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Everything posted by booth

  1. I remember how disappointed I was when Andy Cole went over there. I suppose there's always that. If we did sign Austin we'd taint one of their heroes, especially if he scored plenty of goals.
  2. To be fair I think Burnley are still paying their players in sheep.
  3. It's like the Boro fans that were wondering why would Lambert allow goal machine Jordan Rhodes to leave. According to their fans, Pulis has been playing Assombalonga of position and seems to prefer Hugill.
  4. I think they put match highlights of the 16/17 season later in 2017. Probably to give people an incentive to sign up early. I think Big Dog has been crossing the streams.
  5. I can imagine how that conversation ended. "Tell you what Waggs, buy me Assombalonga and we can talk about it."
  6. Doesn't sound like your opinion when you write stuff like... Facts and opinions aren't the same
  7. You do all know what it means when a journalist writes. "It is understood..." I could be rude, but it's journalistic language for. "I'm guessing."
  8. Excellent win, we need to get a SIGN REED campaign going and extend Rodwell's contract.
  9. I believe we're still signing Ben Brereton, and will be for about six transfer windows.
  10. It would be but sadly fair use for audio/visual work was thrown out over a decade ago. http://alexcox.com/ed_12-04.htm
  11. Is I have been stopped from posting this by moderators. Coyle a banned word Ha, his full name is censored. Can I still say Steve Kean? Edit: oh dear, an oversight.
  12. In comparison to Brereton, Myles at least looked up for the one game I saw him play in. Brereton looks so uncomfortable. It reminds me of when Kevin Davies came here and completely lost his bottle, almost immediately.
  13. If I'm honest he uses far too much match footage so on the point of copyright I agree. We shouldn't stop fans filming in the ground. Many fans around the country film themselves reacting to the match, some fans just film the players warming up, or the crowd to capture the atmosphere - stuff that isn't really part of the broadcast. Then they'll edit it in with a post-match report. A banning on all mobile phone filming in the ground will stop all that and some of it might be good PR for the club. It's just common sense what is and what isn't breaking copyright. Someone shakily filming a penalty from the back seats of the top tier, while several spectators heads hove into view then hundreds of people jump up and down spoiling the shot isn't exactly rivaling Sky Sports. Okay, maybe Channel 5. And sorry to repeat myself but the club used to handle things like this so much better as they did before the Kean/Shaw era.
  14. People do do it from every club. The problem for me is that Rovers should handle these things better because they used to be superb and very encouraging with stuff like this.
  15. It didn't used to be, back in my student days I remember going down there with a small team, we just needed shots of the outside. A guy poked his head out of a door and asked if we needed help. We said we were doing a student assignment about the town, and he invited us in and we ended up filming inside and even pitchside. Very friendly and allowed us all the time we wanted. The fellow went off and tried to find out if any management or players were around we could interview, they weren't but he invited us back. Contrast that with, when we had permission from a senior member of the club to film outside the stadium... "Are you takin' piss out of Rovers?" Which was how Newsham approached us. I hear he was always good with new people. I'd imagine the no photo's policy was put in place around the same time. The funny thing is that the press, who could roam the club quite freely on match days were spreading bad PR on a daily basis. Thinking that stopping a few fans from doing it (which we weren't) would stop the flow of bad press was nonsensical. You'd hope that was in the past but banning someone for being that much of a fan they are going out of their way to produce content (which takes a lot of time and effort, and in some cases costs money), for free, is madness. What next, suing 4000 Holes for all the xerox'd photo's of ex-players they've published over the years? They need to handle this stuff better as one thing the club needs is its fans.
  16. Yes just some guidelines would be good. Though I doubt they would do that as they like to change them to suit their own ends. After what happened with Kean the club became very paranoid and sadly it looks as if it still is.
  17. If we can get a result against Hull we'll be within touching distance of playoffs and will hopefully make Venkys get their hands in their pockets.
  18. It's Rovers property so if they wanted they could ask him to leave. It's courtesy for them, to someone who is a fan and promoting the club, to not ask him to leave. Just for contrast, Burnley, Accy Stanley and Everton all very good to deal with regarding filming. I've filmed at places dealing in military armored vehicles where I've had to sign None Disclosure Agreements that aren't as strict as Rovers. They should be welcoming attention not challenging it.
  19. I was once rudely told by a steward I couldn't film the plane with Kean Out written on it. When I asked why I was told. "Because Sky own the rights." I replied. "What? To the clouds?" After a bit of an argument, and quite a number of people sitting behind me starting to get annoyed at this lady, a police officer came over and told her to come away. She was trying her best to get me kicked out and when they got to the bottom of the steps I saw the officer giving her a bit of a bollocking. Sometimes they treat fans like sh**. Then there was the time we were filming a bit of promo for Tash outside of the ground and John Newsham swore at us and told us we had to walk about 6 paces further away if we wanted to film or he'd get security (we were on the pavement, not the clubs property). Then he came back in his car and revved his engine every time we started to film. And on that occasion we'd been given permission to film by the club on the premises. Sad that this is still happening I thought we'd turned a corner.
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