Me too unfortunately.
I went last year and sat downstairs, but due to ticket sales had to go upstairs this year, where I was slightly disappointed with quite a few empty seats, despite all the tickets being sold.
Maybe they didn't sell on eBay or ticketmaster, who knows!
Also if they do move it from Blackburn, we have Blackpool, and probably another North West venue, so I'm sure you would still be able to get tickets. maybe the MEN? Not sure.
As for the football shirts, when you buy the tickets, your given a letter by the PDC and the first rule is NO Football Shirts, so I wasn't suprised to hear a few people having to take theirs off, but my one gripe was that a few people where wearing Holland shirts, how that doesn't class as a football shirt I don't know!
Either way a good night, plenty of beer fit was that waitress who did the walk on before it started? Katie I think she was called!