Transfer News

One Striker Changed their mind, and who's on the summer transfer list?

Monday 20 March 2023

Rovers' January transfer window was seemingly overshadowed by the deadline day antics and the subsequent questions that have been asked of and by both the club and the EFL since the deadline. But a story that was ever-present throughout the window, leading up to deadline day was Rovers' endeavours to secure a striker. 

Throughout the window there were rumours that a striker and midfield player were the priorities, and during Monday's Fans' Forum meeting this was confirmed by Gregg Broughton.

Throughout the window there was one standout name that seemed to be spoken about more than most - Premier League striker Deniz Undav who was seemingly available on loan, for the remainder of the season.

Gregg said: “A deal had been done with Brighton for Deniz Undav but at the last minute the player changed his mind.” 

Broughton stated that there were many players identified by the club, a list that was then reduced by JDT once the manager had taken a look at the proposed targets. 

Broughton added, “The recruitment team had outlined 6 targets and after discussion with Jon Dahl Tomasson this had been reduced to 3 or 4.”

Since the introduction of Gregg Broughton there has always been a question mark around who makes a final decision in regards to signing players. 

Broughton stated he would never sign a player that the manager had not supported, although equally, it was not just the manager who decided.

Potential summer signings were also a topic mentioned on Monday night, with plans evidently well underway. 

Broughton explained that: “The recruitment team were currently covering about 100 games a week and producing 150 player reports. A long list of around 2,700 players will be reduced down to lists of 15/20 players for each of 5 key positions.” 

He also explained that there is another list, made up of potential replacements for players, should sales be made. 

These lists are planned to be put to JDT for review on April 5th. 

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