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Uncouth Garb - The BRFCS Store
Everything posted by Cocker
My guess is that he is saying that its awful (or is that too kind)
Yes but we can all remember Goldeneye with fond memories and hope that one day one might break the mold again.
Just played the demo of 'Watchman' my word is it bad.......really bad. Normally I would go into detail and describe it but I am not aloud to swear on here and it hurts just to think about it so I can't. Lets play a new game - download and play the watchman demo. Whoever manages to play it the longest is the winner. I think I managed 3 minutes before I started crying.
I played the demo and did enjoy it but thought Ace Combat on the PS2 was better (I think they brought a version of that out for the 360) If it ever drops in price I think I will pick it up but I will not pay £40 for it.
Although not a sandbox game you could give Prince of Persia a go. You do get quite a bit of freedom to wander around. Good game if a liitle repetative and the ending left me feeling a little ripped off but it will be cheap enough now for you to have a play and enjoy.
Well these two that are going to come this year look interesting:- Prototype Infamous
Ok, had a play last night and finished it with Ryu. Some things I found:- I play it on medium and find it quite hard - which is a good thing. Your moves are countered and blocked quite often. Its going to take more getting into to master than the old one ever did. I was looking forward to playing it with the new pad but it certainly doesn't help as much as I thought it would. I still came away with a claw for a hand at the end of the session. I think its because the pad is quite bulky and to do the trade mark moves requires a smaller pad. It really does feel quite cheap too. Also, make sure that you have some decent batteries in it. I unpacked some cheapo ones from the garage and stuck them in and the pad seemed to have a mind of its own. I changed for some good ol duracel ones and all was ok. Forget trying to master an Hadooken I challenge anyone to pull of Zangief's revenge move. Its basically 360 pad rotation TWICE and then all three punch buttons (although I have that mapped to just one button press) Even though it takes a little while I think all who get this should goto then menu first and choose to install the game on the HD to cut down the loading times. With practise there is a good game here to keep in my stock for when I have finished the next sandbox game or shooter that comes along.
Some may be able to remember - Benjamin Button vs Mork and Mindy
I would love this or the home shirt but it needs to be Large and all I ever see are medium or small (my one from the time is too small plus is signed by players and in a frame so cant wear that again anyway)
Sounds like the pads have been selling out all over the place. I havent been able to get one as you couldnt even pre order anywhere. Last night I by chance and saw that you could order them again on play so I did. I then see that all of a sudden the orders have gone again. I have just phoned them and they confirmed that I got my order in time but the rest are sold. Madcatz must be loving the release of street fighter because they cant make these quick enough. EDIT - My pad has arrived. I must say that it does feel a bit cheap and I didnt expect it to need batteries or a usb dongle but either way it will still do a better job than the sixaxis - not sure how anyone manages to play street fighter with that.
It was in the ps3 store on monday so is ready for you to download and play.
Agree with this. I loved Resi 4 but this just seems all sorts of wrong. Looks very nice though all the same.
Unchartered 2 sounds very nice:- Click Click
Ah Cheers - didnt see that before - will get my order in. EDIT - No I am not they have stopped taking pre orders
Where did you order the pad from? It was out of order on play and shopto?
I would recommend it yes which sounds strange as I haven't played it yet :-) My reason for saying it is because its meant to be the same as the one you played 10 years ago - which is no bad thing. The reports are that you will pick up the pad and be throwing Hadookens round like it was yesterday. The thing here is that I hate one on one beat em ups I really do. I get bored with them very quickly but not this one for some reason. So the rule is with this - if you liked street fighter II buy this. If you didnt stay away (as said above though if you do buy it I think you need a new pad - also, I know you have the 360 and PS3 - get it on the PS3 because its got exclusive content and if you get the extra saturn type pad its wireless)
I have two games on order this month. Killzone 2 and Street Fighter 4. I am worried about Street Fighter 4. Let me explain. While getting bored waiting for street fighter hd to come out I saw street fighter alpha on the store for £5 so I though why not as I have a psp and ps3 to play it on. Now, I put it onto the psp and its pretty much unplayable due to the controls. Trying to make a dragon punch happen nearly made me break my wrist. Never mind I thought over to see on the ps3. To my horror it was the same. The pad just isnt made for playing street fighter. I ended up with a claw for a hand in the first 10 minutes of playing. The thing is that you cant use the analogue sticks only the dpad and I think that it may be easier with the sticks. I think in Street Figher 4 you will be able to use the sticks but again the shape of the pad will give you a claw when you attempt to throw an Hadoken. My recommendation is one of these for anyone getting it - Click
Can I go back when I said this seems quite good because to be honest it isn't. I am now just about to complete the game (on the last boss now) and I am dying to finish him off so that I dont have to play this again because there are so many things wrong with it:- The AI - You might as well have no one else with you because the other guys who are on your team are useless. A bad guy can be right in front of them and they wont be able to hit them once. On the other hand there will be by army in front of me and a bunch of bad guys will be able to walk right past the lot of them and straight up to me. I have also had times where I have had to kill myself because to carry on I need all my squad in a particular place. I stand there with nothing going on and find that one of my guys are missing. I go to find where he is to only see him running into a wall and you cant stop him - this has happened allot. You also feel like you are being hand held through the game at times too. You will be walking along and all of a sudden there is a major weapon just sitting there - when this happens you know that something big is coming. As soon as you have delt with it your great weapon is taken away again because you have run out of ammo even though you can see the same gun with loads of ammo all around you. The maps are awful at times too. I spent about 10 minutes at one point last night wandering round the mother ship on my own trying to find out where to go only to finally see that I had to JUMP on a box to a then tiny walkway - it was pretty much the first time I had to jump in the whole game and nothing gave any clue that you had to or where you had to go. The story just seems thrown together as well. Its as if they are just repeating the first one again and sticking some more levels in. 4 out of 10 - very disappointed.
Had a bash on three new games:- Prince of Persia - loving it so far. Looks really nice and the controls are very good indeed. My hope is that it dosnt become to repetative. Little Big Planet - I just cant get into it at the moment although I am going to give it a really good go. I have done about three worlds and am yet to get excited about anything (although I did smile a little when Stephen Fry started chatting away) Resistance 2 - This one is epic. Lots and lots going on all the time. It does seem very good so far. I am hating the preditor type enemy though because you hear a couple of footsteps and if your not facing the correct direction your dead in one hit.
Little Big Planet - Metal Gear
Traded Far Cry 2 for Resistance 2 today. So now thats Prince of Persia/Resisitance 2 and Little Big Planet all sat there waiting to be played - nice
I am not loving Far Cry 2 at the moment and think I might trade it in and with me only buying it for £17.99 I should get my money back. I dont like:- The treasure hunt The map When you get shot it can be hard to tell who is shooting at you The mundane tasks The always getting sick Think it will be getting swapped for Resistance 2
I know we have talked about shopto before but Little Big Planet for £20 is a bargain which I must snap up. Some other good ones too. Click EDIT: Actually scrub that. I have just tried to get Little Big Planet and Resisitance 2 from them but they have stopped taking orders on Resistance and Little Big Planet has stock due in with price subject to change.
This looks like fun - click
It really is incredible. I was in GAME yesterday. Far Cry brand new was £40. Second hand was £42. Same sort of thing was going on in HMV. Glad I waited until today to pick it up.