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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. Yeah, Szmodics a total mystery to me. Seems absolutely no better than the likes of Dolan or Vale? And seems to be blocking the ability of Markanday to get into the matchday squad. Feels like we could have spent that money a lot better. As always looking forward to being proven wrong.
  2. Broadly agree with a couple of tweaks. I think we would probably go like this in a 4231, and from Gregg's comments when he signed Hirst is viewed as a starter. And I can see Dack being more of a bench player when everyone is fit. Kaminski Brittain Hyam S Wharton Pickering Travis Morton Hedges A Wharton Brereton Hirst Subs: Pears, Ayala, Mola, Buckley, Szmodics, Gallagher, Dack Backup: Carter, Philips, Edun, JRC, Garrett, Dolan, Vale Think we will also play 30-40% of our games in 343 across the season. Think Ayala may not play that much as he won't let us push up due to lack of pace, and if we are honest with ourselves he's going to be injured for most of the season anyway. Kaminski Carter Hyam S Wharton Brittain Travis Morton Pickering A Wharton Hirst Brereton Subs: Pears, Ayala, Mola, Buckley, Szmodics, Gallagher, Dack Backup: Carter, Philips, Edun, JRC, Garrett, Dolan, Vale
  3. Yeah but I don't think we need another midfielder brought in, we just need to play three centre mids when the opposition does imo. We've got more than enough centre mids to do that.
  4. Is that just from the you tube compilation or from more data than that? Someone who can win the ball in the air centrally and find a team mate or the net regularly would transform the team. A by product would be more room for Dack, Brereton, Dolan, Szmodics etc as the defenders get drawn to Hirst. Looking at the stats on WhoScored Gallagher actually looks better thank Hirst. But... Considering Gallagher goes against a full back not a centreback, and virtually never finds a team mate when he flicks on anyway I'm not really that worried by that. It would be okay if Hirst only wins 40% of headers compared to Gallus 50% if he finds a team mate twice as much and does so in more dangerous central areas. Something to watch.
  5. They've always been like this though. Don't seem overly worried about losing money, but not really willing to invest significant amounts above the operating cost of the club (which is still a £20m loss to them every year, so we can hardly complain) and a modest transfer budget either. I don't really get it, but I wouldn't say keeping Diaz is out of line with their general approach for the last 5 years or so.
  6. Everton and Fulham really think they can beat Venkys at a game of chicken...? 🐔
  7. Don't really get the point above - surely we are on the shortlist not the long list? Need to see how the signings pan out, but on the face of it we probably have a better squad than last year. Hyam, Morton and Brittain look good, A Wharton looks a revelation, Dack is fit, Carter looks solid. No idea of Hirst or Mola will be any good but they are extra bodies. Our expectations shouldnt really change from last year - expectation is 100% we should make playoffs. Obviously JDT needs to be given time etc, but if we don't make sixth it's a bit disappointing.
  8. Seems like we have done our business.... maybe Dembele will turn up later but not holding my breath. Bristol City are going to come to Ewood in a 343, sit back, be aggressive physically and hit us on the break. Sort of setup that regularly beats us and we have struggled to have a counter argument to. JDT wants to be tactically flexible, we've got some players coming back to fitness, and he's seen us get absolutely mulched by Reading and Sheff Utd who play a similar way to Bristol City. So I think we will go 343 ourselves on Saturday and match up. I want to see a really good performance where we can show we can adapt and nullify teams who know how to hurt us. Team for me : Kaminski Carter Hyam S Wharton Travis Morton A Wharton Pickering Dack Hedges Brereton Subs : Pears, Phillips, Edun, Buckley, Hirst, Dolan, Vale
  9. It sounds like it's definitely in negotiation as has been confirmed from multiple angles including local Bournemouth press and people on here. Would be a major surprise if there was nothing in it. Also Scott Parker prior to chopping block has already said Dembele wanted to leave.
  10. With Hirst and (hopefully) Dembele coming in I would assume that some players are going to leave. We would have 9 forwards (BBD, Gallagher, Hirst, Dembele, Hedges, Szmodics, Dolan, Vale, Markanday) all covering the front three spots. Too many.... If BBD stays surely Dolan and Vale go on loan, maybe Markanday also (though sure he would be absolutely livid about it). When does the loan window close for League 1 and 2?
  11. Yeah he's obviously a bit of punt on a young player, rather than someone proven. Don't think he will be going straight into the team or even squad.
  12. Poor old Rich - I think you're alright mate! Don't let the lot on hear grind you down
  13. It's a bit weird he needs a workpermit though as he was born (according to wiki) in London?
  14. Think we will probably switch to 343 for this one to match up with Bristol City. In terms of who plays it's conceivable signings from today could go straight in (especially if they are of the quality of Dembele!)
  15. There's definitely something up with him, he's regressed quite significantly. I think probably - quite understandably - the coaches have been working with him to improve his decision making as it's an obvious weakness that even the Sky commentator was well aware of and pointed out. But an ironic by-product of being told you systemically make he wrong decisions over and over again is that you lose confidence in yourself which consequently can actually make the decisions you make even worse. You get conservative, check back, play the safe ball, don't try and beat the man. Dolan doesn't even try to beat his man now, but a year ago he would always try even when it was daft. But... sometimes it would work and he really scared defenders. Now he is no challenge. I am not a big one for loaning out, but if Dolan stepped down to League One where he should be able to consistently beat his man, it could make a big difference to his confidence and we get a better player back.
  16. To build on something I mentioned in my initial thoughts... If you look at our first seven games we've won three where the other teams setup in a way that suits our pressing counter attacking style (QPR, Swansea, Blackpool) but have been absolutely hammered by the two teams who looked to physically and tactically dominate us (Reading and Sheff Utd). WBA and Stoke were more.marginal games that could have gone either way. Putting Wigan to one side, we have a couple of games now which will really show where we are. Next up Bristol City and Watford. Neither of those teams are going to let us play the way we want. Both like sitting deep and countering, playing three CBs and three centre mids, and Watford at least will be confident they can physically batter us. Hopefully addition of Hyam and Carter, and Scott Wharton coming in, will make us a lot more robust than we were at Reading and Sheff Utd. But they will all just be getting to know each other really. This is where we struggled with Mowbray, being able to beat the big teams and the teams who play an aggressive physical 343. By my guess probably around a third to half our games will be against teams who play that way. Time for JDT to show he's got the right answers, and if we can really see ourselves as genuine top six material.
  17. Yeah he's defo going. There are at least half a dozen Prem clubs interested. One of them is going to spend the required cash. I wonder if we have anyone lined up. We're going to have no time for searching.
  18. Makes me wonder how Garrett would do in a Championship game too.... He didn't look too far off Wharton in the Bradford game. We've really got a huge array of young quality at central midfield.
  19. Great result, lots of positives... Kaminski - had nothing to do, dodgy distribution , solid enough. Travis - Solid at right back, think he was up against a winger who didn't really test him too much. Wondered out of position quite regularly which I think better teams could punish. Got forward well. Pickering - Really good game, handled Bowler really well. Distributed the ball well. When we play deep like we did today it really suits him. Hyam - Quality, didn't miss Ayala at all Carter - See Hyam above. Two centrebacks comfortable in the air and on the floor was a joy to see. Morton - Great forward passing. Linked the game up nicely, made a couple of good challenges too. However also some loose passes which Blackpool should have made more of. A Wharton - wowzers... he's going to play every game for us this season. Absolutely fabulous player. Tackled, passed, shot, dictated. Best player on the pitch... Looks the real deal. Hedges - looked well off it really, nowhere near as effective as first three games of the season. Hard to pick out exacly why, just made the wrong decision over and over again. Brereton - great goal, worked so hard, created a load of chances for himself. Absolutely murdered their right back. Unlucky not to get two or three. Dack - Didn't see too much of the ball, but when he did he was classy. Great assist for the goal. Dolan - As always worked really hard but again struggled to get anywere near beating his man. Could have scored with an early shot. Looks like whatever he had a year ago is slipping away from him. Vale - I'd written him off but he was a lot stronger and more direct today. Nearly scored. Got an unfair yellow for similation I think. Maybe there's more to him. All that said Appleton bizarrely set Blackpool up in a way that really suited us. Only two centre mids and two centrebacks, and they pushed right up giving us loads of room in behind. Really daft. Was absolutely perfect for us. So... I will wait on getting too carried away until I see us play well against teams that sit a bit deeper and are physical and try to hit us on the break.
  20. What's really disappointing is over last few games he's got into quite a few one on one and not beaten the man once. A year ago he'd regularly get past them. Markanday needs a crack around 60 mins.
  21. Thing is with inexperienced sides like this they often surprise us. Hopefully that will happen tonight.
  22. Wow that's a big statement. I guess on the back of that he's going to start at number 9 as a regular.
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