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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. Christ Pickering off now. We don't seem to be playing. Hmmm not sure id go to a back four.
  2. Weve got a bench with some options so im hoping we use them. JRC, Sigurdsson definitely. Maybe Ayeri for Tronstad who has a yellow
  3. Think we need Sigurdsson as hes quite crafty and will find space in the box as Huddersfield sit deep.
  4. Looks like a cb more than a full back/wing back to me. Also first game so could be rusty.
  5. I would move Garrett to LWB and take Chisene off for Sigurdsson to play where Garrett was right side. Chisene has struggled on the ball and hes probably had it the most all half. Need someone better on the ball there. This is a really hard one to call. Weve got the overwhelming balance of olay but they look more dangerous to be honest in the few attacks they have.
  6. Cheap set piece goal to concede which is frustrating as we looked solid in open play... Sure we will score again. But can we avoid conceding?
  7. Goal is good but what Ive liked more is we have handled the long balls well and looked solid in midfield.
  8. Yeah think so, Pickering filling in at LCB? Or could be the other way round with Chisene as LCB and Pickering LWB. Trying to figure out if there is any way we stick with a back four? I guess only if we did this... Pears Brittain Carter Hyam Pickering Tronstand Wharton Garrett Szmodic Chisene Gallagher Doens't look right. Must be a back three. It would hearten me greatly as - at last - we are trying something different. Probably.... Pears Carter Hyam Pickering Brittain Tronstand Wharton Chinsene Garret Gallager Szmodics Happy with that. Will be interesting if we play a bit deeper and don't over commit.
  9. Personally I still have the view that the utterly key signings are a striker who scores goals and (very frustratingly) a good keeper. We have enough in other roles to get by. Id much much much much prefer to sign a decent striker and keeper than split out resources and attention and sign four mediocre players.
  10. As I wrote on the transfer thread I would play this team (though swapped Garrett for Sigurdsson on reflection for a bit more bite in the side) Pears Carter Hyam S Wharton JRC Tronstad A Wharton Pickering Garrett Gallagher Szmodics We are starting to have some more decent options off the bench too (Brittain, Chisene, Ayari, Sigurdsson) - getting a bit more hopeful about Telalovic too. Moran getting a proper rest could refresh him. However I will be utterly amazed if we change from the 4231. JDT's thinking seems to be along the lines of "in for a penny, in for a pound". Frustrating as I think if we did do something like the above we could massively lower our chances of conceding an early goal which should be our absolute number one priority.
  11. Hard to think of a player less suited to how JDT wants to play. More of a big sam sort of signing. Hes a proper target man but as his goals record is so poor and hes nearly 35 this would be bizarre in the extreme.
  12. Yeah Lenihan was a fantastic on the right side of a back 3. Perfect for him. Think Carter the same tbh. Given we are leaking goals for fun and Carter and Wharton suit a back three would like to see Pears Carter Hyam S Wharton JRC Tronstad A Wharton Pickering Szmodics Gallager Sigurdsson I reckon we wouldn't concede the way we have been doing, and could cause a bit more damage up the pitch.
  13. I know we rate him highly (£20M?) but from the perspective of another club paying 12 million for a player out of form doesn't work. Likely all these sorts of transfers they happen when the player has had a sustained purple patch of good performances which makes the buyer think the investment is worthwhile. And then hopefully for the £20M we want. When the player is struggling no one will pull the trigger on a major money deal.
  14. He's not been playing that well recently, I doubt there will be many keen to pay a premium for him. Can't really see him going.
  15. We really should focus on not conceding early.... But Jon does not roll that way. We're playing a way that would make Kevin Keegan blush. At least he had the likes of Shearer, Ginola and Asprilla to base his strategy on... All we can hope is we get the first goal and we should be alright. But I am not hopeful!
  16. My working assumption is that the Travis money has not been used yet, as I think JDT would have called it out if not the case.
  17. Yeah those comments are really worrying. While we have a very major issue with set pieces teams are generating loads of chances from open play as well. We give away the ball cheaply in midfield and teams run straight through us. Or long straight balls front to back beat our back line. Feels like JDT is in denial.
  18. To be honest I think JDT is suffering very severely in the fans eyes because he doesn't seem to be doing anything about it. If results were the same, but we were more defensive and not committing players forward etc, then I think the fans would be more focussed on the fact we have signed a really poor keeper and no strikers. Theyd see the manager is responding to the situation but needs help. But that we continue to play the ultra open way we are when shipping 2+ goals every game and losing virtually every one means that all the focus is - quite rightly - on him.
  19. Brittain, Hyam, Carter, Pickering are all decent players. Think if we imported Lenihan, Bell, Nyambe anyone into this system when confidence is low and with a terrible keeper theyd get hammered. The issue is we are trying to play champagne 424 football when we are conceding 4 goals every week. Its absolute lunacy.
  20. If we think we were just as good as them then we have even bigger problems. There have been times this season when we have been just as good and be unlucky to lose. But today we were utterly thrashed without WBA getting out of second gear. They could have scored 6, 7, 8. We, I think, maybe only had 2 decent opportunities outside the one we scored from. They carved us open at will. That we are saying that its not the tactics or the approach just individual mistakes alone is just daft. Passing the ball around the middle third a bit without creating chances is not being "just as good as them". He'll be gone pretty soon I think.
  21. Youd imagine Sweden would be thinking "we need a manager who can galvanise a team and get then organised, competitive and solid against superior opposition " Can't imagine JDT ticks many boxes
  22. I suspect he genuinely thinks its the right thing to do and results will turn around. Often happens when someone is committed to a particular ideology - when things aren't working its seen not that things need to change, instead what is required is more of the same
  23. Well, if that is his approach to management - to let the team lose out of spite - he will have a short and unremarkable career.
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