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Everything posted by SouthAussieRover

  1. I feel some Pink Floyd lyrics coming on. For starters: And they can appear to themselves every day On closed circuit t.v. To make sure they're still real It's the only connection they feel "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome- Reagan and Haig Mr. Begin and friend Mrs. Thatcher and Paisley Mr. Brezhnev and party The ghost of McCarthy The memories of nixon And now adding colour a group of anonymous latin- American meat packing glitterati" Welcome to the Fletcher Memorial for Incurable Insanes.
  2. Having a bad day Gav? The Newcastle fans are currently chanting Shearer,Shearer very loudly.
  3. Was Karen Brady there too? If so what's she like in the flesh?
  4. Looking increasingly like the end: http://www.sportinglife.com/football/news/...le_Shearer.html Shearer you're a bloody legend mate. Good luck in your non playing days.
  5. How did you achieve this? Hopefully not as a committee member of BRISA?
  6. Well I hope it's Rovers 2 Liverpool 1. Btw I don't give a flying fleurk about the attendance as I think any attendance is a bonus these days.
  7. Diverting here but are you aware of the carcinogens present in exhaust fumes and petrol?
  8. Of course it could be construed as being awkward to suggest that other activities do have an impact on others health. You can't see your doctor because he's busy seeing the imbibers of alcohol and consumers of high fat diets.Therefore your own health deteriorates further etc etc. And if you spill beer whilst sober maybe you need medical help
  9. \ A poor response. High fat diets and alcohol intake cost the health system millions of dollars/pounds per year. And if you are in danger of spilling beer on me you already have a problem
  10. Well Eddie,with your vast knowledge of everything,surely you realise that such foods are extremely unhealthy.Now I readily accept that smoking is unhealthy.So lets take it to the next step and ban other unhealthy substances. Try to use your vast experiences and education you've attained across the globe to assimilate and digest information. Mind you I suspect your training at,let me see,is it Guildford(?) is skilling you in answering questions or replying to points of view that bear little relevance to the initial point. Anyway we disagree and thats fine by me.
  11. Want a bit more nonsense Eddie? Next I'd ban motor vehicles etc from a 5 mile radius of Ewood on matchday.Exhaust fumes have lots of nasty carcinogens in them. BTW I'd suggest you don't sesort to snidey, "merde" like statements such as "To get all worked up about this saying we are going down a path where we won't be able to do this, that or the other is simply ridiculous and is a poor attempt at trying to counter some fairly well reasoned arguments through the use of non-sensical extremes" when people use arguments that don't fit with your point of view. And a smiley for good measure Shivni
  12. Doubt it. The ground will just look emptier as the smokers nick outside and stand 20 metres from the ground. Next I'd like to see a ban on that other dangerous drug,alcohol, from being served inside the ground. The catering needs a overhaul too...no fat laden pis,chips etc but healthy alternatives. Scarves,belts,shoelaces etc should prohibited as they could be used as an offensive weapon. Hot flasks of soup/coffee etc should be a big no no as they could scold the person sat next to you etc etc etc. Welcome to the future. BTW I have no objection to smoking being banned in places such as restaurants and other confined spaces.
  13. Sad if you are banned from smoking a legal substance plus you're in the ground longer than 90 minutes. Unless you sit in the Riverside! Do you see my point about the gate though Eddie?
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