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Everything posted by Cocker

  1. Some more GTA NEWS:- The Exclusiv-Special from Germany Games Aktuell - You can now target different Bodyparts of your victim when you aim at him with a gun. He will now react realistically, depending where he has been hit. (for example, shoot him in the leg to show him you mean it) - When you go to a bus stop, the time table will show up. - Niko moves around Liberty City in 3 different speeds: Walking, Jogging or Running - Rockstar will use the Euphoria Engine, known from "Star Wars: The Force unleashed". Result: Every Explosion looks different. - Enemies that have been hit may still try to get up again and attack you (i imagine this like the last stand feature in CoD 4) - pedestrians have a memory. they remember your face when they saw you doing a criminal act and run away in terror whenever they see you again. - your wanted level does not depend on what you are doing (for example, killing someone in a back alley in san andreas with absolutely no witnesses would still earn you a wanted star), but on who is watching. so prepare for some sam-fisher-like actions for a minimal wanted star level smile.gif - the multiplayer will be activated via the cell phone. they dont know anything about the multiplayer modes but there will be up to 16 players possible. yet you should not expect a gta iv world of warcraft.
  2. Why so sad - get the dizzy game on - so adictive. No shame in sticking an old game on now and again (even if this is the new game thread)
  3. Yeah, the 3D one looks awful (plus, Bionic Commando was better on the Speccy )
  4. For me the Demo let me down. I know others will love this but for my car game I think I will wait for Gran Turismo 5 (not prologue)
  5. I havent tried this because I have deleted the demo but in the new burnout game it looks like it is possible to get behind the barrier so you can wander round the whole city. You need to goto the top of the car park roof and dont go full throttle off the jump on the roof but land on top of a near by house. Anyway, here is the vid of it being done (there are others but this was the best quality of the ones I could find - for those wondering, the car is different because this is from the jap demo but will still work with ours)
  6. 1. GO TO THE FOLLOWING SITE : http://www.tatuagemdaboa.com.br/ 2. TYPE YOUR FIRST NAME ON THE 1st LINE. 3. TYPE YOUR LAST NAME ON THE 2nd LINE. (Skip your email address.) 4. Click on vizualizar and watch what happens.
  7. Only when you were young? I feel sorry for you if you have lost the ability over the years because mine still works fine
  8. I was looking forward to this but not now - click
  9. Agreed, Sparten was a game which was missed by many - which was a shame
  10. I loved devil may cry 1. Devil may Cry 2 was awful Devil May Cry 3 was back to the old stuff but I was rubbish at it (because IMO it was mega hard) I like the look of the new one but will wait for the price to drop - there are better games that will hopefully be released around the same time (I hear a rumour that the demo for it will be up in the next 2 weeks)
  11. I heard this before I went to bed the other night and now I cant get it out of my head:- Also loving this - click
  12. Erm I could be wrong but I suspect some of that is from the 80's and some of it is from mid 90's. Either way it dosent seem that long ago
  13. And there will be more than one to choose from too - tis all very confusing. For those interested click me
  14. I would think they would give you between £15 and £20. I think the way forward with games is for you to get one you want and then when your done just swap it with a mate for one he has finished- thats what I have been doing because Game will rip you off.
  15. Dam it. Just read that HAZE has been pushed back again.
  16. I am not hearing impaired and to be honest while playing AC I couldn't always here what the pick pocket mission guys where talking about. Also sometimes with the people in the Assassins Beuro and missed a couple of times where they said to go. While playing Rainbow 6 the voices of the guys quite often can hardly be heard. So I understand a little where you are coming from.
  17. It should be made clear that home isnt a game. Yup it is looking good. Prototype also sounds interesting (cant really comment on it as yet as have not seen much game play) and Army of 2
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