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dave birch

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Everything posted by dave birch

  1. philipl, when I hit "reply to you this is what I get......... Interesting comment there philipl. Bet that wasn't included in your google A for the coded message, there simply isn't one. Ax Neekoy say, I believe that Guus is an honourable man, he may take the job after the WC, but not before.
  2. Flops, I presume you mean "dictat". Do correct me if I'm wrong, please. I agree entirely with the rest of your post. We will be denied by the "need" to have a big team in the final.
  3. I've got the answer......... St George. He's got everything an Englishman would want in fighting on their side Honour Valour Slays dragons Has no "past" and the tabloids wouldn't dare.
  4. He also has a contract with the Football Federation of Australia that finishes after the World Cup. Now, If the the English FA want to pay that out (with suitable compensation) then it might be the case that Hiddink will become the England Manager prior to the World Cup. Until then, carry on dreaming........
  5. Wrong philipl, his contract states to a club and not to an Association. He has a contract with the FFA until after the WC.
  6. philipl, a bit of paranoia creeping in here, I think. Anyway, with a few name changes etc, you could say that about any team the Rovers have been associated with. In my time supporting the Rovers Names like Carey, Pickering, Vernon, England spring to mind. So on your thought process we should go about wanting the demise of Everton, Spurs and the like? It's part of the game. Bloody Hell, we'd be champions every year, because we'd have no one to play. It would have been a humiliation had we all wanted GS to stay, but as it was the majority, including the hierarchy at Ewood, it seems, were glad he went. That the Rovers got paid for losing him was a bonus. As for the Tax man, we all know that when he wants to test something in court, he just chooses one person/company to try and make an example of. It may be the "easiest" case, but that is not to say that it won't be a difficult one, just the easiest of a hard bunch.
  7. Sorry, FLB, Fergie was not their employer, he was their manager, yes. Their employer as was fergie's, was Manu. Most of the players would have gone through several situations where their manager had been sacked, etc etc, so that point is totally irrelevent.
  8. philipl, are you rubbing your hands with glee at the iminent demise of GS, just as Jan is? Words like "Oh boy", "Freddie did some cracking deals", "Of course, of all the football clubs around, the VAT man will have looked for the one who has made it easiest to win against- step forwards Newcastle!' Show me another club that has not had problems, including our own. Well, philipl, and jan, If I met Souness today, I'd thank him for what he did for the Rovers. I'd be more than happy to share a bottle of good red with him. OK he stuffed up towards the end, but he got us back where we (I believe) belong. Yep it went tits up shortly after, but you find me a club where a manager hasn't ballsed it up after a period of time. The "glee" of both of you makes me somewhat upset that you are Rovers supporters, relishing the problems of someone not now associated with our club. Another industry, another time, it could be you, it could be me, but then, we stay out of the volatile sector, don't we? BTW philipl, what was the "edit" that Shaddy brought to your attention? Accountants aren't noted for their errors, are they?
  9. Sorry, I hadn't realised that. We are talking about football, aren't we?
  10. I'm surprise no one picked this up. Somewhat of an overstatement philipl, don't you think? Going to war in Europe? I don't think so. I think you're getting too excited.
  11. Flopsy, (and I say that in the kindest of modes) why do you do the job that you're doing, if it worries you that others are going to cop the flack?
  12. Words in a newspaper at this stage. Watch the price rise over the next few days. Don't hold your breath til it happens.
  13. I'm going to keep my mouth shut
  14. Spencey, thanks for a more "considered" reply, certainly the "tone" was more polite (if I can use that word). In view of what we had to put up with , with Vinjay, it's understandable that people would be a bit sensitive. You opinion about Toddy is understood, but why should you be embarassed? All my Football following mates acknowledge the need for a "hard man". A role model, perhaps not, but every team needs the "hard bloke". He knows that he's not going to be the most popular guy in the team, he's going to cop more of the cards, but his mates are glad that he's there. He's the sort of bloke that puts pressure on the opposition just by going for a tackle, its what upsets the team the opposition. It's one thing that tips the balance of play towards the Rovers. OK, I know I'm going to get flack from others................. helmet on Le C, I couldn't care less what has happened in the past, it's what he's doing at Ewood. Theno's reply sorted that bit, didn't it?
  15. There are those that have obsessions, there are those that hate the drummer, there are those that hate Bert..... but I can't think of anyone more obsessed than those that keep banging on about GS. For ###### sake, you all bailed up vinjay for his one man band, yet you all continue along this line. GUYS, Souness is gone, has been for a while Leave it for the geordies to cry in their Newcastle Brown, will you. All you do is keep banging the same drucking fum.
  16. OK, Spencey, I'll bite. You come on here and your first posts bang on about what a jerk Todd is and that he shouldn't be the Rovers captain. You don't ask what our opinion is, and the tenor of you post seems to be that we should all agree with you without question. All subsequent posts bang on about the same topic, in an agressive style, and you wonder why people have a pop at you. Before you proceed with further posts, have a read of the posting guidelines. Follow them and it may illicit a better response from fellow board members. As for Vinjay, he kept on banging the same drum until everyone got fed up, but you may already know that. So far, you appear to be going down the same track.
  17. Are we sure that this isn't "Vinjay" under another guise with a different agenda?
  18. I find this thread most interesting. Not because of the subject matter, but because of the political leanings of those proposing and opposing the ID card. In Britain, you have a Labour Government doing the proposing and the Tories opposing it. We, in Australia, had a Labor Prime Minister (Bob Hawke) trying to bring in a similar card in the 90's and the then Liberal (read Tory) opposition being vehemently against it. Now, the present Liberal government wants to introduce an ID card, I'm not sure where the Labor Party currently stands on the issue. So, we have our Liberals doing a 180 degree turn on this issue, and guess what, it's going to cost us.
  19. JBN, think about it, there are lots of Britsh people living abroad, each one, potentially, has an NI number. A lot of them will also have died without any notification to any British Government authority. So the figures you quote aren't out of the ordinary, it's just that no one has kept track of them.
  20. Surf's not up then hawaii? He's not a Rover any more, he's on the other side, he's got to lose, hasn't he. Best of luck, Matt, but not against the Rovers.
  21. Listening to five live, I'm hard pressed to hear who the Mancs are playing!
  22. Neekoy, that's why we have our little Sydney "do's" at the Lord Nelson. It has its own Brewery
  23. Neekoy, Begone, get behind me satan. Watney's Red Barrel, starts stalled engines, cleans boat bilges, opens blocked sewers. My Christmas tipple this year is James Squire's Pilsener (an exquisite drop), with the odd Corona. For those down under that haven't tried it, get your hands on Cooper's Vintage, strong strong ale, it keeps for years and will set you back about $90.00 per slab. The last pub I went into before leaving for these sunny shores, was the Corporation (my last pub crawl in Blackburn), Is it still there? Used to enjoy the Royal Oak at Riley Green(?) and a pub on the road out of Blackburn past Queens Park Hospital.
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