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Posts posted by Audax

  1. 2 upsets Japan and assuming Senegal win this, really throws this group into a whirl with Colombia and Poland starting with a loss.

    Poland with Boruc, played Germany better in 2006, when Poland lost at Germany but only 1-0 with a goal at the death for Germany. That was a fine match.


  2. Those not in favour of VAR, might remember, over the course of a season, the breaks should even out. In a tournament, there's more riding on faulty decisions. That said, yes, there were poor decisions yesterday and probably other matches. I hope FIFA, who seems to be trying to keep a tight rein on things, are advised and likewise, advise on this to keep things fair.

  3. I think with the VAR, it seems in that match last night, there comes a point where it looks like they will just be trading penalty kicks. France was given a PK  at the 58 minute vs. Australia, 62 minute, Australia received a PK.  The refs may be hesitant to do that, not wanting to decide the match.

    Also, often,  when new rules are implemented, cheaters find a way around them. I don't know if that could happen in this kind of matter though.

  4. It looked like England was going to run them off the pitch, Tunisia got that penalty break, to their credit, England battled for the go-ahead goal right until nearly the end.

    And they sure were starting to look desperate in places in the last 20 minutes or so.

    • Like 1
  5. GOAL BELGIUM AGAIN, header, Lukaku, great assist-DeBruyner, great set up..... 2-0

    And another, 3-0, Belgium is showing something now, sometimes, when they park the bus, it takes a while to break down.....

    73rd minute.....

    The matches of the last 2 days must have thrown a scare into those predicting these games, finally, an expected result....Sweden South Korea was fairly expected too.

    I'm feeling good about this England match now.....





  6. With the exception of the opening match blowout by Russia and it's fine with me, we really aren't seeing high numbers scored.  Spain Portugal an exception and a classic of two top teams. Panama almost could end up stealing this at this rate with a set piece or something.

  7. Brazil drew their first game this time. When, officiating a game means giving the home team big breaks so they win a match as possibly in 2014, count me out. That may have happened versus Croatia. So, not only is human error in the equation with the old system, so is bias or worse, dishonesty. It might be just appearances but it might not only be "bias for" but "bias against a team".



    In the sixty-ninth minute of the World Cup’s opening match, between Brazil and Croatia, with the score tied 1–1, the Brazilian striker Fred—players in Brazil typically go by their first names—went down in front of the opposing goal, seemingly shoved or tripped by a Croatian defender. Players from the Croatian team swarmed the referee to protest, but in vain; the referee gave the defender, Dejan Lovren, a yellow card and awarded the Brazilians a penalty kick. Neymar, a forward, briskly converted it, giving the Brazilians a permanent lead.

    But, by then, even the television commentators were howling, as replays exposed the foul for what it actually was: a spectacular bit of theatre. Lovren had barely touched Fred, who nonetheless slid down on a pillow of air, his arms raised in mock protest even before he hit the ground. He’d faked it, to draw the penalty.



    More: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/football/world-cup/fifa-world-cup-2014-in-brazil-farce-foul-on-fred-was-not-a-penalty-say-football-fans-across-the-world/news-story/97aea1741847b48f30420042529e8f59

    I can't talk for league football; but as for international, the World Cup has always been packed with this sort of stuff leaving me disillusioned.

    As some have intoned on this thread, we have seen a lot less diving.

    What has bothered me, is when, it appears like outright cheating going on out there. I watched France rightfully get disciplined for that handball on Saturday and I thought of that match a few years ago, 2013, where Henry had a handball that helped France score vs. Ireland.  That one was not caught.



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