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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. Indentured servitude finished in the 19th century..... The employee can break an employment contract at their will without penalty. The difference is if you walk you get no comp, if youre sacked your contract is paid up.
  2. If JDT is disappointed and furious he should quit. Why stick around for 18 months wages? Just makes him look weak and will keep eroding his reputation...
  3. Moran has done okay for me... Id leave him on unless Fleck is fully fit which i doubt. Sigurdsson though is totally anonymous. Id just straight swap him for Garret
  4. Think we've looked pretty good Chisene looks much better at lwb than Sigurdsson. Think we are doing 424 in possession and 352 out of possession.... Pears JRC. Hyam. Wharton dolan. Moran. Tronstad. Sigurdsson Chrisene Gallagher. Szmodics turning into Pears JRC. Hyam. Wharton. Chrisene Moran Tronstad. Dolan. Gallagher Szmodics. Sigurdsson
  5. Yes but considering they have sunk so much money into the club, and the biggest priority for them seems to be keeping things low hassle and low profile, I am hopeful they would write off the debt. If they dissolve the club trying to get their money back that will turn into the sort of massive media storm they have tried to avoid. While clueless and incompetent one thing they don't seem to have been too worried about is writing off investments into the club. So it would just be another one of those. But who knows.
  6. He fired Sam Allardyce, hired Steve Kean (a client of his management stable) and started recruiting players, often with massive agent’s fees for associates of his. As far as I could judge, the matriarch of the Venky’s clan, Mrs Rao, was naive and massively badly advised, but wasn’t corrupt and had good intentions for the club. The Rao family remain owners and have spent hundreds of millions of pounds on Blackburn since 2011 because, I feel, they do not want to fail. They still think they can get the club back to the Premier League one day. At this point, it’s unlikely that they will receive an offer for the club that would recover a substantial amount of the money they have spent – but if they did, I think they would probably sell. More likely, they will do whatever they realistically can to keep the club out of administration – a scenario in which they would lose control completely. As for currency export issues, these have been happening since late 2011. Remember when there were fears that not having enough money in the club’s bank account at the Blackburn branch might lead to wages not being paid? That was due to currency export issues. One of the moves they made to get out of that one was selling Chris Samba to Anzhi in Russia in early 2012. I will try to look again at the whole situation soon – and if I find anything concrete to report, I’ll write about it here. Good thought out response from NH. But he doesn't really address the key point which is for six months now Venkys have struggled to put money into the club causing all sorts of contortions and potentially our manager to resign. The hassle from the court cases, indian governament, press attention must be aggravating. Essentially the friction in keeping the club is significantly rising, and as that rises their desire to sell must as well. There has been mentioned a month ago or so a delegation from India came to Ewood, and that next month a delegation from the club will go out to Pune. I really am beginning to wonder if the wheels are starting to turn for a sale....
  7. If JDT has gone, this seems to me a great opportunity to put maximum pressure on Venkys to sell. We have money in the bank from Wharton and Raya which lowers our dependency on them. Clubs on a better footing in terms of income vs outgoing. The legal hassle, attention from indian government and bad press must not seem worth it Venkys. Getting the club on the market feels close to me. Hope there are viable people out there who want to take us on. That said it's likely that they will be totally unrealistic in what they ask for the club.
  8. After thinking about it for a while Im pretty certain JDT will leave after the game. No new info to base that on, but I just cant see how any manager comes back from being blocked from speaking to the media by the club. Thats a total break down of trust. In terms of why he would take the game anyway - think it's consistent with his personality to try and end on a good note, say goodbye to the players and fans. We shall see. Hope I'm wrong.
  9. I imagine he was of the view to "see how it goes". Unfortunately he has now seen how it has gone.
  10. Ties in with us nearly crashing the McGuire deal by insisting Palace loaned Wharton back. Probably JDT threatened to kick off, so they went back to Palace and said they had to loan back. Palace said deal off. Then we caved. JDT seems like a pretty reasonable guy. Said he signed up to have a DOF etc so knew not controlling transfers came with the territory. But the moving goal posts with the indian capital controls must just seem total clown town to him (as it does to us). It's really a great opportunity for him to jump now. If he is weighing it up with us in 18th, all the turmoil at the club, and the battering his reputation is taking he's got a bit of a get out of jail card now. Can paint this season as entirely about the Indian court shit show and talk up finishing a point outside the playoffs last year as his key Rovers CV achievenment... While I doubt he would get a job above our level, he should be able to find a good equivalent one in a few months given the sack race. I can't see why he would stay. Edit - can't see him being sacked due to payoff. And to quit he needs to accept losing out on his remaining contract. But as said he should find an equivalent okay so its not really that much of a risk for him. Maybe lose a few months pay. JDT goes and relegation is definitely on as we will be in total disarray.
  11. Yeah - clear flag that he is about to quit. Things have not been going well generally, and from his perspective this is a good moment to go as if he is questioned about leaving Rovers in the future he can point to players from being sold under him and not replaced. If he sticks around and leaves later it will be much muddier.
  12. I suppose thinking about it if we are going 352 Fleck may not be expected to be that mobile. Adam Wharton didnt need to get around too much in the system, neither does Tronstad. The forwards and wing backs do all the running. So maybe injuries and age will be less of an issue.
  13. Super strange signing for us. Feels like our DoF bought a player the manager didnt like. We try and play a high press with all our strikers closing down constantly for 90 mins. Ennis didnt seem physically or temperamentally suited to it.
  14. I think the process was JDT didnt like Travis in the deeper 6 role so moved him, Travis kicked off about it so JDT dropped him entirely, so then Travis asked to leave. The root of the issue was JDT didnt rate Travis in his favoured position.
  15. Could be a desperate last ditch signing after we couldn't get Adam loaned back.
  16. Fleck looks a decent signing in terms of experience... But considering we binned off Travis for not technically being capable in the deeper midfield role I wonder if Fleck can hack it? That said looking at the signings I wonder if we are looking at a radically different more direct style in the second half of the season. Ayeri apart no real technical players - more physical.
  17. My concern for Saturday is the massive turnover we have had in players due to sales and injuries.... Will be a weird one... Think the team could be Pears McFadz. Hyam. Wharton JRC. Ayeri. Tronstad. Chrisene Szmodics Dolan. Gallagher I think not having a decent lwb/lb option is going to hurt us unless Chrisene looks the business. A lot now resting on Ayeri to look the part and Tronstad to stay fit. Also with all the confusion and turmoil round the window, Adam Wharton going, not sure where the players and management morale will be.
  18. Well I think Ayeri was signed to replace Travis. And Buckley coming back is to replace Wharton. So while a downgrade in quality in numbers its equivalent.
  19. As far as I can guess though we don't really know till we see the players play - Strikers - probably improved. McGuire has a decent scoring record in the US which is a pretty good league these days. We can hope. -Defenders - maybe improved? The lad from Coventry has got rave reviews from all my Cov supporting mates as a true blood and thunder leader good at organising the defence. And also Connor O Riodan could be a good one. GK - No change Mid - Obviously not improved. Wharton was a great talent - lost him and Travis. Obviously a lot will ride on Ayeri being up to it, and Buckley when he gets back. I guess we could be looking at JRC into midfield with the Liverpool loanee into right wing back / right back. Feels vulnerable. All in all a lot of turnover of players... Not clear how they will land. Will be interesting to see what JDT and GB say. Venkys need to sell the club as the way its being run at the moment is farcical.
  20. Its actually a good point - if hes on a pittance at Orlando as reported to suddenly be told he's getting loaned presumably on the same wage as compared to sold and on a new contract that may well make him consider his options.
  21. If we are keeping Gallagher and now have McGuire, with Szmodics excelling up front thats leaves us sorted in striker roles. The 37 year old defender is a real bizarre one. Must be one of the oldest transfers for an outfield players ever at Championship level. I am assuming its just to provide experience till the end of the season. Looking the squad probably the priorities now would be 1. Keeper 2. Left attacking full back / wing back 3. Centre deep play maker midfielder The main concern is
  22. To be fair he did Rovers a massive favour by signing that contract. Probably doubled the fee we would get. Hats off to you Adam. He could have Lenihan/Rothwell/Breretond us. That said anyone who thinks we could hold onto him once a premier league club paid serious interest is on another planet. If we went in for any player in league one would you expect them to turn it down? Of course not. We are, as someone said, in a food chain. Right now we are forced to let players go to Palace. One day - hopefully in the not too distant - Palace will need to sell us their players as we are in the division above. Its always been like that.
  23. Its fair that as much as I thought Broughton was doing a good job six months ago hes obviously struggling at the moment. All the above four have gone poorly, on the fence with Moran, only Tronstad has worked out from last summer.
  24. A bloke on my streets parents were on a day trip using the fabled bus last week. He showed me pictures of it. Sort of has a night club vibe, lots of purple neon.
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