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Everything posted by damo100

  1. Not at all pal, on the contrary it's you who's precious I believe, seems you couldn't wait to post panic station stuff after witnessing a frustrating referee who tried his best to ruin the game, played on an awful pitch which was not far behind the pne game. That was a very drab affair (your post) which is why I said 'poor post' because I think you where wrong. You do realise this is a message board don't you, folk are allowed to respond and offer their own opinions without being told they're 'precious' Chin up lad, Happy New Year..
  2. 'Because' no sooner do Rovers not carry on their incredible 6 game winning streak, or score today when we've averaged over 2 goals per game at Ewood, they also continue to be the Championships 2nd highest scorers and you post asking for a new striker? Wow.....
  3. Get that weasel our of our club. I'm furious he's charging those stupid prices just when it seemed a few fans are back on side. It's Huddersfield for God's sake Waggot!! Talk about cashing in due to a festive game being played. Yet again this man shows zero common sense regards commercial activity for our club He's there for a quick buck and never looks at the bigger picture or the future for our fanbase
  4. Any Rovers fans want a good laugh just head over to the Nobbers message boards. Makes you realise us Rovers fans ain't as salty and negative as some would believe. Best Post I saw was Rovers are a 'poor poor' side. The conditions yesterday never came into it
  5. Nobbers have now sold DE bottom tier according to their website. Upper tier now on sale.
  6. Can't see Rovers not winning to be honest. Too many players on form right now in Buckley, Rothwell, Diaz, khadra etc...
  7. The novelty has well and truly worn off for our unwashed neanderthal neighbours.
  8. After the successful and positivity following the Sheff Utd game and atmosphere, why would Waggot not seize the opportunity to lower ticket prices to £20 for the Preston game. This is/was yet another fantastic opportunity to get more bums on seats and make Ewood a place that retuning fans want to be at. We know the nobbers will shift between 6-7 k and at £30 we'll probably shift around 10k Had he reduced tickets to £20 I reckon we'd have looking at an attendance way over 20k
  9. 'Attendances a cause for concern' This has been the case for more than a decade now and with greedy idiots like Swagott at the helm there's no wonder. While this guy is in charge I can't see any improvements any time soon. Venkys need to completely reshuffle the way our club is run, the fans seem to be last thought.
  10. Waggot needs to be held accountable for his lack of effort and quick money making schemes. This guy is doing his upmost to fill his pockets at the fans ( who he clearly cares little about) expense. The sooner this guy goes the better for our football club.
  11. I'd like to discuss fans opinion of Steve Waggot and how he runs the club. 1) Concourse/catering etc 2) ST prices 3) Matchday prices 4) Away fans at Ewood 5) Brockhall Academy More I'm sure. What are your thoughts?
  12. Does anyone know how many Season Tickets we've shifted?
  13. They were also naive and poorly advised by Anderson and co. They've backed the club and lost millions, funded Brockhall to cat one status even in Div one. These past 3 or 4 years they've kept quiet and seemingly allowed football people to run the club properly. I think they've learnt their lesson and moved on, maybe you need to aswell Stuart.
  14. So we could enjoy more of that absolutely awful football we had to put up with? No thanks..
  15. I would just love it if Kean someday came back to Ewood in some capacity as a coach for the away side etc.. I feel every Rovers fan needs to vent their anger and let that disgusting hard faced prick know we haven't forgotten how he almost killed our club. Like many who've posted on here I'm similar when using the word 'hate'. It's a strong word often used out of context, but not in Keans world. I'll NEVER forget those toxic atmospheres at Ewood when he 'pretended' to be a manager. 1% pretty much summed that prick up.
  16. We drew 1-1 with Leicester, I think we'll be ok if you watch the Derby game.
  17. Like any game in this league you have to work hard and concentrate for the entire 90+ mins. You then rely on a little lady luck going your way in games like this, and boy Rovers are due some luck. Fine margins...Let's hope it goes our way for a change
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