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Posts posted by Audax

  1. It mentions the glass floor in I presume the tower you are talking about here , http://www.cntower.ca/en-ca/plan-your-visit/attractions/glass-floor.html

    Here you can see the views from the Auckland one. https://www.skycityauckland.co.nz/attractions/sky-tower/explore-the-sky-tower/views-from-the-tower/ which has a couple of glass panels in the floor, the angle of the windows was enough to put me off going anywhere near them, needless to say doing the walk around outside didn't appeal to me in the slightest:)

    Interesting, thanks for the info.

  2. Maybe someone here will know, I think I once read in a magazine that a skyscraper in Toronto actually has a "glass floor", I know the picture in the magazine looked down on a baseball diamond, I thought it was right over it.


    Also, a question of balance or not, it is nuts that that one acrobat does those long walks, no thanks. Why tempt fate? I guess he is well paid but it has a freak show quality on tv, you are just watching to see if he might fall. The wind too, is a danger for those people.

    Nik Wallenda: he is attached in the last photo but on some walks, there is no attachment (looks like it in the first). Anyway, I stopped watching those shows. It's disturbing to me.



  3. FBI arrests: http://www.worldsoccer.com/news/fifa-rocked-by-fbi-arrests-362137


    Jeffrey Webb: current FIFA vice-president
    Jack Warner: former FIFA vice-president
    Eduardo Li: Costa Rican federation president
    Julio Rocha: current FIFA development officer
    Costas Takkas: current attaché to the Concacaf president.
    Eugenio Figueredo: current FIFA vice-president
    Rafael Esquivel: current Conmebol executive committee member
    José Maria Marin: current member of the FIFA organising committee for the Olympic football tournaments
    Nicolás Leoz: former FIFA executive committee member and Conmebol president.

    Read more at http://www.worldsoccer.com/news/fifa-rocked-by-fbi-arrests-362137#66EtwiwGSkg6dCif.99
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