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Everything posted by booth

  1. I'm in two minds about Souness, I've had some good times watching his Blackburn Rovers team, but on the other hand it seems like he's run out of ideas and there's a lot of players who aren't playing for him. Not only that but some of those players must still believe that they are too high a class to be battling in the relegation zone - which reminds me of when the club went down last time. I think I'm the only person to feel sorry for him - he must feel like he's trying to get blood out of a stone, but then again some of it is his own doing (eg, we STILL haven't got a left sided player to replace Duff! Dwight Yorke should have been long gone by now! And WTF was he doing taking Gray and Stead off at the weekend!) That and all season he appears to have been undecided about who his best eleven has been. If he did go, Parkes has done us proud in the past and I'd like them to put Parkes in as caretaker - there's no frills but he certainly gets the players playing for the club that's for sure. Then after that evaluate who would be the best choice to bring in as manager.
  2. That story was in the national press too apparently, so I was told. The person who told me definitely didn't get it from the Tribal Football website... And the club didn't deny it in the LET I don't think, but correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. My main beef with Souness was that he got rid of Berg, one of our most consistent members of the team who seemed to be able to get some order out of players such as Taylor and Gresko. I mean, what the hell was Gresko doing yesterday??? That and he brought in no players pre-season that were proven in the premiership despite losing Duff, Berg and Dunn. Duff and Berg being the greater losses. That said, I would hate to see Souness go. I think we have a top manager in Souness and have enjoyed a good few seasons with him at the helm. I just hope he can turn it around before we get into a relegation battle. Maybe he will take advantage of the transfer window and strengthen the defence.
  4. There are times when I think that S-Cummings is a Rovers columnist. He tends to write more about Rovers than 'Bunley' anyway I understand the Cummings, because that's his name, but what about the goings? Does it refer to Burnleys credibility? Well no they never had any. Their best players? Well no they never had any. Does it mean their cash? Well no they never had any. Their dignity maybe? And another question... If the new writer looks like Jamie Oliver, who does Cummings look like? (cant' you tell I'm bored at work!)
  5. I'd be gutted if Souness left, who else could fill the void??? I doubt he would go though, but you never know with football, especially where there's £££'s involved. He would have a hell of a lot more pressure down at Stamford Bridge though, and a man with his past health problems doesn't need that. Especially as he's quoted as being very comfortable in the managers seat at Ewood (thank God)...
  6. What's going to happen when Martin O' Neill decides that enough is enough and he wants to manage in a proper league with proper competition? He will leave, and there will probably be a mass exodus of non-scot players - then where will Celtic be? They aren't great by any stretch anyway. Most of the English players are premiership cast-offs. And all the Rovers fans will still be here, and who will be laughing then???
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