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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. If it happens I'll eat everyones hats on this board. I am ever an optimist, but given the EFL has never accepted one of these appeals before I do not think they will be changing that habit now.
  2. Not for me - we crossed the ball well yesterday and found a number of good through balls. It wasn't the delivery for me, it's getting on the end of the delivery . Obviously delighted if LO'B turns up, but midfield is such a smaller issue than up front. That said I can't see the football authorities reversing their decision. Irrespective of the practicalities of the case if they reverse then they will be absolute snowed under with dozens of appeals every window. To avoid that they are heavily incentivised to uphold the decision. If there is any way to uphold it they will go for it.
  3. Won't other clubs actually worry about a strict enforcement because of their own financial affairs? Chelsea, Newcastle, Man Utd, Spurs etc.
  4. Thats bizarre. Does he have any ongoing connection to the club?
  5. Just dont really agree with this tbh... Players are pretty decent. Put one or two decent strikers (i.e. ones who score 15+ goals a season regularly and worry a centre back) in the squad and we're a solid top six side for me. We're much better in midfield and at the back than the days of Bennett, Akpan, Mulgrew, Steele etc. Honestly think if we had a 30 year old Dabny Graham everything at the moment would be a much different story.
  6. Just my view, but a lot of people saying that we played terribly today. I don't think we did really, controlled the game largely, created a lot of opportunities. I thought it was a pretty watchable game for the first sixty minutes or so. A lot more direct than we have been playing. Quite a few players had good games - Travis, Thomas, JRC, Dack, Carter. It seemed a better all round performance than what we were managing in December anyway - albeit against the team rock bottom. But... looking across the next half of the season I just can't see where the goals are coming from. If BBD is going to coast in we are truly fooked. We have to find a decent out of contract striker from somewhere. If we don't we maybe have 20 goals in this team for the rest of the season. We'll be reduced to giving Leonard a go just to try something.
  7. I have watched back the interview on the sky sports app and while JDT looks a bit cheesed off he seems a long way away from a man about to walk away from a three year contract and several million quid.
  8. Yeah... wouldn't be surprised if this is part of what pissed JDT off - going after another striker who doesn't score goals.
  9. I turned off Sky before the interviews came on... has anyone go a link to a recording of JDT? I struggle to see him walking away just yet. End of the season maybe if he gets a better offer. It is mental that we've struggled all season for quality up front yet we didn't manage to bring any strikers in. Can see why he would be angry about that, irrespective of the paperwork issues for the midfielders.
  10. Thought we created enough, particularly through Thomas, to win the game easily... But no one to get on the end of anything. Lewis O'Brien would be great to have but what will kill us really is not having a serviceable striker.
  11. If we had a decent striker we would have put this game to bed ages ago... Its pathetic how bad we are at number 9. Vale anonymous and Gallagher cant trap the ball...
  12. Been impressed with Travis - he looks way sharper. Defence has all looked good. Carter and Wharton move the ball a lot quicker than Hyam and Ayala. Buckley having a game to forget and Vale is just a black hole for me. Heres Gallagher.... Thomas has been very good.
  13. Well... whenever I've seen him play his linking up round the box etc back to goal has been minimal. And he's always looked most dangerous cutting in or running from 30 yards out on the break. But saying that we've just signed a lad who can play left wide forward (Thomas), got Hedges and Dolan who are decent wide right. So we may as well give him crack! Can't be any worse than Gallagher or Vale.
  14. I sounded a bit harsh there on Szmodics. For me Szmodics and Dolan are effective and reasonably happy with them in their wider roles. But they are not proper strikers. Vake and Gallagher are supposed to be proper strikers but they seem, in my view have a bit of an identity crisis where they spend time running the channels or running around in front of the oppo defenders. From my perspective Vale doesnt seem too bad in terms of getting around the pitch. Its - like Gallagher - he just doesn't seem to get into goal scoring positions.
  15. Wow - really? Who was that from? I guess with Vale the issue is he hasn't even taken any decent shots, let alone scored goals. He's played a good amount of minutes. If he was at least getting the chances there would be some hope, but it isn't happening. He goes through games and barely threatens the goal. We were also actively trying to sign an established striker in Undav and Kone so it's seems to me the manager doesn't fancy Vale or Gallagher either (which based on the evidence seems entirely reasonable!) at least for now. So now we find ourselves in the position where we have three options really 1 - Vale up front 2 - Gallagher up front 3 - Go back to false 9 with Dack or Dolan in there For me all of them are really really unsatisfactory. It's such a shame as if we had a really decent central striker I could see the team push on. Would create opportunities for all the other players if the opposition worried about who we had through the middle.
  16. Crikey... "runs around a lot all over the pitch and doesn't score goals". I mean we've got Gallagher, Szmodics, Dolan and Vale all in that role... I would quite like a striker who "doesn't run around a lot, hangs in the box, scores goals" please.
  17. Will be really really surprised if Morton doesnt come back in as hes nailed to the team sheet and Travis has hardly been better. Would prefer Wharton to get a crack. Also cant understand why anyone would want Vale ahead of Gallagher, as limited as Gallagher is.
  18. It does feel like JDT "pulling a Lambert" is possible. Nothing explicit yet, but all the pre-conditions are there. He's got a pretty good story if he walks "I got Rovers to third but the dysfunction of the club meant I could see there was no real long term ambition. I am looking for a club who has that ambition." Hopefully won't happen, but feels plausible.
  19. Wow didn't realize that. I had assumed the crowds were declining through 2007 to 2010. Amazed that we had better crowds in 2010 than say 2001 or 2006, Here's an interesting page : https://ewoodpark.jimdofree.com/attendances-average-attendances-1888-2013/
  20. Quite a few on here think much the same thing.... Ive gone from quite enthusiastic to a bit worried but still behind JDT.
  21. Not to be too much of a downer, but Giles last season was very similar to Thomas. Proven Championship quality winger, but we couldn't use him as we didn't have the right forwards to get on his crosses. O'brien does look a very good signing. But would have much preferred a top quality striker compared to a top quality centre mid. We have decent if imperfect centre mids, but no acceptable central strikers at all.
  22. One thing against him according to that is he hasn't played any competitive football since May... so probably a long way away from fitness.
  23. Absolute mental we haven't signed a striker. Hope there is someone decent out there out of contract.
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