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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. He's going to bloody love Dolan then. Makes half a dozen goals a season just by closing the opposition down.
  2. Would be a good squad except extremely unhappy with Gally and Vale up top. Would need much better than that imo if BBD does go. Also one injury to Travis and we look pretty lightweight in centre mid? And JRC as backup for Brittain is not great? Surely a couple of loans could cover those backup positions? But broadly speaking would be a good squad.
  3. I agree with this he wasn't the quickest but he was always full of energy and worked hard. Also for a guy who was theoretically an AM his back to goal hold up and link up game is as good as any decent striker. Very strong. But two ACLs means he isn't going to be running around. Just the way it is. Not his fault, not our fault. Sammie coming in does indicate Dack is going to be a cameo player. Doubt he's going anywhere though as not one will pay him the same wage as we are atm.
  4. Reckon if we brought him in we would sell Gallagher (unless of course BBD goes) which would be an improvement. Then try and sign a proper central forward.
  5. Players we need imo - 1 LB/LWB perm, 1 CB perm, 1 CB loan, 1 DM loan, 1 target man loan. I can't really see why we would sign Bowler unless we are selling someone.
  6. Anyone found any good Sammie videos? Had a brief look and there doesn't seem to be a best bits compilation?
  7. I said no more experience really... he's played two prem games, and two CL game I think? That isn't much experience really? My point is I would have taken a rough and ready experienced player who had racked up a decent amount of games over another fresh young player when we have a lot of them in that role. That's all I meant... More than happy to hold my hands up if he comes in and makes a big impact.
  8. Yeah, doesn't really add up to me. He's got no more experience that Wharton or Garrett, and seems a similar sort of player. I get having someone to bridge the gap while the other players mature makes sense, but not when that player is also immature? I guess we need to see him play, but instinctively doesn't feel the right fit.
  9. Its a bit strange when we have Buckley, Garrett and A Wharton coming through we are using one of our loans on a young creative midfielder? Surely someone a bit more combative and experienced in midfield, or focusing on a CB recruitment would be the right way to go?
  10. I think we do need a proper central striker who can play back to goal if we're going to play a narrow front four. Thought this tactical analysis was good : https://www.lancs.live/sport/football/football-news/blackburn-rovers-tomasson-team-pressing-24639177?fbclid=IwAR0mj3IdRkBX6YF74ESabXNot69DeQMjmPvQbKNi6Ur8jk4pvWUBNFrZ1LA Part of the issue with our forward play breaking down on Saturday is there was no focus for forward passing. Hedges, Vale, Dolan, Gallagher, Brereton all want to face the ball and carry it. You can't have all four of your front players doing that but be setup to play narrow one twos. You need someone to be comfortable playing back to goal and bringing others in. Whats surprising though is we haven't been linked to any target men at all, so maybe that isn't the plan? Or maybe we will play that way without a target man, but it just seems a bit odd? That said centre back is the critical priority. We need 1 in perm and 1 in loan ASAP. Ayala could go down any second, and Wharton has had his fair share of injury issues also.
  11. As we just won, barely gave QPR a sniff of goal, and generated a decent amount of chances at the other end, and have a whole week to recuperate before Swansea - it's going to be the same team.
  12. If he had a bit more pace he would be devastating, but he isn't quite quick enough to just get by a defender with pace. So he needs the tricks but his decisions are sometimes not the best. Turns into trouble, slows himself down by taking an additional unnecessary step over, doesn't spot a run etc. But.... defo think he will iron the decisions and improve over time. He's shown he can score and assist, is a grafter, and has all the technical tools. He will kick on this season.
  13. I think Dack will get a fair bit of game time. If JDT wants to play narrow through the middle that will absolutely suit Dack. Short passing and one twos round the penalty area is what he excels at. Could have done with it yesterday at times. In terms of the pressing game without the ball if we've got BBD, Gally and Hedges pressing and covering the yards Dack being a bit less athletic in the number 10 slot isn't going to be a huge issue imo. I doubt he'll start often but I would expect him to get a solid 30 mins.
  14. One question I've got is really how different a setup was it to Mowbray really if we're honest. Very similar. And I don't mean that as a negative to JDT just that really the way Mowbray set us up wasn't that daft. He wanted Nyambe out, he played Gallagher on the wing and BBD on the left. It may well evolve over time but it's hardly chalk and cheese. People got fed up with Mowbray but he played a similar game to what we saw today. So I guess the question is what does JDT need to do to be better than Mowbray as that's what we all want to move onwards and upwards?
  15. Especially being completely on his own up there. Tough ask for any player. Whoever does that role is onto a hiding. We should really sign a specialist to do it tbh if we're not going to let BBD or Gallagher have a go.
  16. I'd essentially say the team we put out today is as good as last season's. So by definition should be in the mix for the playoffs really. If we could add one real quality central striker then that would make a big difference. And then we know Ayala is going to spend a lot of time injured so we need backup there. Left back would be good. And some sort of midfield enforcer as backup for Travis as it's a big ask for Edun or Garrett to step up. Ive heard quite a lot of people say we should expect lower table, mid table. But I don't really see why we can't continue to expect playoffs. The core of a good squad is there, with more young talent coming in and it seems money to spend.
  17. I didnt think Hedges was abysmal but thought he was nowhere near the top performer (Buckley and Ayala the standouts for me, Travis also with a solid all round game and a great goal).
  18. If hesitate to write anyone off early in the Championship. Mad league. They've got quality players like Chair and Dykes so it might be theyre out of sorts, or we are particularly defensively good. Will take a couple of months to figure it out.
  19. Very good imo. They didnt cause us any problems anywhere on the pitch really. Didn't break our lines once as far as I can recall.
  20. Once Buckley settled down he was superb. For me best midfielder weve had since Cairney. We should build the team around him.
  21. Yeah agree with this. Buckley was great but I don't think any of the front four played a decent pass all game. On the flip side Hedges, BBD, Travis and Gallagher totally bullied their midfield. Gally and Hedges had better defensive than offensive games, which is not what you want but it did play a role in the win. QPR are a decent side and they barely got a sniff today
  22. Its not pretty but it's a very effective defensive performance atm
  23. For what it's worth Wharton on for Buckley is going to happen as is clearly close to a red. Shame as his passing was coming into it at the end. Will be interesting to see Wharton as I've never watched him in the flesh. I suppose there is a chance Edun could get the nod. Think it will be Wharton though. Other than that I'd give Gallagher a proper shot through the middle and bring Markanday for Vale around 60 mins. Its been an okay performance, very even. We've probably been the better side on balance just about.
  24. Its been standard 4231 imo with them switching round a bit but mostly Vale leading the line. It is weird having three big units in Hedges, BBD and Gallagher but it's Vale whose clearly a fair bit smaller playing the traditional number 9. Not just Mowbray!
  25. JDT has said he likes the front 4 to interchange so expect to see a bit if all four everywhere.
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