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Posts posted by Audax

  1. For tomorrow's games,

    France Australia

    Argentina Iceland

    Peru Denmark

    Croatia Nigeria

    Well, a good mate is from Nigeria, I've always liked the Super Eagles but I don't see Nigeria bettering Croatia.

    I think Argentina will humble Iceland.

    The other two, Danes Peru draw,  France besting Australia.

    African teams still not over the hump yet. Without a doubt, great talent.




  2. Just now, perthblue02 said:

    One of those games you never want to end , actually that's a lie want Spain to score another couple more before FT and Ronaldo to be in tears at the end and throw a hissy fit

    After the way Ramos hurt that Sales fellow for Egypt who hardly ever go to the World Cup? Not me.


  3. Indeed, a fast moving game, these two teams will go on to face Portugal and Spain.

    I know players have been on the ground and such, one just went out ailing but overall, often the "lower-echelon" teams play pretty clean, just my humble opinion..... and then, the traditional powers, some at least,  seem to pull more tricks. I just like the spectacle of the WC.

  4. Morocco Iran on, I'm not partial to Morocco or anything. They keep on bidding on the World Cup and they get turned down.

    It sounds like Qatar greased the wheels and got the World Cup for next time. So, Morocco like UK, have been getting a sour deal.  We will see.


  5. I don't feel the intensity this time; but that's okay... at times, it has made me too emotional, more or less, just watching what will happen.

    We have 1 match out of the way, 2 tomorrow, if it is not against forum rules and one wants to try predictions, (just look up the It's only rock and roll Rolling Stones discussion group on the web, IORR), I'd think one could still enter, just enter for free membership and then, key this code in:   544030  , they said its okay to invite people, the more the merrier. 20-25 are entered, so not many.

    Website: https://worldcup.predictthefootball.com/minileague/join

    Again, respectfully moderators, if this is not okay per forum rules,  please delete.

    One game out of the way, so, however more are there, remember, scores are predicted as well. So Russia won, and most of the mini-league got that correct.





  6. I'm not into this World Cup as I have been in other ones. Playing "prediction games" can be found at this website:   https://www.predictthefootball.com/

    I'm looking into it and have played in it the last 2 times. It seems more simple than making other people do the work in a prediction game.  And you can make your prediction up to game time. It's pretty good. I'm probably not saying anything new here. I haven't seen a contest posted here yet, but maybe I'm missing it.

    My predictions are Germany then Spain to win the whole thing, I know I'm repeating myself. Anyway, I am going to work on perhaps getting a group together.



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