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Everything posted by PeteJD13

  1. the problem is he decided to extend contracts for players not good enough no one wants smallwood/mulgrew and no one is queuing up to sign Samuel etc. The arse went out of the team and manager when we got close to the play offs again. Owners have probably looked at it and his track record in the market and thought why chuck a million at a player when its not likely to make a difference. Same old Mowbray talks it up then a few weeks/months later he changes his tune.
  2. but he wasn't when they picked him up he was managing in Belgium he said when taking over at Watford he thought his chance had gone in the PL. With what we offer and pay managers you are always going to be scraping the scrapheap pile
  3. I don't think they'll be a huge queue to renew this season either, we cant get tickets or offers out before the season ends, so its currently beyond the wit of the club to anything dynamic
  4. it is but I cannot imagine there would be a huge queue to lash 5 grand for 10 more years of dross, we'd be better focusing on smaller game packages 5 for 50 quid or something like that buy a ticket for 25 if you buy 2 and bring a friend the price goes down to 10 quid a ticket. The club needs to entice fans back that have fallen out of love with it, its not helped by the 4 bumper crowds we've had this season the games have been dross. We get a bit of interest get close to the play offs and the wheels fall off for 10 games
  5. I've sent you an email, i'll be really interested to see how the club respond to the prospectus there are some excellent ideas on there
  6. Waggott told me he came here because of Mowbray
  7. I think it will be another underwhelming window we've no cash to spend Mowbray should have cut the dross in the summer Smallwood Bell Samuel etc he didn't. I think we'll be lucky to get one or two loans in that won't cover the key areas we need re enforcement
  8. Really is a great signing that, I get the impression we don't have money this window, I think the plan was flog dack and use that money
  9. no all those promotions that would be awful wouldn't it, but he's yesterdays man no doubt.
  10. Whelan?? goodness me have you seen him for Hearts this season no thank, bring him in as a coach by all means but not in any playing capacity
  11. I always suspected this signing wasn't totally mowbrays but was told categorically from someone I trust that it was 100% TM signing not so sure myself
  12. Surely we aren't actually expecting Venkys to make a change anyway? I don't think TM is under any pressure from.
  13. I still don't really see a style or pattern of play, we are so devoid of creativity Mowbray spends half the time on the touchline with his head in his hands, yet he continually goes for triangle and square pegs in round holes. Walton has cost us numerous points it was critical we brought a senior keeper in we didn't. The midfield lacks any dynamism or creativity there's a real lack of penetration we also have no natural width. His nonsense ploy of sticking strikers wide doesn't work, Armstrong gets in some great positions but he can't pass or cross half the time so its wasted. The squad and how we play is a reflection on TM its stale lacking ambition and confuse. We are just as likely to go on a 9 match non winning run post the good run we had
  14. Problem as I see it was/is just outside the play offs two home games we expected to win, one with a bumper crowd and we served up a really poor performance coupled with Dack being seriously hurt. He's gone back to Tony Tombola with his selections and I think performances have suffered Birmingham was especially poor. We're back to being devoid of any creativity and movement. We've no way of replacing the goals Dack scores, he's scored more this season than holtby has done in years and I think more than rothwells ever scored. Rather than rolling the Tony Tombola he needs to look at how to rebalance the starting 11 to cope without Dack, if Gallagher is going to play up front put him through the middle rather than wide right, and play it to his feet with runners running off him. People moan Gallagher doesn't score he gets very little service or he's out of position for 75mins whilst we smash it long to Armstrong.
  15. I'd play Dack but Graham would be on the bench we should be able to beat Wigan without him, Birmingham and HTFC are tougher games I'd want him fresh for boxing day to expect him to play 3 games in 6 days is to much.
  16. it has gone down very well on the bury fc forum and supporters facebook page every comment is positive and say what a fantastic gesture it is, no one else has offered them anything
  17. Gallagher in for Graham would be my sole change, try to keep graham fresh for Bristol City feels like a big week 3 points or more with two very winnable home games coming up perfect time to get into the top and then strengthen unlike last season!
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