to make some decisions about the site hosting and the site funding. On finance there are alternatives, no decisions have been made. The preferred choice will always be "free to air" but nothing in life is truely free.

1. Member donations - the prefered option. There is NO pressure in that statement. Donations includes everyone who has already kindly sent money, bought a badge, book, Amazon etc. Each of these things EQUALLY supports the MB.

2. Introduce some form of membership levels

3. Sponsorship - we have been discussing this for a while

4. Overt advertising - the least desireable option.

On hosting there are alternatives, to name a few:

1. Cut down the site facilities

2. Re-design and trim pages

3. Put up with the slow speed we have at the moment

4. Buy our own server

5. Get a really big host and bags of capacity

Ste is busy downloading the entire site to ensure we lose nothing if the worst happens. Glenn is away and when Ste goes on hols I am not technically capable of handling these problems. We have money to keep going for some months. I expanded this thread to ask for donations because IF we are to get a bigger and better host it will cost a lot more money than I can raise selling books and badges. IF enough members want to or are able to support the site financially that will be great but admin need to know the level of support we can rely on - if we don't know this the problem will just keep recurring. We can't commit to £120+ a month without knowing where we stand.

Till Monday everything was hunky dory, at the moment it's a bit grim, in a while it will get back to normal - somehow. There's no need to bicker, suggestions and opinions are welcome from all. Just keep it at that suggestions.


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Funny also how annoyed yourself and MB got at 3 of the 'original 27' being revealed, precisely the action you are suggesting being taken no? Thankfully people are very predictable, I think my point has been proved better than any amount of argument ever could.

When did I get annoyed ?

If the day arrives that this site needs to sell its soul and employ tactics of elite members, pop-up adverts etc, that will be the day it ceases to exist.

Christ, talk about over the top. "The tactics of elite members", bloody hell, I only suggested ways of improving donations. Please one and all, ignore my proposal. How unthinkable to have "Sponsor" under your avatar and help the site, but acceptable to have "Moderator" there confirming your superior status.

I proposed an idea that made financial sense, doused by sour grapes at "we gave last time and didn't tell anyone, so we're taking our ball home".

Forget it.

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One question: is there a reduced rate for us cash-strapped OAPs?

Only if you scan in your bus pass, Senior Citizens RailCard and pension book and display them as pictures in your signature

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All fair points Paul and I for one don't want any bickering certainly not about this issue anyway. I would point out anyone who took two seconds could see that the suggestions were intended to increase the funding for the board and for no other reason. Clearly certain 'members' of the board are a little too concerned with people's status.

You may find it ludicrous but myself and quite a few others have expressed the opnion that we were not aware of a genuine need to donate. Believe it or not but as soon as Paul posted his notice I was genuinely happy to. I'm not going to repeat the argument but surely the point is to keep the board running in the best way possible. If that is to have a notice on the front page fine, it's good for me.

You may well think your point has been well proved but I think just think you have proved how petty and argumentative you can be when people are making genuine suggestions that can either be taken on board or not.

In ending I will make no more responses to your antagonistic rubbish other than to say I hope the thread can get back to the point of people contributing rather than picking fights.

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Standing order set up. It's a doddle.

Cheers to all concerned for ongoing efforts in keeping site going - well worth a few quid each month.

I went into a new bar in Manchester last week, Bluu, up in the Northern Quarter. Paid £25 for two sausage & mash and two glasses of bog standard wine.

I thought it was pretty reasonable at the time (work was paying), but I now realise I must be barking.

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Ship is becalmed not sinking.

The ship's been supping South Australian wine all night by the sounds of things and is heading towards the harbour wall, not altogether in a straight line.

You want to be careful out there, the area is well known for causing involuntary bouts of questionable posting on here and on msn.

Pot kettle black springs to mind re some of your late night alcohol fuelled rants at other posters.

As for the MSN convo you allude to how about selling it and donating the cash to the site...what would you want under your avatar instead of sponsor?

Back to the donation idea...Dave Birch,I'll send a cheque via SR.

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Any thread that gets Paul to say "FFS" must be a real cat fight.

So, FFS, if you can afford £2/3/4 pound a month (probably peanuts for anyone who can afford a computer & internet at home) then just go and do it.

Maybe the accolade of "site sponsor" is a good idea and maybe it isn't.

I don't really care either way. So make your direct debit, and calm down. Let's keep the site going.

I'd just like to make one final point, in a calm and cool and collected manner................................


There, wasn't that nice?

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Christ, talk about over the top. "The tactics of elite members", bloody hell, I only suggested ways of improving donations. Please one and all, ignore my proposal. How unthinkable to have "Sponsor" under your avatar and help the site, but acceptable to have "Moderator" there confirming your superior status.

AS has got a point here. We already get enough newbies to the board making post after empty post trying to raise their level to premier league or UEFA cup. I don't think the status associated with a label in a relatively close-knit online community such as this board should be underestimated. If an additional label, such as sponsor, encourages people to donate money for right reasons (charity) or wrong (status) then it should definitely be implemented.

I get a lot from this board, even if I am not a particularly overt member, and i would hate to see it start using obnoxious advertising or worse, disappear all together. My tax return is coming and i shall donate what i can when it's in.

I would like to add my voice to those calling for a paypal donation option. It's a doddle to set up and it sure would help us overseas members help you.

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You know what the great thing about this thread is?

It proves once and for all that you can have argument over absolutely ANYTHING on the internet. Even when everyone is aiming for the same thing!

Regarding the 'sponsor' idea - it's not that bad an idea. It may seem that people are only doing it for that extra little bit of status but if it keeps funds channelling into keeping the messageboard going then so what? I'm saying this as someone who won't be able to set up a standing order for the next year and so due to personal circumstances will not have 'sponsor' next to my avavtar. So what though? I'll live! I'll try to though...tough as it may be. Oh and I'll harbour no resentment to those who are contributing regularly. Why should I? They're helping a site I get a lot of pleasure from keep going.

The Admin have to decide which way to go forward. Cutting out the ICBINF forum or other features isn't really the best option though I must say. It's not that I think they are up to the actual messageboard but without them it's simply not the same site. On there I can read about the latest music, political discussion, books to read, films to see and dodgy websites to look at. Take them away and you take away the community of the board.

Simple fact is...we don't JUST come on here for news of Rovers. We come on for a lot more than that. I'll try to sort out a one-off donation myself if I can gather some cash together.

Regardless...appeal for donations, nobody will be offended if you do and then see where you are and what you need to do.

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Oh and one other thing - no one thinks about the funding of the site unless you tell them. The reason that people don't know the site could do with donations whenever is because they don't think. That isn't ignorance, it's human nature.

Now I don't know how much the site makes from the Amazon link but if it is bit can't other links to websites like this be set up. Also...the last I heard on the board about the Amazon link was before Christmas. When I suggested setting up some links for some specific Rovers (actually, in the end I didn't find many in stock on the site) not many seemed sure if the sponsorship was still on.

I'm not saying that this should be shoved down people's throats but remind them...and regularly. Most people I'm sure will be happy to contribute but they do need a kick up the bum. If people didn't then there would be no need for charity workers as no people would need to be reminded!

If the Amazon link is still going then PM me and maybe I can sort out a links page of books that can be bought on there and may be of interest, either by being about Rovers or having been recommended on the 'Decent Holiday Reads' thread.

I know the site has money for a bit but...hey...no harm in trying to get a little bit more.

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ManchesterBlue, if I offended you I'm sorry, and no Tris, I wasn't on the Aussie wine/making use of the free alcohol Diageo gave me from when I worked there. I happen to feel very strongly about not having 'site sponsor' members, this has been discussed in the past, certainly among mods/admin, and I'm pretty sure on here as well, which is why I'm reacting so sharply to what you were saying, I have considered it for quite a while and have only become even more opposed to the idea. I don't think it will be needed, as you say people are happy to donate now that there is a known problem. Honestly I don't care what you or anyone else on here thinks of me, hopefully the words that have been exchanged here will stick in people's minds and help remind them of the need for donation in the future. I'm sure there was a news item on the front page asking for donations on regular occasions, perhaps admin need to have a look at viewing figures for different parts of the site and put the notices elsewhere.

I think that's a marvellous idea SAR, I've got a copy of that msn conversation too, anyone who wants to offer a donation to the site to get a copy send me an email, highest bidder wins dry.gif

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No problem Dr Rich, I do understand your point even though I was a little taken aback by the way you made it. Mainly because the intention was to raise funds not for any other reason. To be honest like you say I think that hopefully the issue has been raised sufficently now that it will make people aware.

With regards to the front page I know someone must put time and effort into updating it but I have to admit that I always bypass it and go straight to the forums. As a result I wouldn't see any appeals for donations and i'm sure i'm not the only one. I think FLB summed up for me the reasons why people haven't donated previously and hopefully we can keep the board going with the money that seems to be coming in now.


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