Sort of relevant to this thread?
Some of you will recall in 2014 my dad was diagnosed prostate cancer, PSA 777, riddled with it. Given 5-7 years to live back then.
He’s still alive and kicking 10 years later (albeit losing his marbles a bit) thanks ostensibly to drugs on the ‘Stampede’ trial, at a cost of £6,000/month to the NHS (£720,000 has been spent on his cancer alone 😬 ).
The trial has now stopped, meaning he only has his remaining tablets and then falls back to ‘standard’ treatment. Turns out he was the miracle patient and so many other men haven’t actually been helped much by the trial.
Members of this site contributed nearly 1/3rd of all donations to £1200 raised when I ran the Edinburgh marathon in 2016, so I figured some people wouldn’t mind being updated.
Don’t know how long he has, but the trial means he’s seen me get married, and met his first two grandchildren (I expect he’ll meet his third, too in March). Just feels very bittersweet now that the trial (quite rightly) has to end.