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Everything posted by Crimpshrine

  1. Wayne (Jayne) County and the electric chairs - Thunder when she walks
  2. Also page 35, section 28. A reference to MRS Balaji Rao!! That's what he's been spending all his money on.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking. I thought both Ians were big Rovers fans. I am sure Battersby is. But if they just fancy owning a football club then Blackpool are probably a better proposition as they would start debt free and a probably a have a wealthy and willing partner in Belokon. Why go for Rovers with the a massive debt hanging over the club. That's even if they had the option
  4. Ian Currie must have given up hope of Venky's selling https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/business/millionaire-businessman-admits-interest-in-blackpool-fc-1-8870000
  5. I see 'Venky's India' shares had a pretty good day today. Up by more than 5% since yesterday if I'm reading it right. Have they issued some news of some sort ?
  6. Sounds like a large proportion of the budget at that level. What would Jack think! Another nail in the coffin. Can't take this lying down
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