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Everything posted by booth

  1. I've worked in an organisation that was rated outstanding, a year later it was almost impossible to do our jobs due to heavy budget cuts, redundancies and interference. It went from a great job to a place you wouldn't want to be. Management would regularly ask us why things weren't working as they should, which was a surprise as we were getting the job done. However they wanted us to cover their backs. They would dismiss claims that we were stretched too thin by saying "we're all in it together." The boss of the company gave himself an £120,000 bonus at Christmas, as well as bonuses for his managers, whilst making more redundant. The building is now bulldozed to the ground. At his next job, the boss was eventually put on gardening leave and investigated for gross misconduct. Not easy working under greed and incompetence.
  2. “Similar to what I said just after the transfer window, the lad has been completely let down and so have we,” the Welshman said. “I personally or anyone from the sporting side has not heard a word from Blackburn, whether that is an explanation, an apology or what, I don’t know. I don’t think we would behave like that. “It is complete mismanagement of a situation. We are annoyed at that and the common courtesy of not having a call or a text from anyone and I know some people on the football side at Blackburn as well. “Let’s just say we wouldn’t treat a player or a club the way we or Lewis has been treated. “Sometimes when you are on the other end of things like this you learn how not to treat people and that is where we are at. We won’t let Lewis down, others might, we won’t.” Steve Cooper
  3. He won't come here but you'd think they'd at least try and get in Steve Cooper with his background with youth academies and developing players. He's the ideal candidate. Their "bollocks to any ambition" stance, incompetence and general fuckwittedness would kill any approach dead, but you'd think he'd be top of the list.
  4. I'm not sure about that, Garrett was poor against Wrexham.
  5. The feeling is mutual. Perhaps if they made a genuine effort, it may change. To them we're their customers, do they treat their fast food customers like this?
  6. Where would we be if Venky's hadn't bought the club is another hypothetical that I wonder about. I certainly don't think the debt would stand at £160m+, and we wouldn't have lost thousands of supporters.
  7. Some people won't accept that nothing will change. They think we'll get a bit of luck from somewhere. I suppose I was that way for a while, hoping they'd chance upon a winning formula. The truth is there's no winning formula under these scum of the Earth trust fund baby degenerates.
  8. And it's been that way under Mowbray, it'll be that way under the next man, and the man after that, ad nauseum. It'll keep happening because no one weilding any power really cares, or has any passion for change. There's no real plan apart from to get through each season, like washing the dishes, but with no real competence or drive. Collect your vast wage and move onto the next 12 month grind.
  9. Be interesting to see how they handle getting relegated, and if things don't pan out as they did last season in the Championship, how they handle that. I've already seen threads online about their golden boy "Vinnie" getting the sack, or should resign.
  10. Having Armstrong in the side and Gallagher on the wing would be a vast improvement at the moment.
  11. No, we'd still get beat. Why did you let Siggy leave Chrisene on his own? Why did you let Moran lose the ball all the time? Why didn't Dolan score? Why couldn't Telalovic get his shot on target in the last five minutes? All your fault, you should be making the players better.
  12. I’ve no idea about that but I do know it was well known inside the club towards the end of last season that the wage bill had to be cut, and the higher ups wanted to sell the silver. I’ve no idea about the coaches, but the players were not happy about it given they’d had a decent season and everyone had bought into the project. I assume that had the biggest impact on the morale of the team.
  13. He’s not told that. He’s told if Travis and Buckley go out we can bring in players that can make more of an impact. But what it really is, is cutting the wage bill. Last season, both players were given a chance and started remarkably poorly. Travis was given the captains armband, so JDT clearly rated him before the season kicked off.
  14. I don't believe this collection of players can do much better. We have no Samba's, Todd's, Kevin Moran's. There's been no rhyme or reason to picking up some of these players at all. Recruitment have just gone, here you go, make something of that. We're relying on a moment of magic from Sammie every game. We simply don't have the forward players with enough about them in this league, we're playing without fullbacks when JRC goes forward. Chrisene and Siggy is suicide but what's the other option? Tronstad, without Wharton, was on his own. It's an absolute mess and we'll need a magician not a coach or a manager. And at the same time there's so many players disappearing in the Summer, you have to wonder if they give a stuff. The guys at the top don't seem to.
  15. You don't blame Waggott for not closing down Hodge, you blame him for being a supine fuckwit. For allowing the squad to fall into such decline. For employing a manager incapable of a relegation scrap. All of those things that have led us to this moment.
  16. We've just given someone older than him a contract.
  17. If only they'd messed up on the paperwork when they bought the club. They've been toxic.
  18. Arguably, a clumsily assembled team of mismatched players will be playing. Certainly not players capable of a relegation fight, which the CEO and Venkys puppets knew about in advance but failed to prepare for both in terms of coaching staff and players. Even worse, when the head coach offered to leave he was told to carry on his footballing philosophy. Champagne football on next to no budget.
  19. When was the last time they addressed the fans? A decade ago? (as in a TV interview, not Steve Waggott typing something up and typing THE RAO FAMILY underneath it).
  20. The owners aren't doing anything. They passively allow a handful of under qualified people to make the executive decisions whilst their sleazy affairs impact the clubs finances. That's what will lead the club to relegation. If you deny that, then you're excusing them.
  21. There's a lot worse than sulking going on behind the scenes. The owners need to sell the club, they are clearly incapable of governing it and have little respect for BRFC as a historic institution, and even less respect for the fans.
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