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Posts posted by Audax

  1. I looked this up and Standstills or Track Stops may have their origin in Track Velodrome Cycling, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trackstand , this is where you don't take your feet off the pedals and come to a complete standstill on the bike, see pictures.

    So I think Paul was mostly correct in the post but at the same time, with those Standstills, you don't need to pull the cleats out of the pedals. Of course, I can't claim to know what a person is thinking. I'm sure most people who use them are very comfortable with the clipless pedals.

    Also, I'd remember, clipless pedals or not, each cyclist needs to use plenty of caution. A person using regular pedals can likewise be careless. It is easy to be careless on the bike, I have been though not in a number of years... more or less.

  2. The main problem appears to be a lack of patience and/or laziness.

    Anyone on a pushbike weaving in and out of traffic as you could see in part of that footage, really needs their bloody heads looking at, especially in London, which isn't the most cycle-friendly place in the UK anyway. Some cyclists are also seriously lacking in awareness and just plain road-sense, and also will only really stop if they absolutely have to. Incredibly annoying.

    But then you see the fella in the Audi get out and lamp the cyclist, smart move that in London, with CCTV here there and everywhere.

    I think the problem boils down to lazy inconsiderate ignorant aggressive idiots who think they're special cases, regardless of what mode of transport they're using.

    Personally if I'm in London I prefer to jump in a cab or use public transport. Just seems much easier to me.

    Those shoes that click-in, clipless pedals, they are good undoubtedly to ride faster and generally better for "cadence".

    Bryan wrote: "and also will only really stop if they absolutely have to" and that's the deal about clipping in with the cleats as shown in the picture, I think a lot of Cyclists don't like to pull their cleats out of the pedals once they've got them in, rolling up to a stop, etc. That's why generally, I will always go with regular pedals, no cleats though it may not be as fast. Using the clipless pedals is a bit of an art to get use to. Anyone??


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