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Posts posted by Audax

  1. Quote

    Cycling keeps your immune system young, study finds

    The sport also preserves muscle and helps maintains stable levels of body fat and cholesterol

    Staff and agencies

    Thu 8 Mar 2018 11.01 EST
    Last modified on Fri 9 Mar 2018 09.37 EST

    Cycling can hold back the effects of ageing and rejuvenate the immune system, a study has found.

    Scientists carried out tests on 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79 and compared them with healthy adults from a wide age group who did not exercise regularly.

    The findings, outlined in two papers in the journal Aging Cell, showed that the cyclists preserved muscle mass and strength with age while maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol. In men, testosterone levels remained high.

    Read more at: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/mar/08/cycling-keeps-your-immune-system-young-study-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other


    How exercise in old age prevents the immune system from declining

    Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent @BBCFergusWalsh on Twitter

        8 March 2018
    (see picture at link)
    Image caption Professor Norman Lazarus, aged 82, has the immune system of a 20 year old

    Doing lots of exercise in older age can prevent the immune system from declining and protect people against infections, scientists say.

    They followed 125 long-distance cyclists, some now in their 80s, and found they had the immune systems of 20-year-olds.

    Prof Norman Lazarus, 82, of King's College London, who took part in and co-authored the research, said: "If exercise was a pill, everyone would be taking it.

    Read more at: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-43308729


    There's been a buzz about this study carried out. I'm still studying it. What's interesting, is it may not just be any cardiovascular exercise that does the trick but uniquely in these studies, cycling.

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