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Posts posted by Audax

  1. Joe Cole, beautiful bicycle kick on Saturday.


    34 and currently playing for the Tampa Bay Rowdies; maybe these fellows get long in the tooth but what a goal! What talent. This is amazing and the film clip is at the above link.

    Maybe the players slow down, fall out of favour or maybe somehow he went for a better salary, the crowd is not big, see background below but whatever it is, impressive. I know, it's more like where these players go to finish their careers.

    I think in the heyday of the NASL, North American Soccer League when people like Pele, Beckenbauer, Bobby Moore and others went to play, Tampa Bay Rowdies were a good team. Moore may have played for them in the '70s but in the meantime, most of those teams totally went under and out of business.



    Tampa Bay 3 0 Puerto Rico


  2. Back to other cycling stuff; I was at an intersection on my bicycle today and unbelievably, a car clipped a motorbike and the rider went flying, oh, only a few feet but that must have scared the beejebers out of him... really and the rider had no helmet on, his lime-coloured Kawasaki got a dent in the gas tank area, an ambulance was called, the police were there. It was a low speed incident at a stop light but still.

    I've always got my helmet on and after seeing that, it really reinforces the habit.

    It was a sudden jilt for the guy and so barring some unforeseen injury, I would think he's okay but a close call nonetheless.

    Just what one needs, one more of the gazillion threads on bike helmets on the web but what can you say?

  3. What a surprise, Georgios Samaras plays for a tiny club like Oklahoma City now; what an odd place for him to be playing at. From Man City to Celtic to West Brom to some Arab league now to OK City.

    http://uk.soccerway.com/players/georgios-samaras/2862/ And I watched some of this game. It still looks like he played for Greece this year on their national team.

    Good hearted player though, I wish him the best; he did some sort of real charitable thing I think at that World Cup in Brazil a few years ago.

  4. Aerosmith - Bright Light Fright.

    Point of info; I heard Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry collapsed on stage, is in the hospital after a heart attack.

    Another point, talking about Ray Davies as a songwriter, the '60s songs are magic; then, he continued to write good songs but some of those concept albums, "Preservation" for example didn't seem to work well and that is basically from the studios themselves, Soap Opera, Schoolboys in Disgrace are okay with me but are not high up in their works.

    Just my 2 cents.

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