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Everything posted by modes98

  1. What part of "It was Andy Welsh" didn't you understand???? I know the LET reported he wasn't going but looks like there may have been a last minute change when Cole dropped out. *puts hand up* The bit where he's a left winger mr ricky sir! TBH i couldn't care less who it is if he's good enough we'll know soon enough. If he's not we won't. We won an easy friendly 8-0 got our fitness levels up all the strikers got goals..... Overall Good day in camp ewood relocated to germany for a bit!
  2. maradona anyone? I asked Admin on the official MB and he says his identity cannot be disclosed. Andy Cole on trial from Fuham anyone? Thats so the press don't get hold of it and spread it round the world and everton coem in and steal him! But i spose we could ask anybody who went?
  3. maradona anyone? Nah he's too old for soui and a bit unfit aswell!!! could be that andy welsh or whatever his name is from stockport! Diego Jnr i a good shout though greggyk
  4. it was great to see him score the way he finished that superb almost as good as my many goals against you on ole!!!! How are you watching it? Ok that was lost on you i was picking upon griz saying great ot see jano scoring again! got to be nearly over now!
  5. it was great to see him score the way he finished that superb almost as good as my many goals against you on ole!!!!
  6. and we all know whos to blame for getting us back into the premiership and into europe and wining the worthington cup and signing such good players as stead, thommo, brad, u no what i could go on forever but i have better things to do..... Play the PC at Chess!!! Ps: Cole move than saved his transfer fee with his goals that kept us up and won us the cup! So you have to look at more things than just the fees. Look at shearer Cost newcastle £15million!!!! will leave for free!
  7. 8-0 I'm adding Jansen - 2 onto that list ill go for 10-0 and add Erm Brad 2 to it
  8. Incidentally, please could you explain to me which part of Andy Cole refusing to play for Souness doesn't make it his fault. The only reason Cole hasn't been sacked is because in the wierd world of football you are allowed to withdraw your labour, be crap at your job, and commit all kinds of other acts that in any normal job would have you sacked. And even if the club do decide to get rid of you, you still get paid your contract in full. I would assume you could sack a player if they broke the terms of the contract ie. Refuse to play or get 3 formal warnings. However i would think in most cases you could get a transfer fee so why sack them. Scotty: Can't say that i agree with cole leaving but if he is damaging the team on the whole he best leave, he has shown a poor attitude when faced with a position that should motivate a top player ie. competition for places. Yorke has to go now because of his poor attitude to premiership football. Todd did ok but we did better with amo and refusing to go to the bench surely has to be the end of any footballers time at a club! Flitcroft i'm really not to sure what to say. He probally isn't good enough to claim a first team spot, he is also getting on a bit like tugay and maybe leaving will help us develop key younsters. All the players have fallen out with soui because they have a poor attitude towards competition for places. If we don't have competition we don't do well, if we get rid of these players who want a spot without trying too hard we can attract a motivated type of player who wants to do well. With the masses of money we would get back from not paying wages we might be able to fund a big name or 2!
  9. Why is he in the Germany sqaud if hes going to go then?
  10. Well i've donated my fiver via paypal!!! They take a small percentage but its all good!
  11. If i could sponsor by paypal i would be more than happy to but its alot harder for me to find another way! Not that i am not willing to pay for the board to be faster and stay online!
  12. Yeah but it would save us even more money if we sold him for money to any of the line of clubs wanting him and not pay any of his wages! But it won't happen cole will stay this season and then move to america and score plenty over there! Can't see him wanting to let go of his loyalty bonus either?
  13. Well with clubss hanging around willing to pay at least £2mil for him it would be the worst move ever! But still i don't think we will get rid of him as we need him to score goals!
  14. in the words of michael kyle..... "Errrrrr Nah" Soui is a smart guy the last thing on earth he wold do is "sack" our principle striker!
  15. So really your saying you want to be in the sun? or do you want them to just print stories about your club to try and make up for something that happened along time ago and quiet frankly should be left in the past. On the one hand you and the whole of liverpool have cost a billionaire a few million wow big deal... Grabbi & Yorke cost us about the same! I wouldn't really say this is football either can we create a revenge folder? Go Tabliods
  16. If it hasn't already Chant league Click the Leeds one!
  17. Well i was coming up to brum game and spurs game but no need now!
  18. Haven't we all after that penalty shootout!
  19. So we beat them 3-0 and henman beats his guy 3-0 and the ref beats us 1-0 International Ref? your having a laugh! only this time it is not funny
  20. Ferguson (Bazza) is really going to have to work hard then.... Eeer, Bazza is what I call Flitcroft Sure it wasn't a spelling mistake G and B are very close It's amazing how bazza who this time last year was a unrated scottish player by most of the board is now a good choice for captain! Not that i am complaining
  21. Do you think beating his country 3-0 had something to do with it? or am i just thinking out the box and all refs hate sol campbell and england!
  22. I don't know i get myself worked up to the same intensity for every rovers and england game.... except when sven does his 11man sub thing in friendlies! It just comes naturally a born competitor!
  23. When yorke leaves we can afford 2 de pedros!!!!
  24. Well losing around £20k a week is a massive drop in salary!!! I bet you'd be thinking about staying with your company instead of moving to another where you would get half your current wage I have a feeling that everton would offer less than us to matteo! but my main fear is from celtic who could easily offer a larger wage than us and get themselves in more debt!
  25. I don't think thats at all fair on the club! We have kept on all the players who contracts were up that must take up a large amount of the already quiet high wage bill. Spending a couple of million on a player will add to the wage bill and lower our bank account! By buying dickov we have a class striker for basically free and on a low wage! in de pedro you have a free transfer so we can offer higher wages! with matteo you have free transfer so we can offer higher wages but not too high! We have to think of the future and while spending loads of money and getting the wage bill up in the short term might make a few fans feel good it will not do the club any good in the long term! Keep the wage bill down and that will lead to us slowly building ala charlton!
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