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Everything posted by booth

  1. So you can fit your hand in your mouth then? Even so you can count the goals on your other six fingers (if Abbeys prediction comes true).
  2. Sad to hear about this. Never met the chap in person but he's always been a presence on here since I joined up over a decade ago. Rest in peace Mr K.
  3. I agree but last season how often did he play and under what circumstances. Kean at times was playing him on the wing. He'd come from Dundee Utd as their main striker/happy times to playing on the wing for a numpty with everyone unhappy. The guy must have been so demoralized. For me it's a terrible state of affairs that we're looking to get rid of him when he's looked alright at this level, yet we're stuck with Edinho who isn't anywhere near the level we need in this division. Same with Formica and Rochina, they aren't the best players for the moment (they may develop into good players under a proper manager) but I don't want to see them go and replaced by inferior Portuguese players which is what seems to be happening at the moment.
  4. Shame we can't upload on here, just been doing some photoshoppery.
  5. I'm sitting here on the outskirts of Blackburn and still feel powerless. Yet across the ocean, a bunch of people are playing God with our club.
  6. If this is true I can't see it being a good motivator for the players, Jensen being a liked coach down at Brockhall.
  7. Is that a fact? If it is, the tiny amount of support for Kean I had left has now all but disappeared.
  8. So if they've got rid, have they paid him his compensation? Or did he not have long left? Or did he walk? I've got a sneaking suspicion that the only reason that Kean is still in a job is because they don't want to pay another manager compensation, after Sam's pay-off. However if they've paid Jensen off then it gives us some hope.
  9. What an unprofessional old boot she really is. The woman really has no class.
  10. I think he's got him mixed up with Mick McCarthy. Well about the steaming in bit anyway
  11. I liked Benni despite his problems. However the way he's handled this combined with today's statement has made me think differently. One season wonder. Glad he's gone, but on the other hand it looks like we aren't going to replace him. So we've been short-changed... Again.
  12. I think you will find that's Minty from Eastenders
  13. I remember this differently. On the back pages of the Telegraph were IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT, which was a quote from Ray Harford himself regarding the Rovers squad. However I remember reading in the tabloids before Dalglish left that he wanted Zidane and Dugarry. Then he left under mysterious circumstances. So am I led to believe it wasn't Harford who put the block on Zidane and Dugarry and it was JW all along?
  14. The Wii is lots of fun as a party game console, same as eyetoy or singstar. Playing on your own I don't think it's as good really, playing with others it's lots of fun. I haven't played Zelda so I can't comment on that as a single player experience.
  15. I think there will be goals in it, but I reckon it will be a 1-1 draw. Hope I'm proved wrong by stunning displays by Savage, Kuqi and Pederson making it 5-1 to BRFC
  16. 'Grooby' is quite a distinctive surname, it's almost completely necessary. Sort of name you'd find in an old kids tv show. 'Groobies Giants', Groobie Hill, Hong Kong Groobie, Groobies Leg, Groobies Magic Torch, Groobie Bobs, Groobie and the Teen Angels, Groobie Plays Pop, The Groobie Bunch, Chorlton and the Groobies (I could go on...) Anyway back on topic
  17. He's the one I wanted from the start, but due to the press wanting to believe that Rovers were bottom of the list of potential clubs that he would go to, I believed the hype and thought he was going to Everton. Can only win from this deal in my opinion and I believe his worth will go up too Where are they getting the cash from though. The other week they were happy with the squad... Not that I'm complaining
  18. And you can always be sure of the Geordies crying at the end of the season on Sky Sports, it's become a footballing tradition. And every five years an alleged scandal involving the chairman and a hooker
  19. Around 1990ish I started supporting them properly, after a mate at school got me into going to the games. My Dad has been a supporter since he was a kid, so have always followed the team though purely by default. About 1993 got my first season ticket. Didn't get a season ticket last season though, as my Job kept me from quite a lot of games the season before
  20. So that's telling us! Who are you, Stan Collymore?
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