Welcome brother ... i'm a fan from the time of King Kenny ...my dad was a liverpool fan till he died but i just felt at home only with rovers...i was one of first few to rejoice at venky's taking over (being a person of indian heritage) but the moment they sacked Sam and Mdm D talked about leasing , i just felt a sense of dread and i'm proven right repeatedly with their actions .. i live far away in Asia and if for a fan from long distance can feel this pain and disconnect , my heart goes out to those brethren going home and away games and witnesses the life sucked out of EWOOD.
We are dying by "A THOUSAND CUTS" and parasites like waggot,pasha,kean,KENTARO, all profit by causing hurt to ROVERs.
i'm the kind of FAN who ordered a ROVERS BABY jumper from UK and insisted it's the first jumper my daughter would wear back from the hospital ....now i'm going through dilemma that i can't watch rovers play because of fear and i can't stop watching in hope we do well ...its a fuking miserable feeling ...
i never shared this but thank you ...
p.s this feels like an A.A meeting , we all having RWS (ROVERS WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME)