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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. I would guess the key thing is whatever is being discussed with this delegation from India. Could be anything from an agreement on a new cash infusion to an exercise to generate more funds through sales. The horrendous run we are on will not be helping any conversations around boosting investment.
  2. Out of interest just had a look at what he's up to and he is actually playing regularly for Ross County in the Scottish Premier League. So compared to some of our players who have gone on to disappear he's done reasonably well.
  3. Yeah this is it for me exactly - simple options to get more solid are not taken
  4. On the one hand bringing in JDT and Broughton showed a bit of ambition and a plan. But at the same time slashing the budget and saying the target is staying up undercut it... Organisationally the club is all over the place and thats down to the lack of engagement and clarity from the owners. We ned to get rid of them but that is not happening soon. At the same time this team has a lot of decent players and should not be shipping goals at the crazy rate we are. JDT and coaches can do more defensively with the resources they have. Its not sufficient to just say "we don't have experience".
  5. Thought we played well, scored a couple of good goals, controlled the game completely yet gave away two soft goals, and were lucky to not let in a third. Our big problem is goals conceded - we have now in just over half a season conceded 48 in 26 games. Last season we conceded 54 in 46 games in total. But the way we go out and setup each game its like its not an issue. Its crackers.
  6. I would have picked Ennis until Friday, but thought Telalovic looked more of a handful then and unlucky not to score so will be really surprised if he doesnt get another go.
  7. Good shout! Maybe something for the supporters trust to ask a question on? I guess it may include all the fitness and coaching staff? Edit - just saw the above, so thats not the answer. No idea where the 75 comes from?
  8. Yeah so that list is total nonsense then! Really appreciate the research @wilsdenrover
  9. Thinking about it in terms of salaries cant the rough numbers be derived from published accounts? To validate what's on that list do any of our stattos have the most recent published salary numbers from our accounts? @canadarover?
  10. Interesting list. Do you know what's the source is and how is it derived?
  11. Thanks for this response. My view is that all these players were a key part of a team that finished just outside the playoffs on goal difference last year and 8th the year before with the only significant loss being BBD and he was a passenger the second half of last season. I can't see how its now a lower mid table squad. It's all opinions I suppose but Pickering, Hyam, Carter have all proven themselves as capable at this level. Brittain I accept has been a bit more hit and miss, but he looks a good player to me when properly supported. Moran has only had a three months here so harder to judge. But he looks a good one to me too. We are playing in very radical way at the moment. Pushing sometimes eight players forward when we break and looking to our defenders to handle counters on their own. My supposition is if we took fewer risks, sat in our shape a bit more, then broke at speed when it opens up, then we could stop conceding as many soft goals and not lose many of our goals the other way. We can be more direct, we don't need to have 20 touches through the middle of the park to get to the box. As someone said on the Hull thread we looked like we could hurt them with direct passing, like the Szmodics goal, but we rarely don't try it. And if we sit in our shape a bit more our tired players will be able to conserve our energy a bit more and be less vulnerable to the simple passing mistakes in midfield which have plagued us. Most of the goals we have conceded recently stem from poor loose passes in the middle of the park we didn't need to make.
  12. I want to see Telalovic play, but after that mainly interested in setting up in a more robust way . How exactly we do that I think we probably go to 4312 and don't commit too many players forward. Primary focus is winning the midfield battle. Its sad we are reduced to doing this against Rotherham at home but we need to stop conceding early stupid goals as as soon as we go behind irrespective who we play we are then looking at a 95% chance of a loss. If we concede early then I fear the worst. As the game wears on we can look to bring the likes of Wharton and Moran and be more expansive. Leo Hill. Carter. Hyam. Pickering Travis. Tronstad. Garrett Szmodics Telelovic. Sigurdsson.
  13. Personally I dont have too much of an issue with that - the better we get at developing and selling on players the more financially independent we can be and that makes getting rid of Venkys feasible. As long as we cant balance the books we're tied to them. But obviously we need to find a way to continue to develop players etc without giving amateur hour goals away.
  14. Over the last couple of months Hyam, Carter, Travis, Pickering, Brittain, Moran are well below their level in my opinion. Obviously fatigue and injuries are a big part of it, but - in my view - we have left those fatigued and out of form players too exposed and worsened their decline.
  15. Theres very little as pathetic as trying to antagonise people on message boards.... One day you'll grow out of it and look back and be disappointed with yourself.
  16. Being condescending doesn't do you many favours. We all pay our money, watch the games, and have the capability to form our own opinions. Yours is no more valid or insightful than anyone else's. I suggest you accept that you have your own opinion, others will have theirs, and personally attacking or belittling other people for being different to your own view achieves nothing. It's easy enough to state your views from your own perspective without bringing "excitable supporters" "navel gazing" etc into the conversation. No one reads that and think it adds any greater value to your commentary, it only diminishes what you are trying to say.
  17. It's just not part of our DNA though. We just don't like to play direct at all. Generally despite it's intricacy there is a real predictability in the way we play and my main concern is this consistency in approach is seen as a virtue, not an issue. We will always play short, play out of the back, play through the middle, play into feet. We can when on form go from front to back quite quickly, but always in a very narrow technical sort of way. Recently we often take 25-30 touches to get in the box with lots of smarts one-twos and stepovers, but then end up not even shooting, while the opposition punt it straight back up take 2 touches and get a shot away or score. You are right Szmodics goal yesterday was a rare piece of direct football from us. The one plus out of yesterday was that Telalovic did look more of a handful than I expected. Hope he starts again on Monday to see more of what he offers.
  18. Well.... I have been a big fan of JDT. For four reasons really - 1) he seems like a genuinely nice bloke well respected by everyone, 2) he sets up to play very very attacking attractive technical football which when it works is a total joy, 3) he gets a lot out of players, particularly young ones, who have performed until recently better than we would expect 4) there was a sense that he was in control of our performances and slowly improving the team, and had a bit of nous about him. While 1) and 2) are still true 3) I think has gone into reverse where players we know are good are performing well below their level, and 4) any sense of control seems to have gone out the window completely. Defensively we have been absolutely shambolic. Unless you have parachute money you are not getting out of the Championship through passing possession football. You will get out through being organised and hard to beat, and having a cutting edge. If you can do that while playing an attractive style - great. But if you can't defend then you are going nowhere. The priority always has to be defensive solidarity. What frustrates me is everyone knows the fixture list before the season starts. Everyone can see that the number of games in December is incredibly intense. Everyone also knows how small the squad is. And that's before we had the ever growing injury list since October, and the experience of huge losses on the road since Sheffield Wednesday. That we don't have a clear idea how to batten down the hatches and grind out results and stem the flow of goals is totally unacceptable. I accept we have an issue up front with no proven strikers. But our midfield and defence are both decent by championship standards. We are performing well below expectation in my view. Should we sack him? No, not unless we look genuinely relegation threatened. But that could only be a month or two away if our results continue. And I think we should be thinking about who our next manager will be as unless we have a major upturn I doubt JDT will be here next season.
  19. We've had good defenders available, or at least defenders who were previously good . The primary issue for me is not the defenders, it's the tactics that leave them exposed.
  20. Id say we have the ability, we have shown it in other games, but you need to pick your moments. We've got a huge amount of injuries and shipping goals left right and centre. We should probably prioritise defensive solidarity over offensive style, be a bit more direct etc. JDTs lack of practicality is what scares me. To still be playing this way after the run weve been on is just mad.
  21. Referees been poor, but the way we play we leave the defence so exposed. When your playing well then great. But if you are shipping 2, 3, 4 goals game after game but you play the same open style then the cards and chances conceded are down to the manager.
  22. If you can't defend you are not going anywhere as a club or a manager. Think we have to figure out how to be solid. If JDT is not interested in that then we need a change unfortunately. This is ridiculous.
  23. I agree but dont think he will do it though, never seen a manager at Rovers so invested in one particular style for better or worse. We need a win in the next two games, or I think panic really may start to set in
  24. What's going to be fascinating is that we have two more games in short order. Most managers, including Mowbray, in this sort of death spiral would drop the posession, passing etc, and just get compact and make it difficult for the opposition. I reckon JDT might just stick to his guns, and then what do we do if we get two more losses?
  25. Yeah agreed, while all our players have weaknesses so does every Championship team. Its a reasonable squad in every position except striker and gk. These huge defeats full of soft gaols we are going down to are utterly unacceptable.
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