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Everything posted by booth

  1. Bell should be a winger, end of. If Mowbray thinks Bennett is a defender he should resign now and take up something else.
  2. It's helped by Pulis going into pound shop Allardyce mode.
  3. Keeping him on would have been like having two men down.
  4. If you think he's wrong you really need to go to specsavers, or you've been watching Motherwell vs Hearts.
  5. I used to be critical of Bowyer making the same mistakes time after time but you could excuse him due to his inexperience. Mowbray's old enough and been around enough to know better.
  6. Bollocks this, looks a typical example of a manager not strengthening - "if it ain't broke don't fix it." Too many players either not good enough for the league or too relaxed due to zero competition. Graham, Dack and Mulgrew look half the players they were earlier on. I imagine some of the better players are deflated no one was brought in to strengthen for a push too. Wasn't turning out to be a bad season but what an immense derailing of a team by Mowbray. Manager of the month? He needs a Golden Raspberry to knock the spring out of his step.
  7. He's crap he's good he's crap he's good... And round and round we go. Should have strengthened in Jan and not gambled on a kid. That's that.
  8. I expect strange decisions by the manager combined with either a nailbiting win or a devastating loss.
  9. 90 Minutes magazine called Stuart Ripley a "dodgy Blackburn winger".
  10. According to some reporters, Kean kept us in the Premier League in his first half season in charge.
  11. We should have stuck with Kean as we were at the top of the league when he left. (Disclaimer: definitely not my view, but a view heard from where I sat in the Riverside at the time) And... Why is Dalglish giving away our best player for this Shearer lad?
  12. Kalanic was very unlucky not to score more, and was actually a decent player.
  13. "Super Atko" was a nickname forged from sarcasm.
  14. Being beaten by a lowly team. Losing when 2-0 up. Strange substitutions. Amount of points lost from winning positions this season. Amount of points lost in dying minutes of a game this season. The strange purchase of Brereton that could have been better used. Lack of activity in Jan transfer window despite TM talking it up. The paranoia generated since 2010. Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!
  15. He can't be that bright, he took a reply that I gave to magicalmortensleftpeg and attributed it to himself. Then completely misunderstood it. Then completely misquoted it.
  16. If you aren't pissed off with a 5-2 defeat I think you have to question it. Here's the offending article, and it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.
  17. I'll admit I found Allardyce a frustrating manager at times but you can't argue with the results, and for any criticism I gave him I wouldn't have got rid given the club wasn't in a position to match even the mid-tier teams budgets. For the club at that time, he was the right manager and it's arguable we'd still be a PL club now if he'd stayed.
  18. You aren't, but questioning why I'm pissed off after a 5-2 defeat is fishing a bit isn't it? Anyway no hard feelings, enjoy your evening.
  19. No, disappointed my team got beat pal. I support Rovers, you?
  20. Sorry I can't be like you with your bongo's out playing Kumbaya, while rubbing fans noses in it on the internet.
  21. It's his squad, he signed the players and he's had two transfer windows in this league so far. I think we're allowed to judge him on his transfer activity. Just in the same way I reserve the right to be pissed off when we lose 5-2 after being 2-0 up. If you aren't pissed off, then you can't care enough.
  22. Pathetic that, from manager and players. And there were people who said it didn't matter about signing anyone. Let us not forget we were playing Brentford. Down to 11th we go.
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