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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by booth

  1. Graham going off for Brereton, going to be a long evening.
  2. Good first half, hope we can continue it in the second half and there are no dramas.
  3. We look like a side in need of a freshen up. Only problem is it's October 3rd and we've already blown our wad on a £6m "one for the future".
  4. The most disappointing thing is that we look a mess. Some of the players just don't look right for this league. Last season even when things were going against us we looked like we had potential.
  5. Mowbray is still in Bowyer mode. He did it last season for a period of time then decided he had to go for it.
  6. The only way the stain of Kean and his cronies will wash away is if we can somehow get back to the point we were at when Venkys took over in terms of league standing, finances, ownership and crowds. Until then it's difficult to forget what they did to the club.
  7. Ha, if they re-made him manager tomorrow Chaddy would be polishing his bald cap.
  8. Chaddy forgets what he did ten minutes ago. He's never going to remember being a Kean apologist after all this time.
  9. If celebrations didn't come with palpitations it wouldn't be Rovers.
  10. In your opinion, but your opinion is that Smallwood is a "maybe" and Evans as Championship standard. Only Mulgrew, Bell, Dack, Graham would go on my definite Championship quality list. Nyambe, Williams and Lenihan on the maybe list. Evans and Bennett didn't convince last time in the Championship. Raya on the "f***ing terrifies me" list. Smallwood for me isn't a Championship player. Reed, Rothwell and the rest of signings on the "who knows" list. Palmer on the "looks like a player who has talent but won't put in a shift" list. So hopefully from that you can see why I'm not convinced. I do think that Mowbray can potentially get more from the less talented players but the original point was he's taken a risk that he didn't need to take. I'd have preferred him take a safety first approach with his recruitment policy, then do something extravagant once we have roots in this league.
  11. Accy Stanley fans would occasionally turn up as well. My Dad's workmate was a West Ham fan and he had a Rovers season ticket
  12. I've no idea what he is yet. As I said on another thread I'm more concerned about the implications of the signing itself rather than the player. For the moment.
  13. It's not easy but how many people would say throwing £6m at an unproven 19 year old is the right way to go when we have pretty much a League 1 squad and other areas of the team to strengthen. I'd say if anything Mowbray has made his job a heck of a lot harder as Brereton has to work, for that money it can't not. He's not dealing with reasonable people, he's dealing with Venkys who will want some form of return on that investment. More than likely that deal means we're looking through the Jan transfer window in vain too. I can't think of anyone to replace Graham because I've not really thought about it. It doesn't take a football genius to see how we're going to struggle without someone to step in for Graham, someone strengthening the defence, some natural width and competition for an unpredictable goalie. That £6m could have gone some way to resolving some of those issues rather than waiting for a young lad to fulfill his potential. Teams like Chelsea can do that, we can't. Every signing is a gamble, but some are bigger gambles than others. £6m on a young lad is the biggest gamble the club has taken in a long time, probably since the Rhodes transfer. And at least Rhodes was extraordinarily prolific in League 1 before he came here.
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