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Everything posted by Cocker

  1. Your link isnt working but as I said it may come out on the 360 but not PS3
  2. I would say 100% (with no actual evidence to back this up) that it wont come out on a disk in the shop (although the extra content could be released with the full game for 360 owners). Some DLC are only timed exclusives (as are games - they did it with Ghostbusters for example) however its not the case with GTA. I am sure they paid somewhere like 50m for it so that would be pretty expensive for a timed bit of DLC.
  3. I am not sure thats quite true. While they have said they are bringing it out they said that they may touch up Kratos but the rest will be the same. I still have the old ones anyway so probably wont bother with the new box set. To be fair they looked great anyway.
  4. To throw my money into the ring on the new Batman game - wow, I love it. For the first time I think they have nailed a superhero game. last night I played it for nearly 4 hours. I just didn't want to turn it off. The great thing they have done is to make it very simple to play yet it never really feels that way. The controls being one button for attacks. One for stun and one for counter made me think it would be rubbish but it really isn't. I have yet to get bored of doing a glide kick, In some parts its allot more open than I thought it would be too. I am not about to spoil it for anyone but I will say as I was about to turn it off last night it hit me with something quite unexpected which I thought was brilliant. It turned the game on its head and kept things fresh. Like I say though I cant say anything about it because it really would spoil the surprise. I am playing on normal setting but I feel as though when I am done with it I will probably play through again on Hard.
  5. I still dont believe its happened. Its not the first time Noel has 'walked out' I still think they will go on. Should the worst happen and they have split then I think we may actually see a bit more music from them both. Not sure who would get Gem and Andy in the divorce though. You would think someone in the family had died to be honest with the amount of text and emails I have had
  6. From the guys that brought us Little Big Planet - Click
  7. This one is already getting picked up by me. Loved the demo.
  8. SNAP. I too played the demo of this last night and loved it. When it finished I was gutted. Love the atmosphere in it. At last, what it looks like we have here is a decent superhero game.
  9. He looked really happy at the Bobby Robson match the other day - in a way a good send off for him. RIP
  10. Yup thats the summer for you. As soon as winter hits the wallet gets battered. Basically I am trading games for vouchers at the moment and any spare cash goes into my game pot. Really the yearly release of FIFA is already on order but the new ones that will pretty much all hit at once that I will be getting are:- Unchartered 2 The new Cod (or Modern Warfare) Operation Flashpoint Red Dead Redemption (GTA with Cowboys) Assassins Creed 2 Gran Turismo 5 And the new Batman game is out next month too so that should keep me going until God of War III early next year
  11. Anyone getting a bit bored at the moment with lack of games should jump onto their 360/PS3 stores and download what is seeming to be a great game - Battlefield 1943. It feels a bit like Warhawk which is great (except its FPS when you get out of a vehicle) You can download a trial now and the full game is only £10 TIP: Do the training first. I did and still havent managed to fly a plane without crashing into the sea
  12. I had a go on Prototype yesterday and from a quick go (an hour) I wasn't all that impressed. The first thing that happens is that people are going to compare it to Infamous and I think this is wrong in the same way you shouldn't compare Infamous with GTA just because they are Sandbox games. The fighting is very different and its more of a throw yourself in there and get stuck in sort of a game. There seems to be many cool moves in it from running up buildings. Jumping 100ft in the air and changing yourself into all sorts of things to destroy whatever you want to. You can even take over another persons body (by jumping into it - killing them in the process of course). The enemy then think you are them and you can point at someone else and say that they are the bad guy. All this sounds great but playing it something just feels wrong and not quite finished. I don't find any satisfaction in what I am doing and don't really care about whats going on. This could all change the more its played I guess but the early report is that its not for me. EDIT: Played more of this yesterday and I cant believe how poor it is. The graphics are very glitchy and sometimes look a bit like a PS2 game. The camera really should have been looked at more closely as its all over the place and sometimes trying to find who your meant to be fighting in a crowd of people gets a little bit mad (yes even with the lockon button) The amount of times your going to see the LOADING screen is beyond belief. It seems every little segment you come too needs a loading screen - it really doesn't help the flow of the game. For what was meant to be a high profile game it feels really unfinished and one I would advise staying away from (at £40 anyway). I am glad I borrowed it from a mate first.
  13. Ah ok. The only reason I was bothered about that is because if I spend all my time playing Infamous but then fancy an online game of Tennis my guy will get destroyed because I haven't built him up (and not because in actual fact I am rubbish )
  14. I havent been online with it yet but can you only use your created player for matches?
  15. Picked up the new Virtual Tennis (Not that I am a tennis fan but stuck so much money into the arcade machine of this its a must for me) The biggest draw for me to get this over the one I had last year is that you can go online (ps3 anyway - 360 players could always do that) Nothing else has changed apart from some new mini games and so really I feel that I have paid £40 to play it online
  16. To be honest ripping off other songs dosent always make for a bad album though (many of you know I am an Oasis fan so I would say that - had to get it in before someone else did )
  17. I do not own an xbox so have not played either of those however from the reviews that I have read which ever you do get you wont be disappointed
  18. I was writing it off because I didn't really have any feelings towards it. It didn't really seem clear sometimes what I was meant to be doing next and per chance stumbled upon a drone at one point and when I took him down the level carried on. If you have played the old one then you will know much more than me on it though and so I have to point people towards your review rather than my quick go on the demo.
  19. Played a couple of Vin Diesel demos:- Wheelman - it looks awful - the acting in it is awful (actually just like the real Vin Diesel then) however I played the demo three times before putting it down because the gameplay was actually very enjoyable. The cars go where you want which is obviously very important in a driving game and there are some very nice touches like car jacking where you fly out of your car like superman and into the one your tailing - freshens thins up a bit and gives it a very arcade feel (even if it totally ripped it off from pursuit force on the psp) It feels like a PSN or XBOX live title though and I wouldn't part with £30 for it. One I may pluck from the bargain bin in the future though - an unexpected surprise. Riddick - run of the mill FPS game. Feels dated when you stand it next to Killzone/Cod 4 and the like (to be honest I am sure it was out on the original xbox) Nothing to say about it really - may be worth a £10 purchase on a rainy sunday afternoon.
  20. The new Batman game isnt looking to bad - Click
  21. Played a couple more demo's last night:- Wanted Another movie/game combo. Its kind of like Dark Sector but not as good (many people didn't like Dark Sector but I did) It feels very clunky. The movie specializes in what you do with your gun and you can use a gun in the game but it seems pointless when you can just run up to someone - press circle and they are done with - not very impressed. WWF Legends of Wrestlemainia. First of all lets get one thing straight - I don't like Wrestling (unless it involves chicks and a paddling pool of mud) but oddly when I played the old Smackdown games on the PS2 I couldn't put the dam thing down. I would sit through hours going through a season in it and I have no idea why - it was just very addictive (lost interest when they started getting too clever in later versions with the controls) Now onto this game. There is something not quite right about it. It kind of feels like a very very very early build of the game - normally this would be fine but it comes out in a couple of weeks so I doubt it. The crowd are would you believe just pixels sometimes and the characters feel very very sluggish (I was playing as Andrie the Giant so this could actually be a true representation I guess) The only buttons used are the four face buttons too but your hits and throws don't even feel like they are connecting properly. The screen colour keeps flashing or changing tint aswell and I have no idea why - it kind of happens when you through the guy. If they are trying to make out that its the camera flashes from the crowd then it just doesn't work. Poor effort. Glad I have Street Fighter and Killzone to cuddle up to for the next couple of months.
  22. I know where you are coming from with that E.T. game. Well if you could have called it a game.
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