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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. When was the last time we signed an exciting perm signing...? Probs have to go back to Holtby. And he hardly pulled up trees. That we're picking up modest players and trying to turn them into quality is a bit frustrating but at least we're consistent.
  2. Always had duffer down as a nice lad - totally eviscerates a few of his former team mates in there..!
  3. Good shout for them... will need a fair few £££s though. And Dyche will fancy getting a prem job once the mid season panic sets in.
  4. Yeah can totally see that. We've got a view of him at Rovers, but many other clubs will look at him and think a proven manager. Wouldn't be surprised if he pitches up there. That said they've obviously got some cash with the players they've brought in so maybe will be a bit more ambitious?
  5. Wow this game isn't until 8th of November! That's ages. Should have (please god) some fit centre halves by then. Quite fancy going down to London.
  6. On the BBD replacement - chances of us finding a guaranteed 20 goal replacement pretty much zero. We will be looking to Gallagher, Dack, Markanday, Sammie, Hedges and a relatively modest new signing to makeup the shortfall between them. If we wanted to buy a guaranteed 20 goal Championship level striker we'd have to pay the same sort of money we want for BBD. Looks a tall order but been here before when Armstrong left.
  7. Doesn't want to go to Chelsea? What of playing CL football, potentially winning trophies, not being in a relegation scrap, and earning probably 4x more money doesn't appeal. I am sure on further reflection he will see the merits!
  8. Yeah feels like this one will happen. They're been interested for a while, they have a big fee coming in, known price well addordable compared to that fee, week to the end of the transfer window. Pretty nailed on. A bit like Armstrong though I am not really sure he can make it at Prem level, such a big step up.
  9. I reckon if we go like that Stoke will just batter us in midfield like Reading and Sheff Utd have. JDT & Remy came in with the philosophy of pushing the front four right up the pitch, but I think it is already in the bin. It surrenders the whole midfield. We got absolutely humiliated in midfield by both of them. While it's possible that we could line up like that and ask Dack to drop into midfield to help out Travis and Morton I don't buy it as 1) you want Dack where the goals are which isn't running around just in front of the centre circle, 2) he would need to cover a lot of ground which isn't his forte post two ACLs 3) he's never been very good breaking up play anyway so wouldn't be very effective. But we shall see.
  10. Were you at the game? If so what would you say was different about how he played?
  11. Would have loved to make this one but moving house, so will content myself with the online services while packing and unpacking the boxes. Stoke always a good measure of where we are... previous Prem club fallen on middling times, some quality in their squad. Always like to mix it up and be physical. Game you want to win at home but happy if you get a point away. Probably could say that about quite a few teams in the Championship, but Stoke always sticks out to me as a bit of a bell weather... They're right near the bottom at the moment, but it's hard to form much judgement at this early stage. After the first five league games, and two cup ties, you would have to say we should be pleased. I'm sure the Potters are looking on enviously. One point off top, played some decent football, a great set of academy players coming through, new manager who is only just getting to grips with things but has galvanised the team, through to the third round of League cup. Buuuut..... not to sound too pessimistic, there is a suspicion that Reading and Sheff Utd have figured us out (as always happens very quickly in the Championship...) - that physical sides who are direct and press us are going to be able to hurt our young and defensively ragged team. This could turn into a pattern. So... what to expect from Rovers? I would say after not just being beaten by Reading and Sheff Utd - we were soundly thrashed by both - we have to change things. It's clear from both those games expecting Travis and Buckley to hold the midfield on their own is not fair. Nor did trying to play three at the back without the right players work. So probably we need to help Trav and Bucko in the middle by sticking Morton in there, play four at the back, and I would say give Dack a start. My view is Dack - although nominally an "attacking midfielder" is actually far more of a striker. Finds space in the box, holds up the ball and links up excellently, maybe not the fastest but very strong and clever, can poach, head, score from distance. Time to make him the the true focal point of our attack. If he is unshackled to be in and around the box you will always get goals. Maybe it's a bit experimental, but probably no worse than Vale, Dolan or Sammie buzzing around but offering little goal threat. If it doesn't work that's why we have subs. Team for me (obviously if S Wharton is fit to start Phillips drops to the bench to accommodate him). Kaminski Britain Phillips Ayala Pickering Travis Morton Gallagher Buckley Brereton Dack Subs : Pears, S Wharton, A Wharton, Edun, Markanday, Hedges, Szmodics
  12. TBH considering he was at Bodo/Glimt for years and must know Gregg personally very well it would not be hard to keep this one quiet.... We are obviously doing some business - we know for certain we are in negotiations for Lode, Sepp and Van Hecke at least. So wheels are turning. Question is can we sign two defenders and a left back, and have someone clearly identified and ready to come if BBD goes.
  13. Well he's got rave reviews from the LT and the Bradford fans, and we are current playing Pickering there when either Phillips or Ayala need to go off. So all he needs to be is better than Pickering....
  14. Well you can say that but in recent history we've often enough looked nothing special and lost to lower league opposition. Win tonight was an achievement given it was all kids except Dack.
  15. Anyone who went to the game think Morton could play CB in the Championship?
  16. Bradford just started slinging it into the box... Probably should have done it all game!
  17. It was linked. We took out a defender to put another body in midfield. We started retaining the ball a lot better. Buckley is the guy we have who can play 10 but can also drop in and be effective winning the ball back. Hedges, Dack, Smodics, Dolan all want to push up higher and leave the central two isolated. Anyway, I'm probably wrong, but reckon we might line up like this against Stoke. Kaminski Britain. Philips. Ayala. Pickering Travis. Morton Gallagher. Buckley. Brereton Dack
  18. We can't just have Travis and Buckley getting overrun each week. Need another body in there. And Buckley excels in dropping back and nicking the ball. When we moved to 4231 against Sheff Utd at half time and put Buckley at 10 we improved a lot.
  19. Reckon probably we go 4231 with Buckley in the 10 and with Travis alongside one of Wharton / Garrett / Morton. Then ask Buckley to drop in and help out so we don't get outnumbered like Reading and Sheff Utd.
  20. I really didn't expect it. Thought it would be an aerial physical game and we'd lose pretty comfortably. Dack is literally the only established played out there. Really pleased we are doing so well, though it does seem that weirdly Bradford haven't been bombing it at our makeshift centrebacks.
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